Spare Tire Major League

v1 Chapter 868: Evil flower

  The Sukhbaatar Expeditionary Fleet successfully entered the border military planetary base, and immediately the entourage engineers launched an investigation. At the same time, all the ship's mothers also gathered on the warship to alert them.

Sukhbaatar is a stupid girl with no heart and no lungs. Odin looks more reliable, but her mind is not sound enough, she can't guess the truth about the disappearance of the Sailon Schipper fleet. It wasn’t the other light ship dams, but Kirov, a light cruiser dam who wrapped herself tightly in a military green military uniform and a white snow jacket.

  As the ship's huge ship is no longer needed as a parking space after the ship's huge ship is transformed, most of the military ship's ship's apron is abandoned, and only some are used to lift other types of ships.

  N star field border military planets have low surface temperatures, and a large amount of water vapor generated in the ecosphere condenses into thick frost and snow at low temperatures, covering the unmanned shipyard.

   When the ship ladies walked on it, the snow had not passed their ankles. They did not fear this degree of severe cold. Instead, the bear children headed by Suherbato fought a snowball fight.

Odin had a harpoon and had to teach Suherbato to be a man. The technical content of her harpoon is actually not worse than that of Yue Zhong’s alloy spear, but it’s not that she wants to penetrate Suherbato’s armor Probably, only once Odin said that it was not the harpoon but the legendary sharpshooter Gungnir that could break all defenses and must hit the target, so that Sukhbaatar was shocked. Since then, I was afraid that Odin would take a harpoon and open a hole in himself, which would be too detrimental to the majesty of Lord Sukhbaatar.

Kirov clapped his hands to stop these little guys from fooling around. Although she was only a light cruiser, her temperament as a big sister was still very convincing. When Odin and Suhrbato were both little girls Surrounding himself, Kirov frowned and said, "Now it's not time for you to play around, the engineers are all alert before they find the problem."

"Kirov, you are a veteran of our S star domain, do you have any thoughts on the disappearance of the Selron Schpep fleet?" Odin's little master's school, holding his harpoon and leaning his head. Ask Kirov.

Kirov shook his head and said: "The Abyssal Fleet is not even understood by the Commander-in-Chief. I naturally do not know about it. I just heard that the last time Tilbitz had been alone and deeply damaged the origin of the Abyssal Admiral. The possibility for them to do so is that the people in the base also disappeared together but they cannot explain it."

When the warships were at a loss, an engineer hurriedly ran: "Reported that a black cat was found in the base. Its mood is very unstable now. When we see people, we spread it to grab and bite. We used a muscle hardening gun. Subdue it."

   "Black cat? Isn't it Oscar!" Sukhbaatar's eyes lit up, and the children had no resistance to the stuffed animals, "Hurry and bring it over."

Engineers still let people bring the Oscar in the iron cage to the ship's mother, you can see its stiff body lying inside, the eyes of the vertical pupil still show a fierce look, but this kind of eyes see the ship The lady changed afterwards, looking a little wronged and scared, and finally even watery tears shed.

   "What the **** happened, everyone and the ship's mother disappeared and this cat was left behind. Isn't this border defense planet haunted?" Kirov said with a fist on his palm.

   Sukhbaatar was taken aback, and looked into the small eyes in the arms of his trust, and said: "Is there a ghost? Where is it, I, I am not afraid!"

  'S small face of trust was very serious, and he reached out and rubbed on Sukhbaatar's head: "It's just an analogy."

   "Haha, of course I know!" Sukhbaatar laughed twice, but still did not leave the arms of trust.

   "Can you find the monitoring records and base operation logs at that time?" Odin asked as if he thought of something.

The engineer bitterly said: "All the systems at the base are intact, but all the data in this area has been destroyed. We tried to repair them, but found that those storage elements were destroyed by special means... It seems that it is possible to lose the physical characteristics and not repair it. ."

The word "Abyss!" is as terrible as the plague at the moment. Its arrival has caused hundreds of billions of people to flee their homes to become refugees on a large scale. Dozens of heroes who fought bravely are also fighting against it forever. Lost their lives, hidden behind these important battle damages, and millions of ordinary soldiers. Anyone who hears the word abyss can't help but feel a sense of coolness.

"Only the remains of the battlefields of the outer universe contain only the remains of human destroyers and submarine warships. Bismarck and Tilbitz must have repulsed the abyss. Why should there be marks of the abyss in the well-protected base?" Logically this doesn't make sense at all. Kirov looked at the engineer and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure? If you dare to find a reason to lie to us, military law will not be tolerated."

"I guarantee everything is true with my life." If the engineer naturally didn't need to look at the ship's face before, but now the times have changed. More and more ship's ships have obtained the rank and held the position of chief commander. Now If Kirov wanted to kill him, he didn't even need to find a reason.

   Oscar's head in the cage was slightly swaying, and the effect of the muscle hardening gun was gradually disappearing. It made a slight scream while kowtowing his head with his chin, as if giving a hint to the ship's mother.

  Kirov, who replaced Sukhbaatar to preside over the big picture, was unclear, but I found something strange because of my instinct for danger.

She feels a little itchy on her feet, like being disturbed by dog ​​tail grass. Although the ship's mother seems to be unprotected on most parts of her is actually tightly protected by the armor collapsed to the extreme If they are unwilling, no one can touch their bodies without destroying the armor.

   "Melting the snow off the ground!" shouted with a change of trust.

The ship girls knew that this usually quiet girl wouldn’t be fooling around. Kirov didn’t say anything about taking engineers to fly in the base building. Others also started the ship’s engines, and the tail flames from the feet formed a gathering place. The thermal energy melts all the thick snow.

   Layers of snow water diffused around, reflecting the shimmer on the steel surface of the shipyard. After losing the cover of the snow layer, the whole picture of the shipyard finally appeared in front of the ship mothers.

   It is an endless black sea of ​​flowers, which grows on the steel and exudes a rich abyss breath. No matter how the tail flame of the ship’s engine burns, it is not affected at all, but it is slightly swayed under the flow of water.

A plant on her foot happened to be on her feet. She bowed her head and tried to pull it up. The black flowers were exhausted but she didn’t move. You must know that she was the ship’s mother. With her power, she couldn’t seem to be weak. The small flower is pulled out, which is an extremely strange event in itself.

   didn't wait for trust to say anything, and there were countless familiar voices in her mind. Those voices had already left her, but the trust was remembered one by one.

The voices of the companions who were once driven by the six-wheel drive and the voices of the companions who fought side by side but died in battle, they laughed and ridiculed, as if questioning why they trusted to leave J Star Domain, why they all died and trusted yet Alive.

   is like the darkest and deepest sin in human nature, completely selfish regardless of facts and reasons, and constantly accusing and swearing, to thoroughly pollute and even destroy the trusting soul.