Spirit Sword Sovereign

Chapter 2432: old

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Among those watching the great ape officials and soldiers wanted to come.

These 10,000 death row prisoners, like the previous death row prisoners, will soon be tortured to death by Shui Qianyue.

But what everyone expected was that those 10,000 death row prisoners did not die!

Not only did he not die, but with the passage of time, the body of the 10,000 death row prisoners became stronger day by day.

The strength of each death row is also increasing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

Normally, the strength of a person cannot be seen with the naked eye.

But these 10,000 death row prisoners are different. Their strength is really improving at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye.

The reason it can be seen with the naked eye is because their original shrivelled, thin, bamboo-like body quickly condensed layers of muscles.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the muscles of the death row of these great ape races are still rapidly expanding and becoming larger!

You don't need to feel it yourself, just look at it with your eyes, you can fully feel their terrifying power and destructive power in their strong muscles!

Moreover, the equipment used by these 10,000 dead prisoners to exercise is changing rapidly.

What is visible to the naked eye is that the volume of those black stone locks and black stone disks is also increasing.

Just as Water Qianyue's continuous testing and continuous experiments, while gaining a lot ...

On the other side, in the Aquila jungle where the Aquila tribe gathers ...

Hu Li is crouching next to a young eagle that has been frozen in the snow and may be frozen at any time.

From a glance, this little eagle, just as a teenager, has gray-black feathers that look dirty and worn, as if it were a piece of torn clothing that had been abandoned for hundreds of years.

At this moment, this young eagle ... weakly creeping beside a rock, his pair of wings, as well as the feathers on the wings, had been frozen on the ground by the ice.

Weak and prostrate in the ice and snow, although the young eagle is not yet dead, but it is only a line away from death.

Hu Li knew that she could now turn around and walk away, when she had never seen anything.

But the kind-hearted Hu Li can't do anything but be indifferent.

Hu Li knew that once she stood up and turned away from here, there would be dozens of breaths at least, and hundreds of breaths at most. This young eagle will be completely frozen to death here.

Hu Li does not have any fire spells, so ... can only bend down and use his own hands to dig the young eagle out of the snow.

Fortunately, Hu Li has been practicing hard for so many years, so ... even though the ice and snow are very cold, although her little pink and white hands were frozen and red, they were not frostbitten.

Although, as a senior monk, it is not so easy to get frostbite.

However, it is important to know that this is not the true spirit world, and the snow and ice here is far colder than the true spirit world!

Finally, with the help of Hu Li, the young eagle was rescued.

However, his gray-black, seemingly shabby feathers, had been frozen in the ice, and completely fell off ...

The so-called phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken.

This feathered eagle is actually not much better.

Not to be dirty, Hu Li gently embraced the young eagle into her arms, and used her warm arms to warm the young eagle.

At the same time, Hu Li speeded up her pace and hurried back to her residence.

All the way back to the house, Hu Li took the hot water, put the young eagle in it, and washed it carefully.

Because the frostbite was too severe, the skin of the young eagle had cracked and ulcerated.

During the bath, the feathers of the young eagle fell off.

Even, in many parts of the skin, along with Hu Li's scrubbing, it was easily rubbed off, exposing the **** flesh under the skin ...

Looking at the poor, dying young eagle, Hu Li couldn't help crying.

Poor, this young eagle is really too pitiful.

Hu Li couldn't understand why his parents were so cruel?

In the basin ...

Looking at the tearful face, Hu Li's expression, and the eyes of the young eagle, also quickly filled with tears.

This young eagle is not actually ten years old this year. In fact ... he is less than one year old.

Not long after his birth, his parents died in a hunting battle.

In the first few months, due to the good weather, the young eagle can also search for some small bugs and grasshoppers in the jungle.

But as the weather gets colder every day, those little bugs and little grasshoppers have already entered hibernation.

However, this is nothing. Although being a carnivorous animal, in order to fill up the belly, the young eagles began to feed on the seeds of various weeds and struggled to survive.

This shaking, another few months passed ...

Finally, with the advent of the cold winter and the arrival of the first heavy snow, all the weeds were buried by the heavy snow.

After being hungry for more than a week, the eagle hungry to the limit, had to brave the bitter cold wind, and went out to find food.

Little bugs and little grasshoppers, that's absolutely no need to think about it.

The only thing the young eagle can do is to clear the ice and snow and search for the grass seeds of weeds.

It is a pity that the little eagle is too weak. After pulling it for a long time, it is difficult to pull the snow away, but it is found that the snow cover is just a blue stone slab.

Tired, hungry, and exhausted, and with this violent blow, the little young eagle only felt black in front of her eyes, and she knew nothing ...

When he woke up again, the little young eagle desperately discovered that his wings, legs, and even the entire body were frozen in the ice.

The young eagle also tried to struggle, but he had been in a coma for too long, and he was too frozen.

No matter how hard he struggled, the ice didn't shake at all.

Gradually, the young eagle gave up the struggle, he knew ... death was approaching step by step.

But ... just when the little eagle was completely desperate, a beautiful shadow came over from a distance.

Originally, that beautiful Qianying was just passing by.

But seeing that beautiful lightness passed by, the young eagle rose up with the last trace of strength and wriggled violently ...

Although, even with all his strength, the young eagle only made a small noise.

But it is clear that the beautiful Qianying, the strength is still very good, even heard it.

Watching that beautiful Qianying came over and squatted beside herself, it was difficult for the young eagle to show her pleading eyes.

The young eagle has exhausted all his strength, and he can't move except his eyes.

Finally, in the begging eyes of the young eagle, the beautiful Qianying stooped down and stretched out the pink and white jade hand, not to be dirty, not afraid of tiredness, and even ignoring the coldness of the snow, dug him out.

The young eagle knew that he was badly injured, and all his feathers fell off, and his whole body was as painful as a knife cut.

Even if he was saved this time, he could not survive.

The cold winter has come, and if there is no food, even if it does not die this time, it will be starved to death.

Therefore, if he wants to continue to live, he can only hope that this beautiful fairy can adopt himself.

Originally, the little young eagle thought that this was just his own delusion. However, when the little young eagle saw the beautiful fairy and shed tears for him, he knew ... he had a chance.