Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 1152: Long life anyway

  Chapter 1152 Long life anyway

With hot and sour pats of cucumbers, soft steamed eggplants, and crispy chicken wings, he ate a large portion of fried rice with egg yolks. After no one grain of rice was left, he was about to wipe with a paper towel. Mouth, handed over a bowl of tofu soup with vegetables.

  "Drink the soup too!"


  After taking the bowl, he drank the soup slowly, and he sighed contentedly because of the right amount of fullness in his stomach.


  Simply smile, “It’s time to sleep if you’re full and drinking enough.”

Lu Jinxiu saw that she was so serious and didn't seem to be joking. He smiled and got up and came to her and gave her a hug. "I can't sleep. I have a meeting at 8:30. Are you going back to Jian’s house or looking for Uncle Tang? them?"

   "Look for Uncle Tang and them."

  In a nutshell, he hooked his neck, humming and acting like a baby, "I blame you, I'll find something for me."

The scent of   rulan mixed with the sweet and sweet smell of honey filled his nose. Lu Jinxiu's eyes were dark, and before he had time to think about it, he listened to her, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

   "State banquet, I feel scalp numb after thinking about it. It is not one table or two tables, but at least more than ten or twenty tables..."

  She poked his chest with her slender fingers. She still didn't feel relieved after thinking about it. She simply squeezed his face and hummed, "I don't care, you have to make up for me after the state banquet is over."

   "Okay, you can make up whatever you want me to make, as long as you are happy."

Grabbing the little hand on her face and holding it, Lu Jinxiu squinted slightly and kissed her between her eyebrows. He said slowly, "Those who are able do more for your daughter-in-law. After this time, you will try to bring out a few apprentices who can be the chef of the state banquet. You will be relaxed in the future."

  "After we leave, the Empire doesn’t have to worry about the chef who hasn’t taken a shot before holding a state banquet."

  As he said, in the eyes of the brief ‘how do you think so far’, the corners of his lips curled up with joy, "Daughter-in-law, a few years have passed before you dazzle, you have to hurry up."

   "After the state banquet is over, we have one more thing to hurry up and take care of."

  Blinked briefly, "What's the matter?"

  "Parent's Employment Certificate!"

  In short, "···"

  In short, she felt a headache when she mentioned her parents’ post card. She wailed and slammed her head against him, “Can you not take the exam? My sister-in-law mentioned the parent’s post card and I can’t wait to cry.

  The eldest brother and sister-in-law have been taking the exam for a parent’s employment certificate for many years, and they will be stuck in a certain test every year.

  If she goes to take the test, it is very likely that she will not be able to pass a level.

  The key is that the parents’ employment certificate cannot be used as a reference to learn from the experience of the past, which is very hopeless.

  Lu Jinxiu laughed, but tenderly kissed her eyes.

   "Don't be afraid, it's not that difficult to take the test."

  He sighed in a low voice, “Big brother and sister-in-law can’t pass the exam. It’s not that they are stupid, but that they are too busy at work. They really can’t get rid of their whole body and devotion to the exam, so they get stuck at a certain level again and again.”

   "In addition, their willingness to have children is not very strong, mainly because they are still young, and they are full of careers."

   "We are different. We have to have a baby before we officially leave the cyclone galaxy, or do you want to be pregnant on a long-distance travel adventure?"

  Simply kicked his legs and said lazily, "Then we can also wait for the travel and expedition to come back to regenerate, not afraid."

   "Long life anyway!"

  Lu Jinxiu laughed lightly.

   "Okay, I listen to you, so I won't take the exam."

  (End of this chapter)