Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 1170: Not expected

   Chapter 1170

  Speaking of Xuesha, before Xueyuan could speak, Wiesen sighed, “That girl is so good-looking. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her.”

  Speaking, he sighed in a rather melancholy state, "It's just that she doesn't look down on me, so she stares at your home Lu with all her heart."

  Shelley smiled, “You don’t look like Lu to meet our family’s aesthetics.”

  Simply glanced at Weisen, and smiled, "Speaking of Weisen, do you have a partner now?"

   "No, do you want to introduce me?"

  Vison smiled and looked at Jian Yan, before waiting for her to answer, he talked about his requirements for his future wife, "I am not demanding, just as good as you are."

   "I need to know how to cook, so it’s about the same level as you."

  Speaking, he asked Briefly, "Jane, do you have a suitable one?"

"I also want a wife like this. I heard that because of your existence, the imperial girls can cook. All of them have good cooking skills, Jane, you can't favor one another. Everyone is a friend. Please also introduce me. One!" Carlisle looked at Jian Yan expectantly, and the emotional transmitter that stood upright like an antenna turned pink.

  This is the color of the Katamosen people to express their shy emotions.

  Simply smile, "Where did you hear the news?"

  All of them have good cooking skills. This is a lie to aliens, but the fact is that most of the imperial women are unwilling to deal with the kitchen.

  Moreover, now there are natural restaurants, milk tea shops, dessert shops everywhere, and there are countless snacks and fast food products of various flavors in online and offline shopping malls.

  There are also duck neck shops, pig hand shops, hand cake shops, scallion cake shops and other snack shops that specialize in scraps of various flavors on each street.

  With so much food, where does the empire’s women need to cook.

  Shelley and the others were a little confused, but Xueyuan responded quickly. She was stunned, "People in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs say this, and netizens in your country also say the same on the Star Network, isn't it?"

  In a nutshell, she probably understood what was going on. She didn't know why the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dazzled them because of their mentality.

  But Empire Internet users on Starnet said that Empire women all have good cooking skills. This is definitely a bragging about quarreling with others and losing.

  It is commonly known as having a lot of fun.

  Anyway, the distance between civilization and civilization is so far that it is impossible for Shelley and the others to come to the empire to verify the authenticity, but they can blow it whatever they want.

  She took a sip from the teacup and chuckled, “You are wrong. Imperial women’s cooking skills are many, but not as many as you think.”

   "You have to find someone according to my standards. I am not self-respectful, and I have no hope."

  Rongyin's mind turned quickly, and his eyes swept away, and he saw Weisen and the others thoughtful, couldn't help but smile and look at Jian Yan, "I'm not as greedy as they are, so I can cook!"

  Simply glanced at him, then snorted, "Why didn't you learn to cook?"

As she said, she took out a stack of recipes from the system warehouse and put them on the table, speaking slowly, "Our imperial women are not cooks. You want to find an imperial woman who can cook. First of all, you must Can."

   "Two people cook together. That's fun, and one person squats in the kitchen every day to cook three meals a day. That's called cooking man and cooking woman."

   "Trust me, no one wants to squat in the kitchen every day and cook three meals a day, except for someone like me who takes a job as a cook."

  (End of this chapter)