Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 1213: Incompetent rage

   Chapter 1213

  Speaking of this, he looked at the brief words, “You also received inquiries back then, that is, every time you ask, your answer is the same. You don’t want to join a new family, and would rather squat in the orphanage and be bullied by the children inside.”

  Simply patted him, and said, "If you explain it, explain it, and it's up to me to do what you do."

  She has no memory of the original brief words.

  Lu Jinxiu, "···"

  Uh, he forgot that the words are not the same short words as before.

  "My fault, my fault, I am not angry!" Attentively pecked her on the face, and he smiled flatteringly.

  In short, naturally, she would not be angry with him for this. She smiled and pinched him, and then told Dad Rabbit and the others, “Don’t worry, I will definitely get the certificate next time.”

  She is so self-confident, what can Dad Rabbit and the others say, they can only smile and nod to indicate that you can, we believe in you.

  It's Fu Dudou, still wondering why he can't beat the bastard.

  Know that their orcs, cubs are all grown up by being taught.

  An Zai is an exception.

  There are too many people guarding him.

  Yingchun slapped him at the sound, "You still have a face to compare to Anzai, how good Anzai is!"

  Little paw holds a watermelon and dumpling Yaoyao. Take a bite. My brother (sister), An Zai, raised her dirty little face, and said loudly, "Yes, An Zai behaved!"

   "Where are you good?" Felida asked.

  An Zai has a small chest, and said seriously, "Everything is good."

   "Which is what's in your mouth?" Yinyue asked with a smile.

  An Zai thought for a while and gave an accurate answer, "All over."

  This is really a clever kid, indeed better than they were when they were young.

  "Uncles, aunts, and aunts, why were you not behaved when you were young?" An Zai was a little boy who refused to suffer. After answering the questions, he immediately launched a powerful counterattack.

  Daddy Rabbit, they denied it expressionlessly, "We didn't, we were very good when we were young!"


  An Zai didn’t believe it, and said little mouth loudly, “I have heard what Yingchun Grandpa said, Mom, Dad, and you were not good when you were young, so Grandpa has to beat you five times a day to be good!"

  Sure enough, Grandpa Xiao Mozu was right. Adults are all hypocritical creatures, and they want to face all their lies.

   "Yes, lie!" Yaoyao responded like a worm, showing her presence, and continued to immerse herself in the competition with the watermelon. She still yelled about the dumplings, you eat slowly.

The answer of   Dumplings is that they eat faster.

   Suddenly, because the watermelon turned from a good friend to an enemy, a bunch of **** started to eat incompatible with each other.

  Daddy Rabbit, they ignored the quarrel between Yaoyao and Tuanzi. Instead, Qi Qi looked at Yingchun Xiaomo and Rose with resentful eyes. What did you say in front of the two cubs all day long.

   Give them some face, don’t dig into history, okay?

  The three big bosses said nothing, holding their tea cups and drinking tea intently.

  An Zai took two bites, and then asked Grandpa Rabbit, "Grandpa, did your father hurt?"

   "It hurts!"

  Grandpa Rabbit said affirmatively, "It's so terrible."

   "It hurts so much!" An Zai said with emotion, "Fortunately, An Zai, you don't need to be beaten!"

  No, you are really not good at all!

  We want to get fat and beat you countless times, you just have too many people who are good to protect you!

  The father of the rabbit who was beaten up from childhood to adulthood was incompetent and furious. Seeing that the little boy who had joined the watermelon grabbing battle was so angry that his paws were itchy.

  However, they can’t move their claws even if it itches. They really don’t want to be hung up and beaten in front of the juniors when they are older.

  (End of this chapter)