Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 453: Lead by example

  Chapter 453 Leading by Example

   "How about here?"

  Simply glanced roughly, nodded, "It's barely enough."

As she said, she took the boxes out of the system warehouse one by one, “These boxes are all space-folding boxes. I don’t recommend taking them out before you prepare the bookshelves, because there are so many books and documents. NS."

  "Space folding box?" This is the equipment used by the expeditionary army to carry heavy weapons. It is only used in the military. It is several grades higher than the fresh-keeping boxes that use folding technology on the market.

  The space is also much larger.

  Now use it to install books and documents···

   Minister Zhou immediately asked him to open a box and take the books out. After a while, the meeting table was filled with books. Seeing his colleagues were still taking them out of the box, he hurriedly called to stop.

  Too many, more than he imagined.

  As early as the moment they knew the news, they started to prepare for this day, but when it came to this day, they realized that they were still insufficiently prepared.

   Counted the boxes that the brief had taken out, he was excited and anxiously asked, "Are there any more?"

   "A few more." As she said, she brought out six more boxes.

   Immediately, she patted the box and said, "Director Zhou, everything is here. Do you need to check it?"

"No!" He thought about inspecting the product only when his mind was flooded. The expeditionary army marshal greeted him personally. The president was registered. Even the rare equipment of the space folding box was used to store documents. What could he not worry about? of.

  Looking at the quaint books on the desk with the traces of the years, and then at the space folding boxes stacked on top of each other, Minister Zhou and the others are happy.

"Miss Jian, thank you so much. Thank you for bringing these documents back all the way!" Excitedly stretched out his hand to Jianyan, and when she held it up, Minister Zhou immediately shook his hand and shook his mouth continuously. thanks.

  In short, I can tell that this is a group of academics who are less good at communication than her. Apart from thanking them for expressing their feelings, they really don’t know what to say to her.

  A very cute and pure group of people.

   bends the corners of her lips, she jokingly said, "Thank you for the two characters? Don't you invite me to dinner or something? Minister Zhou, you are so insincere."

  It seems, that’s right.

   Minister Zhou was taken aback, and said, "But you are a chef yourself."

  The implication is that you are a chef, and you still need them to invite them to dinner?

  In short, I don’t know how Minister Zhou’s logical relationship came about. She smiled, “Then no one stipulates that I am a cook and cannot accept other people’s treats for dinner, right?!”

   "That's right, but your cooking skills are so good."

   Blinking, Minister Zhou said sincerely, “Miss Jian, it’s not that I’m stingy, it’s really the natural food of the empire.

  Even if I am willing to invite you to dinner, I guess you will not be able to enter it. "

   "Is there such an exaggeration?"

   "It's so exaggerated!"

  Speaking of natural foods, Minister Zhou looked weird and said, “Before you appeared, we thought natural foods were quite delicious, even boiled vegetables, compared with nutrient solutions, are supremely delicious.

  Since watching your live broadcast, we have discovered that we used to eat pig food. "

  Speaking, he was enthusiastic to give Jian Yan an idea, "Ms. Jian, I will not invite dinner!

  Be aware that waste is shameful!

  As the leader of a film, I can lead by example! "

  Wasting money is small, but wasting food is shameful.

  (End of this chapter)