Star Emperor Tyrant

v1 Chapter 267: Loyalty

In the corner of the hotel, the Eighth Merry was drinking alone.

Looking at the heroic and dry Ji Min on the big screen, the eighth romantic heart felt bitter. He had met Ji Min at the first time. Ji Min left a deep impression on him. He admired this empire much younger than him. monarch.

After that, Ji Min tried his best to fight. Although the Eighth Merry did not agree to fight to the death without knowing the specific information of the Zerg, in the following time, it gradually proved that Ji Min's decision was feasible and correct.

When the Danube Alliance and the robots grew up with the support of various forces, they suppressed the Zerg. It can be seen that Ji Min’s original analysis was correct. The Zerg’s power was limited. If humans were united and killed the Zerg, now the Zerg’s crisis Has been eliminated.

Moreover, the Eighth Merry has a deeper concern. Humans support the Danube Alliance and the growth of the robot force. It is good to maintain the current situation. In the future, whether it is the Zerg destroying robots and the Danube Alliance, or the Zerg being destroyed by the robots and Danube. When the alliance is destroyed, mankind is bound to have a catastrophe.

"Zergs are wise"

Ji Min’s words have been ringing in his mind for this period of time. He is not someone who easily believes what other people say. For this reason, he mobilized all the information sent back from the front line and analyzed the entire front line battlefield, the actions of the Zerg, Donau. The actions of the alliance, the actions of the robots.

After a lot of analysis, he discovered a problem, that is, the actions of the Zerg are indeed not like unconscious actions. They have a routine, that is, the division of labor is clear, and the weakest insect is the first to charge.

On the contrary, the powerful insects are responsible for grabbing food in the back. Wherever the insects have stayed, trees, water, animals, and all other creatures are swallowed up.

The Eighth Merry has reacted to the tricks, but the tricks think that this is just the division of labor within the bugs, like bees and ants, but just biological instincts.

However, the Eighth Merry confirmed that this was a Zerg's strength preservation tactic. The cannon fodder sent to death was the most garbage and the weakest insects, while the powerful insects drew back to eat desperately to preserve their strength.

Maybe this is just the insect's tactics to show the enemy's weakness, and the Eighth Merry is not sure.

Therefore, the Eighth Merry strongly disagrees with the Earth Federation joining the Juji Alliance at this moment.

He believes that all forces at this moment should strive to develop themselves and deal with any crisis that may arise. He became more and more convinced that there are more races in the universe that Ji Min said. If human beings keep fighting, it will never be a good result.

The Double Heaven Empire is not bordered by the Earth Federation. To attack the Double Heaven Empire, the Earth Federation must pass through the Gems Star Region. If the Earth Federation lays down the double heaven empire, the Earth Federation will not take advantage of it. Instead, it will let the Gems Star Region. And the strength of the forces in the Lanhua Star Region has greatly increased, which is a very unwise decision.

The Eighth Merry knew clearly that no matter what problems humans might have in the future, Ji Min would definitely stand on the side of humans and give his best, as if he had to support the Zerg frontline regardless of his own development.

However, organizations such as Ligong and Dawa are all selfish organizations. They are far less reliable than Ji Min at the critical moment. The Eighth Romance is willing to be strong in the Second Heaven Empire, and is unwilling to be strong in the King of Li and the Viper. Their strength is not The blessing of mankind, but the curse of mankind.

But although he made suggestions, but this time, for some reason, his old boss, the president, and the chairman of the speaker are extremely unified, ignoring his suggestions and directly joining the Zhuji League.

No one among the top ten army commanders supports his opinion. Among them, the iron mad analyzed a lot of reasons and believed that he should go to war. He was still the first time and was willing to be a vanguard to attack the second heaven empire.

This made him very sad. He didn't have many friends in his life. One was a respected old boss, and the other was Iron Madness. Iron Madness and him have been friends for many years. They used to be called the right-hand man. The two strongest generals of the Earth Federation still disagree with each other, as if they are old-fashioned.

The admonitions that Xifei gave to him made him feel inexplicably sad, as if overnight, he had become the same as he was many years ago, a lonely family.

Originally, he was the best candidate for the expedition and was idled because of his suggestion this time. Only then did he have the moment to drink sullen wine at this moment.

Suddenly, he remembered what Ji Min had reminded him last time, "You have to be careful of iron madness."

"What happened to the Iron Mania recently seems to be getting more and more interested in participating in politics. Before, he didn't bother to think about anything, but focused on fighting. When did he start to learn to analyze the situation? Ji Min asked me to be careful of the Iron Mania. What is it? "The Eighth Merry whispered.

"Hey Brother Merry is also here"

The Eighth Wind Liu turned his head and looked at it. It turned out to be Zhao Longen, who was left on Earth by Ji Min as the diplomatic envoy responsible for the Alliance Assembly in the Second Heaven.

"It's okay, come over and drink." The Eighth Merry got up and moved Zhao Longen into the seat.

Zhao Longen was not polite, and sat down directly. They were old acquaintances, and they were in charge of receiving Ji Min together last time, so they were naturally well-informed people.

"Brother Fengliu, why are you drinking boring wine here alone, the situation is so tense now, the war is about to start, you, the first general in the Federation, are drinking boring wine here, there is a story in it," Zhao Longen laughed.

"What's the story, aren't you still drinking here at such a tense moment in the Second Heaven Empire?" The Eighth Merry also followed with a smile.

"Well, I can't tell you, you are the number one wise general in the federation. I don't want to say anything. I'm here to eat my hometown food for the last time, and then leave the earth." Zhao Longen said calmly.

"You are leaving" the Eighth Merry asked in surprise.

"Well, the first half of my life was in vain. Now I have found my way. I finally do meaningful things every day. I am happy. After this meal, I plan to go back to the Second Heaven Empire. After all, the Human Alliance is dead in name. , Especially as the diplomatic ambassador of the Second Heaven Empire to Earth, it is useless for me to stay. It’s just that I left suddenly and felt a little bit reluctant for my hometown. I don’t know if I will have such a strong taste of hometown in the future, UU I read but I don’t regret it"

Zhao Longen's face was indifferent, but the three words "no regrets" were a cut of gold and iron, revealing his firm intentions.

The Eighth Merry originally wanted to persuade, but at this moment, she can’t say anything. Persuading to stay will only increase disrespect for Zhao Longen. Everyone knows that officials who return to the Second Heaven will be in danger now, but Zhao Longen’s righteousness is not hesitating. The eighth Merry is admired. He was a little envious of Zhao Longen at this moment. It is a blessing to be able to find one thing that he can dedicate all his life for a person who lives a lifetime.

I have fought for the federation until I am old or dedicated my life to report on the promotion of the director general. But if one day, the federation and the general director do things different from my own ideas, where will I go?

The Eighth Merry keeps asking herself in her heart, but it is difficult to have an answer

"It's rare for a good person to be alive and to have an understanding of thoughts. Brother Zhao's look today is much more than in the past. Today's meal I ask, it is my toast to Brother Zhao's loyalty and courage to Brother Zhao."

"Well, our brothers are the masters, but the love is always going on."
