Star Emperor Tyrant

v1 Chapter 461: Genocide

And until the fifth item was auctioned off, everyone's attention had been distracted, and the Xuhui who was sitting beside Ji Min excitedly complimented Ji Min.

And Ji Min naturally greeted him and went back. It could be seen that the virtual return was very excited. It was beyond his expectation to be able to buy this star field map. Apart from the 33 million demon coins he supported, Ji Min also took out For 54 million demon coins, this made him very impressed with Ji Min.

He didn't worry about Ji Min taking it alone, but the money was in his body. When the time comes to pay the money together, he can naturally divide it clearly in front of the people in the Star Palace.

He has already thought about it after he goes back to work well and make a good fortune. This sum of money is enough for his entire life. Whether he lives in the monster monster star life or returns to his own race, he can live a good life. Days,

The sixth item was larger than the fifth item, and as the three masters opened the cover, a living thing appeared.

A "person" is said to be a human because it is clearly an intelligent race and a primate of the humanoid race.

I saw that this man was wearing very gorgeous clothes, except that he had four arms. The others were almost identical to human beings. He also had a golden crown on his head. It was obvious that his identity was extraordinary.

"This is the emperor of the Shui Clan. I believe that this is the first time everyone has heard of this race. Yes, they have not appeared in the Monster Vendor Star, but a race encountered them during expansion and conquered them. , And brought them to the Monster Vendor Star for auction. Whoever can buy him, then his aquarium will be his slave race in the future. There are about 30 million aquarium people who have been sent along with him. Everyone has already We planted the chip to guarantee that there will be no rebellion."

"Three Venerables, we know all of these, you still talk about their usefulness, don't tell us that they can only do labor, I don't want to have so many mouths, and because of his body shape, the aquatic woman probably only The people from the Royal God Race just saw it, hahaha" one of them laughed and interrupted the three sages and shouted.


"That's right"

"Just his figure, give it to me, I'm still worried about pinching him to death by accident"

Apparently, the man's joke immediately caused a roar of laughter.

While the people in the hall laughed, they didn't notice that the man in the cage had a sullen face, and his eyes revealed turbulent revenge and viciousness.

"This friend joked. In terms of body shape, what you said makes sense, but since he can be included in this auction, the value of that name must be enough."

The Three Venerables were not angry, and said with a smile.

"Presumably you don’t know, before this aquatic race was wiped out, it was no worse than the other forces here. I heard that his power territory even completely occupied a galaxy, a galaxy with a diameter of 40,000 light-years. His subordinates did not know. How many trillions, now only 30 million people have been killed, everyone still finds it funny."

Quiet needles can be heard

Everyone in the hall was shocked, looking at the man with hatred in the cage unimaginably.

Ji Min is also shocked at this moment that this person who buys and sells has such a tragic past. Although a galaxy with a diameter of 40,000 light-years is not as large as the Milky Way, it is also a galaxy, not a star system or a star cluster. It's a real big galaxy.

With such a powerful race, only 30 million people were killed. This is unimaginable. Ji Min seemed to see the fate of future mankind from this person, and he was a bit silly for a while.

People who have the same idea as Ji Min are all fidgeting, and dare not laugh loudly anymore, maybe this is the sad feeling of the rabbit dead and the fox.

Ji Min even felt the trembling body of the blue and green clothes beside him, but he just thought that the blue and green clothes felt the same as him, and did not notice the abnormal reaction of the blue and green clothes more than usual.

"His opponent is luckier than him, because his opponent's territory has a wormhole leading to our Monster Vendor Star, so with the technical support of the Monster Vendor Star, his opponent quickly turned from a weak to a strong one. And it took a hundred years to defeat the Aquarium, kill all of their people, and leave the remaining 30 million of the most elite people to be sold by the monster monster star to sell, so they are unfortunate, because they The opponent has the technical support of the Monster Vendor Star, and they are lucky. Because of the Monster Vendor Star, his opponent wants to bring them here to sell, otherwise they would have died long ago. After all, in this universe, Living is everything, everything else is insignificant"

The people of the tribes in the hall where the Three Venerables said these words have been thinking deeply. Yes, this universe is in an invisible place. Who knows what it looks like. How many races are destroyed every day. Sure enough, living is everything, I After death, no matter what the flood behind him is.

The Three Venerables didn't know. His remarks directly made many people choose to become rich men afterwards, and they would live in a house for a long time in the Monster Vendor Monster Star, and no longer care about everything. Of course, this is something later.

"Let’s not say much. Now let’s introduce the value of the Shui people. Naturally, our Star Palace will not sell them as treasures because of their glorious history. Almost all of the remaining 30 million people of the Shui people are ethnic elites. , This race has not entered the cultivation system, so everyone is in poor health, but all of them are scientific researchers. Their highest representative technology is a five-star mecha technology. There are also three five-star technologies and sixteen four-star technologies. There are five hundred and twenty kinds of Samsung technology, two-star technology and one-star technology are over 1,000. This is their value. After detailed calculation by our star palace, according to the base price of technology, the total value of their technology is 10 million, but they still have The potential for continued scientific research, all, is worth more than two million, and they are now in poor racial mood, many people have suicidal mentality, passive sabotage, 3 million is removed, plus or minus 9 million, this is the base price, each time The price increase should not be less than one hundred thousand monster coins. Those who are interested can start Xinggong deserves to be the supreme ruler of the monster monster star. This value calculation method is quite mature, just a few words will be one The value of race is fairly clear.

Everyone also had nothing to say, but for a while, no one made an offer.

Perhaps it was the tragic fate of this aquarium that affected everyone. Perhaps it was the Three Venerables who said that most of the remaining people of this race had suicidal psychology. Perhaps it was because everyone thought the price was unreasonable, and for a while, no one made an offer.

However, there are so many technologies here, and many races will naturally not give up. After all, if you buy so many technologies alone, the price will definitely exceed 9 million demon coins, and there must be a lot of unique technologies among them, after all. If a race doesn't have the technology that it is good at, at least the three masters mean that the five-star mecha technology is very good, it is their representative technology.

"Nine One Hundred Thousand"

"9.3 million"

After the silence, everyone began to cry for the price.
