Star Emperor Tyrant

v1 Chapter 609: The way to be the king

"Dare to ask your Majesty where the money for the expansion and upgrade of the super fleet comes from"

Uncle Bu wanted to ask without giving up.

This Manchu civil and military, probably because he dared to chase after Ji Min like this, he is not afraid of Ji Min, after all, there is no Lao Tzu who is afraid of his son, and he is doing it for Ji Min’s good, he is afraid that Ji Min will go to subjugation. Road, so for good policies, he will support 100%, but for some strange policies, he must ask clearly, sure that it will not affect the future of the empire, this is also a way to supervise and support Ji Min.

Ji Min didn’t know the intention of Uncle Bu’s leaving, so he couldn’t refute it at all. If in the past, in the Second Heaven Empire, the officials would not ask any more questions at this time. He is also personally looking for someone to take charge of his work, he will not discuss it with the ministers at all, but now it is different. He is already a real king of a country, the head of a clan, and he naturally needs to deal more with the people below. communication.

"This time, I privately had a deal with the Chuming Empire in the Royal God Race to get a resource, which can be used to build a super fleet. There will also be a batch of resources in cooperation with the Spirit Eye Race. With this With two batches of metal, I will be able to build thirteen upgraded super fleets and fully enhance the empire’s combat power.”

Ji Min can only talk about it. As for the specific transaction with the Chu Ming Empire, this naturally cannot be said. Now that humans and the Royal God Clan have been engaged in business, he can be regarded as aware of Chu Long’s plan. If the detailed information is revealed to the Royal In the ears of the protoss caring people, this will cause trouble to Jianlong. Before the transaction is completed, this will only affect the transaction.

From the very beginning, when Ji Min planned to trade, he had thought of this condition. Nothing else was strong enough to guarantee the rights of the human race.

As long as the cherished resources from the transaction are used reasonably to build a strong army, humans can have equal diplomacy. There is a saying that the truth is only a vassal under a strong power. If humans do not have strong power, they will be coveted sooner or later. The power of science and technology is wiped out.

What mankind needs now is time to rest and recuperate, and this requires a powerful force to deter the surrounding unruly forces, so that mankind can develop steadily.

Although the ministers did not know what Ji Min had done with the Chanming Empire to get so many benefits, they absolutely believed that Ji Min would not betray the fundamental interests of mankind. This was a consensus, because Ji Min was for the sake of mankind. Everyone knows what he has done. Ji Yan is definitely not a person who ignores the interests of mankind for his own benefit. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, everything he has done is for the development of mankind.

Even when he robbed the Altai Star, he only robbed the rich and the official, only killed those who resisted, and treated the people instead of taking it.

"So the minister knows that since the empire does not have a financial crisis, the ministers must do their utmost to support the expansion of the army that your Majesty said, and the empire does need a powerful fleet to deter the younger generation."

Uncle Bu Yaoli immediately spoke to express his support.

Uncle Bu is about to leave the mouth, and the ministers will naturally no longer have objections. No one will reject the emperor's strength. The stronger the army, the safer they will be. This is a matter of mutual benefit.

"The ministers will fully support the expansion of the army"

The crowd shouted in unison.

Ji Min glanced at the people, and smiled: "Everyone, I am deeply touched by the heart of the country. Today is over. Let's go down to a good job. I have this list in my hand. Anyone who is famous on the list should be careful after going down. Acting, if there is another violation of the law, the two crimes are punished together, do not challenge my bottom line"

Ji Min said it lightly, but he was frightened in the ears of the ministers.

Hearing that Ji Min disbanded the meeting, all his hearts flew out, and he wished to return home immediately and ask how the real estate on the west side of the central square was handled.

"The minister retires"

The ministers left one after another. As soon as they left the main hall, they saw many people running straight up with a look of anxiety. From the floating imperial city to the comprehensive development zone, there were special vehicles and there was still some distance. They were all waiting. It's too late, just want to leave early.

After everyone left, Ji Min suddenly said, "Xiaoqin, come out, I know you have been listening in the Piandian for a long time."

Soon, from the side hall on the side, Ran Qin walked out, from Uncle Jiangzhu and Xiaolin, Ji Min actually knew that Ran Qin was on the side, otherwise Uncle Jiangzhu and Xiaolin would be too courageous. Don't dare to break in during his meeting.

In the past, Uncle Bu Jiangzhu dared to do this. It was because there was a Qingyang Empire behind her. The Second Heaven Empire was nothing, but now Ji Min has unified the entire mankind, and his power is increasing day by day, even Uncle Bu wants to. If you leave the hall, you must bow to the rulers and ministers. Uncle Bu Jiangzhu dares to make trouble casually. Uncle Bu Jiangzhu must teach her a lot if he wants to leave, so Ji Min is sure that Uncle Jiangzhu and Xiaolin must have come in under Ranqin's instructions. .

"Axi, I know I can't hide it from you, you won't blame me, right"

Ran Qin asked with a smile.

"How could you think that when I became an emperor, I was just as unreasonable as the ancient emperors? It's just a feudal superstition that women don’t participate in politics. You did a good job this time. You gave me a step up and you gave me your ministers. A cover actually allowed me to step down, and also allowed the ministers to cover the ugliness and understand their own faults, so you did the right thing. Since it is right, how could I blame you"

Ji Min pulled Ran Qin over and said with a smile.

"I didn't think so much. I just thought that your majesty's unification of the empire will not be a month old. If you fall out with many ministers, not only will the empire be unstable, but it will also chill the heart of following your majesty's ministers from the beginning. The beginning star thief experienced countless life and death struggles to this day. If you are severely punished just because of a little money or profit, it will lose the heart of the people. I am also a star thief. My identity has changed too much in the past few years. Even I sometimes feel unreal. All of them naturally have their eyes confused. Your Majesty must persuade and educate more, blindly use strong, too hard and easy to break."

Ran Qin said earnestly.

"Well, I got it."

Ji Min nodded earnestly. Ran Qin was right. Since the establishment of the Second Heaven Empire, Ji Min has been very strict in protecting his, of course, this is also the current situation. So, his team is almost all star thief. If the rules are not strict, he will not put up a majestic and cruel image, and his subordinates still don’t know what to do, but now his identity has changed. This method of imperialism is natural. It has to be changed according to the current situation.

Therefore, he was deeply moved by Ran Qin's words.

"My dear wife, I am afraid that your move has more than this purpose. If it weren't for you, Uncle Bu Nanfeng, I'm afraid you will have to be punished."

Ji Min said with a smile suddenly.

"How can this be just luck" Ran Qin said with a smile.

"Hmph you are not honest yet. The situation of gathering crowds to make trouble is even more serious. I don't know yet. You saved my mother and father because of the face of my mother and father. It is also good luck for him to meet such a good queen like you. I won’t say anything. I will punish you for having another son. What kind of world is this? There are a lot of sisters and sisters of my daughter, and I don’t have a son. It’s a joke to say anything."

Ji Min smiled, and immediately stretched out an evil hand to Ran Qin, and suddenly there was a sound of playing and playing in the hall.
