Star Emperor Tyrant

v2 Chapter 1239: Recoil

Star Emperor Tyranny Chapter 1243

?Science Fiction?? Chapter 1243 The Deadly Countercharge Chapter 1243 The Deadly Countercharge Text/Chengxue Number of words in this chapter: 2552:

As long as they can wipe it out, the reward will be extremely generous.

And this scene is all in the eyes of Jiang Tie and other domain commanders.

They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

What they fear most is that the enemy is too cautious and dare not let it go, and station a large number of troops in front of the wormhole. Then they have to break through the military fortress, and they will be extremely difficult. If they don't pay attention, they may wipe out the entire army.

For them, this is a good start for the plan to die.

Close, the distance between the two sides is quickly getting closer.

Many of the Protoss warriors rushing in front have already begun to transport their own abilities. Suddenly, mysterious fluctuations spread. Some of the slower Star Dragon Empire fleets were immediately affected and began to tremble violently.

However, they only persisted for a while, and they were suddenly broken up and turned into dust.

None of the soldiers inside escaped.

This is the favorite scene of the Protoss warrior.

Now their enemies no longer set fire at them from a distance to force them to defend, but the enemy has given up counterattacks and began to retreat. This is their feat that can run. Whoever moves fast can get more. Many benefits.

The protoss warriors who were immediately stimulated rushed forward like crazy.

They are eager to show off their strength and turn all obstacles in front of them into clouds of dust. This gives them the illusion that they are the masters of this universe, and they are extremely excited.

At this moment, seeing that the entire Protoss army has been mobilized, Jiang Tie immediately issued an order: "The whole army is ready, and the charge will begin in three minutes. Target, wormhole!"

Jiang Tie gave an order.

All the domain commanders began to move.

The Chinese army, who had pretended to be chaotic before, immediately began to move, forming a tight arrow-shaped assault formation. The stalled warships also rekindled their energy reactors and quickly found their position in less than three minutes.

The Chinese army, which had been so messy before, formed a huge assault formation with murderous aura.

This is this elite ability.

The battleship that is about to be hundreds of millions in three minutes, completed the whole army, this ability is the champion of the army, and it is inferior by three points.

Obviously, after these months of uninterrupted fierce battle, all fighters have grown again. This is not their peak state. Once they can open their branches and disperse, pull out a small soldier, they can all become a warship. commander.

The warship that had been retreating from the retreat suddenly stopped, turned the bow, and aimed at the enemy.

The anger that had already been suffocated for a long time suddenly turned into artillery fire, and fiercely shot at the enemy who was chasing.

The sudden change of the Xinglong Emperor ** team caught the warriors of the Protoss by surprise, and suddenly a large number of warriors were bombarded and killed on the spot.

However, because of the halting of the deed, the protoss army has been very close to them. Many fighters even slammed into the battle formation at one end, entered the combat range, and began to use the decomposition ability.

Suddenly, a large number of casualties began to appear among the underlings.

The sudden change of the Star Dragon Empire made several commanding generals of the Protoss stunned.

But then, seeing the scene where the two sides were hurting each other, and the protoss warriors had entered the attack range, several commanders laughed contemptuously.

"It turned out to be a feign defeat, but they probably didn't expect it. This will only speed up their defeat. It's nothing if we die a few people. The mistake they put down now simply drags them into the hell, being close by our warriors, they It’s already impossible to live!"

An army general said with a sneer.

"Great God of the universe, this foreign army will finally be defeated. Their corpses are our greatest gift to you."

An army general shouted.

Obviously, they all understood that after being broken into a certain distance by the Protoss warrior, the outcome was clear, and it also showed that the long-distance design tactics used by the Star Dragon Empire in the previous few months had all failed.

At this moment, the siege has ordered people to put their own holographic projections into every corner of their army.

He wants every soldier to be able to see his figure.

"Soldiers! You know, the star field we are now setting in is not our hometown. Our hometown is in the Leapfrog System. In the Milky Way, we want to go home, but the only way back is blocked by this group of enemies. Now, The supply will be exhausted. We have only one last stand. I personally take the lead and cover the retreat of the friendly forces. My flagship will always be at the end. If you don’t withdraw, I will never end the wormhole. We use our blood and fearlessness. Change more comrades in arms and leave alive and return to their hometown. Now, you tell me, are you afraid of death? Do you dare to fight the enemy to the death?"

"Not afraid of death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Not afraid of death!"

"Fight to the death!"

All the soldiers screamed frantically. In the past few months, the people who had been fighting for a long time were numb. Now that the supplies are gone, they should fight back. Why not?

The ferocity of all the soldiers was aroused.

The enemy is a foreign race and communication is not possible. This almost cuts off any way of And as the earliest formed elite fleet of the Star Dragon Empire, honor does not allow them to surrender. At this moment, they neither Counting that they can leave alive, at least their domain commander is willing to fight alongside them, that's enough.

"Very good! I order, immediately eject all mechas and aircraft, interfere with the enemy's disintegration technique, all troops, the assault formation, and immediately initiate a deadly charge. Without my order, keep on advancing, and die on the way forward. !"

The order of the deterrence was cold and merciless.

However, the raging fighting spirit ignited by the unquenchable soldiers, on the contrary, the more cold and resolute the orders, the more fuelled the fire and the strong fighting spirit.

All the warships did not hesitate in the slightest.

One by one, the mechas began to eject, and after a while, they all started to eject. Once they were ejected, they did not stop at the slightest and began to rush toward the densely packed enemies.

All the warships put away their energy shields and turned to attack with all their strength. They all gave up their defenses and charged with all their strength.

Countless mechas were easily destroyed and decomposed before they even touched the enemy.

Compared to battleships, it is easier for them to be killed. They used to be on the battlefield like the pride of heaven, and they have completely become cannon fodder at this moment.

The purpose of releasing them is to disperse the enemy's attack and attract the enemy's artillery fire. In fact, as long as the mech ejected, it is bound to die.

It is almost impossible to return to the mothership.

When his army was in the rout long ago, it has gradually formed an inverted V shape, enclosing the entire Chinese army, and now, what they have to do is to make a crazy assault, and create an inverted V-shape for the army behind them. The battle line came out.

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Chapter 1243