Star Game Hegemony

Chapter 127: Four families

Of course, many of the four major families will also enter the academy to study, so it is not surprising to see the aristocratic family in the academy competition. Of course, in order not to delay the academy competition, the competition between these families is often in the academy. than before will be held over.

In addition to competing with their own familiar skills, the four major families will also challenge other families. Even if the challenger loses, it will not be ashamed. After all, that family is famous for this. Of course, if they lose, it is not ordinary. embarrassing.

Because the four major families have a lot of competition, they all want to step on the face of other families, so other families are very encouraged to do this.

For example, the most famous of the Lan family, the Shui people, is good silk weaving, and the most famous is Shui Jinxiu, which is silk weaving with water as a medium. Comfortable and gorgeous, and better than its average clothes.

In addition, it also has the functions of beauty, nourishing, moisturizing, etc., and can also adjust some small dark injuries, so it is also very popular, especially for women.

Of course, the most basic thing of the Lan family is embroidery. The Lan family is a water family, so their talents are generally water elements, or supernatural talents such as voice.

The embroidery water system is the mainstream of the Lan family, and the sound is another major diversion, but even if it is the diversion of the blue family's voice, embroidery or other embroidery is absolutely possible.

Of course, if there is the Shui clan, there is the Fire clan, that is, the Yan clan, the people whom Hua Ci met before. The Yan clan, known for their flames, has a bad temper and is only very powerful. Phoenix flames stand here.

Because the flames are extremely powerful, even the royal family of the Shui clan can still block it. If it were not restricted a lot, it would be against the sky.

As for the last one is the elf clan, which is the Mu clan, the Mu clan naturally has many branches. Although the Mu clan is said to be the elf clan, it is also very different from the elf clan. For example, not all of them have green eyes. Only some elves have it.

The wood tribe does not have zero, but they are born with a portable elf, which is similar to zero, and every elf has it. The elf tribe is famous for its spiritual chefs and pharmacists. The senior and intermediate pharmacists in the federation and empire are extremely rare, but As long as an elf is fully mature, he can become an intermediate apothecary.

Many elves can get senior pharmacists as long as they work hard enough, which is very easy for them. Of course, pharmacists are their mainstream.

Of course, in this competition, the major families will always come up with some extras to add to the fun. For example, as long as the Xiao family wins their players, they can get a piece of equipment customized by their Xiao family master, and they do not need to come up with any materials themselves. , you can directly prostitute, very happy.

Therefore, it is definitely very popular for those who are in urgent need of zero equipment to start the academy competition.

The Lan family will come up with three top-grade water splendid cloths, which are definitely women's favorites. It can be said that as long as they bring this confession, the chance of success is not ordinary! This has caused countless single dogs to go crazy. Of course, even if there is an object, you dare not try your best to get it for the object.

If you can't get it, you will face the risk of sleeping on the street, so naturally it is not an ordinary popular.

In comparison, the Yan family is the right place for men. The single dog who likes to fight and has no object, and is not ready to find a partner will go to the place to challenge. Maybe it is self-abuse, but the weird one is more popular. I cried, obviously it wasn't about crying.

It's a good place to find abuse, isn't there such a sentence? When the body hurts, the heart does not hurt, especially when the body hurts more than the heart, it is full of "healing".

If you are injured, what should you do? Just go to the Mu family. The Mu family took the opportunity to take advantage of this competition. Many things are discounted. The best time for things! "Do not miss passing through."

So in order to queue up to buy potions, and have a spiritual food dinner with Miss Elf, the disciples of other families are vying for it. Do you want to challenge the Wood Clan? Oh, what should I do if I'm injured in the future, don't you know the saying that you can't offend the doctor?

You must know that if you offend the enemy, you can at least kill you with one blow. If you offend the doctor, you will be killed in minutes, and you will try a wave of medicine along the way, so what a joke is the challenge?

Moreover, the wood tribe's talent for potions is really terrible, so is it more cruel than anything?

As for how many Spirit Chefs have mental power, none of the other families can bring it out.

So, every ten years, the competition of the four major families with the academy competition is really quite popular. Basically, it is the best time to find a girlfriend and get equipment.

Of course, each family will set up five arenas. For example, the first arena of the Xiao family is made of mechas, but it is just a model, the second arena is the production of zero equipment, and the third arena is the assembly and restoration of mechas. What......

Each arena is responsible for different things. Generally, each family will first select an elite list first, and then arrange their own elites to face each other. It takes three days to get a winner or loser, and then three days later is the ring match. , you can challenge at will.

Gu Yian is also because of this other family, the list of elites submitted are all children, so it is naturally impossible for the Xiao family to send their young grandson, nor to send other inner disciples who are in their thirties to bully them. .

So here comes Gu Yian.

Gu Yian: ........He wants to go back and make zeroes, but he feels that life is a little difficult.

However, Gu Yian looked at the quaint Treasure Pavilion. Even the inner disciples could only go in and choose when they entered the inner door for the first time, and they could go in and choose once if they made a big contribution while alive.

This Xiao family's Treasure Pavilion is divided into nine floors, but only the lower three floors are really open, and no one has ever been to the other floors.

Gu Yian was directly pushed into the dark Treasure Pavilion. The Treasure Pavilion can only be entered by one person. As for how many floors he can go to, what he can choose depends on his own good fortune.

After Gu Yian was pushed into the Treasure Pavilion, as soon as the gate was closed, the entire Treasure Pavilion suddenly lit up.

He saw thousands of yellow light spots floating in the dark night, and at the same time illuminating the darkness, this thing should be what they call a treasure or something.

Gu Yian tried to grab a light spot and then went out first, but the light spots quickly ran to the side when he was about to catch them.

Gu Yian believes that his speed is definitely not slow, after all, it should be considered a first-class escape.

As a result, I didn't catch a small spot of light.