Star Game Hegemony

Chapter 128: Killing God?

Gu Yian could only choose to go upstairs to have a look, and he didn't ask for anything, as long as he could catch one casually, but even if his request was so low, he still couldn't catch it.

The small light spots on the first floor ran faster, as if they had seen a ghost, and they were at least three meters away from him.

The corner of Gu Yian's mouth twitched, and he could only climb up. He didn't ask for anything. It would be nice if he could pick up one that flies slower. But why does this thing feel like it runs faster than the first layer? ? Is he possessed by a ghost?

So Gu Yian unknowingly climbed to the ninth floor. There was a white light spot on the ninth floor. The white light spot looked the size of a fist.

Gu Yian: If it is so big, it will definitely not be able to run.

Unlike other spots of light that ran away when they saw him, it got a lot closer when it saw Gu Yian.

Gu Yian just stretched out his hand to test, and the light spot flew to his hand actively. Between the light flashes, a white long sword appeared in his hand. The sword was light and fluttering like it was weightless. The body exudes a white light.

Two words were written on the sword body, "Slaying God?" Gu Yian read it out softly. Just as Gu Yian said these two words, the originally quiet sword ran away and broke free from Gu Yian's hand. , flew into the air, and a huge force that seemed to destroy the entire planet was about to slash towards Gu Yian.

"Gu Yian" raised his head again, and held the lightsaber with **** easily. The golden light in his eyes was very strong, and the corners of his mouth were full of a near-perfect smile. It's wearing a perfect mask.

The sword body was restrained, but more power was still pouring in frantically, and this energy was more than enough to destroy the entire planet.

"Gu Yian" chuckled lightly, the golden space spread with him as the center, and the domain opened.

The sword vibrated gently and made a humming sound, as if under some terrible pressure.

He sighed slightly, never letting go of the smile that had been hanging on his lips, and with a slight force on his fingers, the sword body was like broken glass, smashing to the ground.

"This sword is also worthy of being called Slaughter God? It's so funny!" "Gu Yian" covered his aching stomach with laughter, obviously laughing, but there was no light in his eyes, and a dead silence seemed to spread infinitely.

The red line on his wrist moved, and the figure of the man in red appeared. The man in red and the man in red under the blood moon were both wearing red clothes. The red line of the man in red under the blood moon was not enough. The red is the one where the blood just bloomed. It was a bright red, and the red clothes this man was wearing were dark red as if the blood had dried up.

Of course, the temperament and appearance of the two are also completely different. This dark red man has a cold appearance and sharp edges and corners, while the red man under the blood moon is too beautiful, and the beauty is a bit amazing.

"The four major families still exist." The dark red man was a little puzzled. The Shui Clan has gone through those things, how can they still exist?

"Lan Family? Aqua?" "Gu Yian" put on a familiar smile, "That's true, there is a good show to watch."

"Gu Yian" just finished speaking, and the blue in his eyes rushed up.

Gu Yian sat on the ground, not knowing what he did just now, but felt that his body was hollowed out, and it was very uncomfortable.

Then Gu Yian, who was doing it, looked at the white light pieces that fell to the ground and shattered to the ground, and called out weakly, "Slaying God?" Then the white light pieces seemed to want to gather together, but they shattered even more. .

I wanted to kill myself just now by killing the gods, but why was killing the gods broken in a blink of an eye? So stupid!

However, Gu Yian really heard about the sword of killing gods. It is said that it is an unparalleled weapon of gods. , the power that can not be described in words.

By the way, it is said that Slaughtering God is the only existence that enshrined a **** in a zero device. Anyway, it is very awesome, and it is definitely not comparable to this kind of bean curd **** project that smashes casually.

However, Gu Yian saw that the materials were used well. I didn't expect this high imitation to use top-quality optical crystals. It was a waste of time. With these optical crystals, not only Gu Yile's parts can get a great improvement.

In addition to that crystal core, he has a 50% certainty that he can add the bloodthirsty skill to the boss's weapon, but it is still very uncertain what it will add.

Hua Ci said goodbye to the little dumb holy son here, and then because of the upgrade of his abilities, he found another place to dig a hole, preparing to retreat for a while, maybe this retreat can be upgraded to level four .

The little mute son really didn't want to say goodbye: "Tong smash! Why do you want to be separated from the villain! This is the golden thigh!"

[The task of abusing the male protagonist is suspended first, and the host should improve his strength as soon as possible. ] The cold voice of the system came, they are not suitable to stay with Hua Ci now, also as an extremely rare first-generation system, they can sense each other.

However, the system before Huaci was broken because of that incident. Now that it has been upgraded, it should be able to detect its existence, so I left before the system was successfully upgraded.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons, there is a more important reason, the master actually wants to extend the task time? Tongzi will naturally not disobey the master's order.

"Isn't this just to abuse the male protagonist better? Don't you think it would be nice if I hugged my thigh and abused him directly?" Zhang Tianhao didn't quite understand.

[Didn't the host say that relying on others is worse than relying on yourself? 】

"This! This also depends on the situation."

[Doesn't the host want to be the "protagonist"? Is the host willing to be the villain's younger brother all the time? 】

"It's not about being a younger brother." This is the most important reason for Xiaoming! This is related to the existence of their little lives.

[If the task is not completed, the system will send the host back to the original world. 】

"Then am I still alive?"

[Host, please don't have extravagant hopes, returning to wishing the world to face the host is only the ending of death. Please consider carefully. 】

Zhang Tianhao doesn't know why the system seems to be a lot colder to him. The previous Tongzi didn't seem to be like this. Could it be that this is how the system looks serious?

But compared to modern Liangliang, no matter how you look at it now, it is still alive, at least it is still very good, after all, it is possible to live, "Is it okay for me to leave?"

[The system starts the upgrade mode, please do your best to upgrade your strength. 】The system reluctantly gave up part of the sovereignty to the new system.

"Is this my plug-in?" Zhang Tianhao almost cried out in excitement, it's not easy! He is also a cheater.

[Please treat the host with caution! 】The system can only remind the host at the end, which is considered an effort, after all, he has no way to refuse the master's order.

However, Zhang Tianhao, who was immersed in joy, did not feel the deep meaning of System's words at all.

He can't imagine the future life at all now, and it's far different from what he imagined.