Star Game Hegemony

Chapter 181: rule

Chen Xiao just thought that the weapon was too dirty, so he just blew himself up?

The power of the explosion of an excellent-level weapon is very terrifying, but it mainly hits one point. Yu Wei is also very terrifying. At least this distance, if it really explodes, Yu Wei can shock Hua Ci to death. Chen Xiao has a high probability of having some defensive device. .

But there is no Hua Ci, and Chen Xiao naturally won't kindly help Hua Ci her, but fortunately, the little dumpling is still very powerful at this time, ready to break through time and space to escape at any time.

With Chen Xiao's explosion, the flame inside was about to go out of the whip, the flame burned even more violently, and then extinguished the kind that could no longer die.

"No explosion?" Even good news for Hua Ci is bad news. The good news is that she may not need time and space magic for the time being. The bad news is that this thing is more difficult to deal with than expected. A reconnaissance technique.

Unsurprisingly, there are only a bunch of question marks on it, either a new type of species that has been detected by the system, or a very high level that she can't know now. Which of these two is not good news for her.

"There is some strange liquid in his stomach." Hua Ci observed it more carefully. When the monster whip exploded, his stomach seemed to emit a faint white light.

It feels a bit like a balloon. There is a lot of water in the balloon, which is almost similar to that kind of monster. Of course, the ugly one is not much, nor is it generally large.

Thinking of this, Hua Ci tried to release a lot of needles of desert thorns that she had collected. If it was really about the structure of a balloon, she could try it to see if it could burst.

Hua Ci's hand started to move when she thought of this. Sharp needles were released from her palm and attacked in the direction of the monster.

The needle stabbed in, stabbed the monster's body and then stagnated, except that the monster paused for a while without any uh effect.

"It's useless." The little girl with flames all over her body, the flames have been extinguished at this time, and only half of her burned body is left, and the remaining half is only a human figure. Now her body The body is recovering at an incredible speed.

At this time, the little girl also followed the "brother" she said and slowly approached Hua Ci and them.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, as deep as a huge bottomless abyss.

Suddenly, Hua Ci's inspiration flashed, and a huge radiant object was thrown out.

The little girl's face changed greatly, and she directly blocked the monster, as if to block the light for her.

"It's really unhappy to be discovered." The little girl made a very angry voice,

Hua Ci directly took advantage of the light and smashed the little girl's head with a punch. It seems that she has learned badly from the ancient people. Look at her current fighting style, which is a lot more violent.

The little girl's head was directly smashed off. Her head was brittle and outrageous. At this time, the little girl, who had no head, grabbed the ball of light that Hua Ci was holding.

Hua Ci flashed lightly, and suddenly found something wrong. At this time, the light ball in his hand had been captured by the weird little girl, and the night was shrouded again. When Hua Ci took out another light ball, the two had disappeared. .

"How do you know that the two of them are afraid of light?" Chen Xiaoyi looked a little embarrassed from the corner. She has never suffered such grievances since she was a child, but compared to her own grievances, what is this weird and disgusting monster? The important thing is that it is immune to explosions or something.

Maybe if I use it for research, maybe I can find some very interesting things. As soon as Chen Xiao is out of danger, he thinks about some not-so-good things.

"The host is amazing," Xiao Tuanzi was also very curious about how the host knew about this, knowing that the system didn't help anything this time.

Hua Ci explained helplessly: "Don't you think the time she chose is a bit strange?" It was obvious that the man in black could come out earlier, but he had to wait until the end.

And in any case, it can't deal a little damage. It can be said that everything can be swallowed. It seems that there is no weakness at all. If you don't pay attention, you can swallow things. How could something have no weaknesses at all?

Although Xiao Tuanzi is a system that is only good at processing data, his intelligence is not very high, and he almost just wants to be a child with humans.

Hua Ci just breathed a sigh of relief. She now needs to quickly complete the task, and find Nangong Yi for information, and so on to obtain information, can she start from her side, after all, she is also her savior, right?

But remembering what Chen Xiao did before and now, to get information? Better stay away from this guy.

Hua Ci plans to tell Chen Xiao where her cloud ink is. Anyway, this news is still easy to find out, and Hua Ci still has no burden in her heart.

But it's really a bit strange. I haven't seen Chen Xiao mention Yunmo for so long? Is this forgotten?

"I want this place!" A **** man unceremoniously kicked over a fruit stand.

The stall owner of the small stall was a little skinny man who was much shorter than normal. He didn't have the slightest fear or fear when he met the big man in front of him. Instead, he just pressed the strong-looking man to the ground with one foot and it was a good meal. Friction "Damn, you dare to cross in front of me! Lose money!" He was beaten again, only to hear a crisp sound of broken bones.

Hua Ci: It looks miserable.

"Do you know the rules of this place?" Chen Xiao, who was suddenly silent, suddenly asked such a question, and then pulled out a weird smile.

Hua Ci almost couldn't hold back a punch and hit her in the face. She didn't learn well at a young age, and she learned these messy things all day long.

"Respect the strong." Hua Ci took out a small book.

"You actually bought this?" Chen Xiao was a little puzzled, and now there are really people who would buy this kind of thing.

Flowers: ? Can you still not buy it?

Chen Xiao may think that Hua Ci is too idiotic, so he simply explained: "Not one of the twelve cities has its own rules, and the rule of this city is that the strong are respected.

So as long as you defeat the guards, you can pass directly. This little book is meant for people who don’t understand anything. Those who have entered this small book are almost equal to the weak who can be bullied by others, which means Are you in trouble? It's troublesome,"

After finishing speaking, Chen Xiao nodded and felt that he was right, and then looked at Hua Ci with the eyes of an idiot.

Hua Ci: I have to say that this person is really not cute at all, but she has never encountered trouble or anything.

Not far away, a black figure stared at Hua Ci, and a red light flashed in his eyes. "The ultimate mission hasn't started, it's not the time, but why did the system come here in advance."

The small-looking person who was wearing a night clothes and the darkness blended together seemed to be murmuring as if he was talking to something.