Star Game Hegemony

Chapter 182: strange interception

Soon after Chen Xiao learned about Yun Mo's news, they separated. Hua Ci needed to find some materials first. Maybe because she was not very confident in her strength, the material list she got was not difficult, but Some things are more troublesome.

Because of the map, the grocery store is still easy to find for Huaci. She is measuring the map. She has to say that the street is still very chaotic, there are challenges everywhere, and it is easy to accidentally find things. fly around.

While walking, Hua Ci continued to give the various fruits thrown out because of the fight to a few small dumplings, and the small dumplings swallowed them one by one.

Then I was tossed by the fruit that needed to be peeled, and the things in my arms were full after a while.

"The order here has always been so chaotic that you are not afraid of accidents?" Hua Ci took a bite of the fruit very curiously.

The little dumpling was stunned by this question, "I don't know about this either. Maybe there is something special about this place?" Looking at the host's delicious fruit.

The little dumpling also picked up a few, stuffed a few in his mouth, and then said somewhat vaguely: "The level of chaos this time should not be too serious, after all, there was something about the daughter of the city lord and the son-in-law. It's amazing. All of them should have participated in that competition.”

"I haven't been here for a long time. This place has become very big. Only the rules seem to have not changed. Other things have become very big. If it wasn't for the correct coordinates, I wouldn't have recognized it." I couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

I have been away from this place for so long, and I really can’t blame it for so many changes. Moreover, the technology in this place is backward, and even the coverage of the basic star network has not been reached, so it can’t help the host a lot.

Hua Ci was like this with the little dumplings, because Hua Ci's snakeskin walked safely to avoid all kinds of obstacles, and all kinds of spillovers, and finally came to a place where there were no stalls, it was a slight sigh of relief, and then After walking a few steps and turning a corner, you will almost reach the small grocery store.

You may not be able to buy all the materials at once, but you should be able to buy about a third of them. The rest is to go to the place to buy mecha parts, but there doesn't seem to be any mecha parts in this place, but There's a **** dump.

There should be something you can look at, but she doesn't have much time, so it's best to buy it. If you find it by yourself, it will take too long.

Hua Ci was planning as she walked, how to collect all the materials as quickly and as quickly as possible. Suddenly, she seemed to feel that she stepped forward a few steps and staggered the attack from behind.

"Hey, the response is pretty good!" Now that the crowd is far away, the natural lighting and other things are a bit scary. I couldn't see the face clearly, and I could only faintly see from his actions that he was still a strong man.

"It's fine for a few brothers to come together." Next to the big man who attacked Hua Ci, a man who was almost the same height as a normal person spoke. It seemed that he should be the leader among them.

The last one is the little fat man who is extremely short, even shorter than Hua Ci, and feels like a mouse.

Fatty Mouse attacked first, but not everyone can be a flexible fat man, at least not Fatty Mouse. Hua Ji kicked Fatty Mouse in the stomach and wanted to kick Fatty Mouse out, but he had a strange elasticity. spread out.

Originally, he wanted to kick Fatty Mouse out, but he was first shaken by this force a few meters away, and the big man also launched an attack at this time, directly wanting to seize the flower speech that was passively retreated by the elastic force.

As long as it is controlled, it is almost over, the silver light on the arm of the big man in the dark night flashes away.

Hua Ci felt that the situation behind him was wrong, so he took out the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and took off, directly changing the trajectory and taking the advantage of high altitude.

"Boss, what's the fun, she can fly." Fatty Mouse said, but the voice was a little silly, and he really wanted to be honest.

"This is still called by Lao Tzu, beat him down!" The leading man was very impatient.

Flowers and shells are too much, and she didn't bring enough of these things! Although the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella can indeed fly, it cannot fly very high. It can only fly at a low altitude and glide. After all, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella is not originally designed to fly.

However, her ultimate move still has a certain restraint on flying.

Hua Ji is considering whether to land first by herself. If she is flying in the air, the speed will be greatly controlled. She can't guarantee that she will be able to dodge the shells, but it is so dark, as long as the shells are not equipped with automatic recognition and lock the target What, can you hit her or not.

"Boss, today the city lord is recruiting a son-in-law. You can't use cannonballs or anything. The movement is too big. If you make the city lord unhappy, you can shoot us all to death." Dahan reminded.

"Then what should I do?" The boss seemed to be at a loss.

This boss doesn't look very smart. The big guy around him has a higher IQ than him, but their tacit cooperation is still amazing. One plus two in battle is often not three times the normal strength. , if the tacit understanding is high, it is possible to double the strength of mutual cooperation.

Of course, if the cooperation is not good enough, it may not be good for each other. It is obvious that the tacit understanding that Hua Ci has encountered is good.

Moreover, the fat rat's stomach is very strange, and it can rebound attacks. Compared with the mecha or something, I don't know how many places on his body are covered.

In this case, it is a clear choice not to fight with them, and the timing of their appearance is also very strange. Why do you want to jump at such a time, and it seems that they are still purposefully intercepting her?

The big man thought for a while, "If the boss should withdraw first, I don't know if he is right or not, and the position of the next boss of the boss is much more important to us." They thought it was just a weak chicken. It's not too late to join, it's a little late now.

Hua Ci looked at the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella, which had not fully recovered. It was estimated that it would not last for a long time. The last time I used it, it was very clean. If I hadn't gotten a wave of energy "bloodthirsty" feedback, Know when to get good energy back.

Now she can't use her powers to recharge, she can only wait for a slow recovery. This speed is very slow. It's not that Hua Ci can't go down hard, and the situation is five or five points, but if you add system storage The energy is still almost win, but the price is to consume an important hole card.

However, the other party also has advantages. For example, they have hot weapon shells. Although they may not use them now, they may still use them if their eyes are red. In this case, even if they count Huaci's trump card, the winning rate is not five or five. Open, but the possibility of perishing together is relatively high.