Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 1006: borrow strength

The information provided by Kagome helped him verify some claims.

"Corruption and mutation spread from the ground, and the genetic data of creatures has become too outrageous, almost tens of millions of times off the original setting, and they are still changing rapidly. There are also some things that I have never known, because they Compared with the original biological genes, there are many differences. For example, the winged family, the wolf family, the blood family...there are too many to count, and those creatures are all beasts wearing clothes."

"They are indeed beasts wearing clothes. Perhaps they were not infected by the underground corruption," Zhuge Yun shook his head and said with a light smile, "I can't say for sure about the wolf clan and the wing clan, but the blood clan is definitely not."

"Oh, I know that the world changes impermanently, and some accidents are always happening, but you need to show some evidence to make me agree with this."

"No, you will find out by yourself without evidence." Zhuge Yun smiled secretly, and said, "I will give you a hint, and then think about it yourself. The huge leap caused by the meteorite should be replaced from the planet's core. Get out some of the stuff—”

"Yes, I know about that horrible change."

"What became of the separated part...I think you can investigate this aspect more."


"...I understand, you mean that the blood race came from the moon?" Kagome remained calm, but the central system immediately began to inquire about the data of the blood race, and indeed found many coincidences in time.

The Bloodlines are from the moon and appeared after that jump.

"I never said that,"

Zhuge Yun said indifferently, "But they are indeed not derived from human gene mutations. Those existences are also very ancient, and you can find the answer yourself after a deep understanding. There is another point that is debatable. The accelerated evolution of biology has reached a critical point. Perhaps a clothed beast is no more to be feared than a clothed man. You see what I mean about that?"

"Understood." Kagome replied after two seconds.

Three huge heads with bird-head masks slowly tilted back, and a lot of data has been analyzed in the main brain.

That is the record of energy changes she collected from the long river of time—from the tiniest bonfire to digging rocks and mining veins; from the total amount of solar energy obtained by living things in sunlight to the one-way flow of life energy; from Carbon dioxide emission levels in forests and oceans, energy flow and carbon cycle in ecosystems...

Every tiny record has been rigorously screened. Excluding the changing factors of nature itself, what remains is the trajectory of biological migration and activities on the planet.

Energy is the driving force of the ecosystem and the basis of all life activities. The energy conversion and flow of the ecosystem obeys the simple law of thermodynamics, which is entropy increase.

In an instant, the data piled up like a mountain, but after being listed, it became well organized.

The data was massive and complex, but Kagome completed the retrieval in just 2 seconds.

She has been searching and retrieving the history of the evolution of each race, from birth to the present diversity. Of course, she also had to compare the "family tree" changes in the original genes of each creature.

Obviously, some races are born bloodthirsty, but their genes are weak. If they combine with a different race and give birth to hybrid offspring, the genes of the offspring will be overshadowed by the powerful genes of the other side.

In this way, the intersectionality of biological groups becomes more complex, which is an important factor in the energy transformation.

Although Zhuge Yun's words were simple, they contained considerable wisdom and logic.

In Kagome's view, the data of bioenergy is very complicated, but it is not difficult to analyze the data, because the energy transmission is becoming more and more regular and tends to be more and more unified.

For her, there is a situation that she cannot judge—that is, in the unique evolution process of creatures, what decisive factors did moral and emotional factors play in the change of energy?

In fact, no matter how powerful the biological chip is, it cannot distinguish the thinking characteristics unique to living things. Just like her logic only has 0 and 1, right and wrong, she can only make a judgment on whether a certain behavior of a creature is "beneficial", and the standard of measurement is the same.

For 200 million years, she has been paying attention to whether the development of the "Creation Project" has deviated from the track, but she has never interfered with the evolution speed and evolution direction of various creatures. In the same river of time, all alien creatures and human beings are treated equally and develop together.

Therefore, the energy change index of human beings began to far exceed that of other species. However, when human beings have evolved to the present level, they use mortal bodies to dream of being on par with gods.

This situation shows that the activity ability and evolutionary force of human beings have begun to explode.

Kagome doesn't know much about the "evil deeds" of the human empire, but they obviously used too much unnatural power. Who taught them this? Is it right or wrong? Because she has no cognition and judgment in this area, or to put it more bluntly, there is no logic about "morality" in her "matrix".

Kagome is always just an observer of the world, watching all the changes silently, ensuring that the evolution of creatures proceeds according to the predetermined procedures.

However, she knows that in the depths of those data, no matter how "smart" the artificial intelligence is, it will never be able to use human emotional factors to predict the result, unless it really "has a long mind".

What humans are afraid of is actually the unknown. They should be afraid of beings like Kagome.

Think about it, how terrifying would an artificial intelligence with "unknownness" be capable of replicating itself and surpassing all creatures.

But for the logic of artificial intelligence, data stacking alone is not enough, because it cannot simulate the thinking of real intelligent creatures, and it is impossible to judge the difference between "good and evil" and "good and bad". If the "mind" can be finally born in artificial intelligence, then it will be possible to evaluate "good and evil" and "good and bad" in the self-consciousness.

Kagome realized that there were enough things to prove that what Zhuge Yun said was well-founded.

The so-called interests sometimes cannot be used as the only factor in judging things. In the extremely orderly civilization created by intelligent creatures, there must be many other factors.

She seldom sees such factors in other creatures, but in creatures like humans, she sees this kind of mandatory rationality and moral standards.

This can only explain one thing. When human beings were created, their genes already contained this most basic rationality factor.

"You saw the change in energy, because they thought of making their own gods." Zhuge Yun's mouth curved slightly.

"I know about it."

"Of course you know," Zhuge Yun nodded, and said, "but you don't know that the god-making movement started here, and that kind of energy comes from something. So you don't know, they actually borrowed the soul power?"

"The power of the soul?" Kagome felt uneasy in his heart, "Can you explain it in detail?"

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