Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 102: Wake up from a deep sleep

"Well, yes, why didn't I know about this before? You only reported it now?"

General Du was also aware of the seriousness of the problem-he was the highest defense officer in this sand city. He should have known about things like sending people out of the city to exercise. However, no one told him about it!

"Yes, it's... I..." The guard was obviously panicked.

What is he hiding?

"Hurry up! Report everything you know truthfully." The general was anxious.

"It's Lieutenant Yin Tianhong... He, he said this is a military secret... Can't let other people know. He came to our barracks to inform us... I don't know the others."

The guard was pale, with cold sweat oozing from his forehead, he thought it was a bit weird, so he ran to report to the general.

He also took a great risk before he made up his mind to come here.

"It's him!" General Du frowned.

Yin Tianhong was a major of the Shacheng Guards Army. He was originally a hunter of the "Obsidian Hunting Corps" active in the Central Continent. He joined General Du's Guards a few years ago.

The "Obsidian Hunting Corps" is a huge mercenary organization distributed on the mainland. They exist by accepting the commission of their employers. From escorting bodyguards to spying on intelligence and even killing people, almost all commissions will be accepted, as long as the employer can afford it.

The commission fee is usually very expensive, expensive enough to ruin an ordinary family in a city! It is definitely a sky-high price.

The "Obsidian Hunting Corps" is different from those little gangs, they are the top bodyguard group on this continent.

As long as the other party can afford the money, they don't care about attacking those gangs, assassinating or going to war.

They only recognize money...

Since he came to Shacheng after recommending himself to join the army, he was quickly promoted to major in the guards because of his outstanding abilities, with his extraordinary skill and great strength.

Because of the high-level turmoil in these years, Shacheng once relaxed the management of the guards, and the assessment system was not very strict.

There is still a very urgent need for those capable talents. In addition, many generals are happy to promote their subordinates to establish their own small groups. In this way, some lower-level officers are promoted very quickly.

But Yin Tianhong has always been calm and decisive, and he doesn't say much about it. Over the years, he has done nothing wrong.

Therefore, his actions are not very noticed. From outsiders, he is a capable officer, nothing more.

"Where is the other person now?" General Du asked.

"I, I don't know... I visited him yesterday, but his men told me that they hadn't seen him for many days."

"Huh? Is he missing too?"

It seems that this guard should be telling the truth, otherwise, even if he had the courage to give them the courage, they would not dare to report here.


This major named Yin Tianhong seemed to be the breakthrough of this strange incident! Just find him.

Everyone must negotiate a decision. After a night of discussion, they roughly came up with two clues. One is to find the missing guards as soon as possible, and the other is to find the officer named Yin Tianhong.

That's it, the two sides are divided into two queries, this matter should be answered faster.


A few days later, the father's men suddenly received a message from a man—their king!

The master named "Rocker".

At this time, he was looking for something around an island.

Millions of tons of blue-black raging sea water separated in front of him, and a straight vortex appeared, which plunged deep into the seabed.

The violent waves rolled beside him, and various creatures in the sea were thrown up and down under the action of the whirlpool.

He is floating in this huge vortex...

As early as a few weeks ago, he woke up from the coffin.

The dormancy time this time was very short, only a few days, but he discovered something in the past few days... All the thugs who were sent out with the initial spiritual power brought him— —In other words, it made him feel the information they felt.

In the south of the sea where Dad and their boat passed, he found huge energy fluctuations.

In his deep sleep, these fluctuations were calculated unconsciously by him.

His divine sense tentacles felt the source of this energy, which originated somewhere deep in the ocean.

All he can do at this moment is to explore that place. Although his current ability is capable of "flight", he is far from being able to "fly". It requires a greater amount of spiritual power to do so. Thing.

This is a difference in the level of spiritual power, which seems to be the same to a mortal, but there is a huge gap in the nature of this ability level.

At least the spiritual power domain must be upgraded to level 3 before it can be done.

Just one more level can control the gravity flight.

It is not that he has not reached the height of that psionic level. Once he was able to soar into the universe, how could he be confined to this mere level 2 spiritual power domain?

But now, it was only a short period of time for Yukong to spend a huge amount of spiritual power. If he was flying hundreds of kilometers under the gravity of this planet, his spiritual power would be on the verge of exhaustion...

He is desperate for that energy.

"If I get that energy, huh—"

"No... I have to get it!"

His ideas are very realistic. Only by improving his abilities as soon as possible can those great plans be implemented.

He urgently needs to get the promises of those "gods" to confirm some things.

The raging waves of the blue-black sea rolled in the distance, and the salty sea breeze was blowing fiercely on his face! But when he came to him, he was as meek as a stream. It's just that he can't continue exploring now.

It's still because of lack of spiritual power!

He sighed. Originally, he could choose to slowly restore spiritual power to achieve the goal of accumulating more spiritual power.

However, his mood at the moment is a bit impatient.

Can't wait for those long years, his spiritual power pool is so big that it can be said to be endless. Compared with Xiaowu's newly developed spiritual power pool, his pool is like the sea.

However, this sea of ​​spiritual power is now also exhausted. There are only a few small lakes on the dry bottom of the sea. At this time, it is impossible to obtain endless spiritual power from this barren planet.

This is also the pain he needs to bear!

The so-called pain, loss, depression, regret, annoyance, etc., all these feelings do not exist in him.

He has already abandoned the mortal body and the emotional factors relying on the body just after he wondered whether to wait for a while, wait until his spiritual power level gradually increased, and then return Here...

He felt another energy, which was obviously beyond the control of the people on this planet.

The source of energy is thousands of kilometers away.

Somewhere in the northeast, located in the area where Dad and them were-the men and horses he had sent out long ago, the spiritual power mixed into the thugs, helped him feel something extraordinary.

He didn't know exactly what energy it was. It could be perceived at such a distance, indicating that the energy was huge, because the detection at such a distance had exceeded the upper limit of his current body's load energy level.

"Huh—thousands of kilometers away." The corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

The inability to detect the details does not mean that the inability to recognize it.

He curled his lips, because he had extracted some information from his memory that was more consistent with this huge energy.


Just like a bird can fly in the air, but there will eventually be a moment to rest.

The place where he can rest now is only those western gangs that have surrendered to him, the base camp of those thugs. There is his only foothold on this planet so far. There is his base, a small, inconspicuous base...

He stopped in his base, Dad's palace, and began to plan for the next step.

The mobs and scholars who stayed here should be allowed to continue their actions. But this little manpower prevented his plan from fully unfolding, and it was just better than nothing.

Solve the most basic problems first... he thought to himself.

The first release of this book is from 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!