Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 1023: to meet old friends

"God! So exaggerated?" Xiao Wu was stunned.

"This is not an exaggeration," Zhuge Yun sneered, shook his head and continued, "However, it is impossible for such a powerful force not to have a devastating impact on other species. Because of this, the creator set up Genetic shackles. They must sleep, and the sleep time is getting longer and longer, which limits their physical vitality, great strength and continued growth of the race."

"Then they must feel aggrieved after knowing the truth of the matter?"

"Yeah, it's understandable that the power is limited, but cutting off the continued growth of the race is tantamount to unprecedented." Zhuge Yun's voice was very flat.

Xiao Wu felt that he understood the situation of the Dragon Clan, and said with a sad expression, "So the White, the whole Dragon Clan is worried about this, right?"

"Anxiety is for sure." Zhuge Yun looked at the clouds in the distance, his eyes gleaming brightly, "Just imagine, which race needs to sleep for thousands or even tens of thousands of years? Every time they wake up, the whole world will have something Huge changes, becoming strange and incompatible. Bailong does not believe in evil, he hopes to find a way to get out of the predicament, lead the race to open up the future, and seek solutions from other races."

Xiao Wu understood, "So... after falling into a more miserable situation, he resolutely chose the power of human beings and souls as a breakthrough?"

"Exactly. It's a pity that he made a mistake in thinking that through extreme methods, he could break the inherent genetic shackles of the dragon race and continue their race. But he didn't know that this was also the result that some dark forces wanted to see."

"Is it the things hidden in the dark underground?"

"Well, they are still trapped there, trying to find ways to return to this world. In their view, instead of transforming the dragon clan, it is better to secretly promote the development of the dragon clan, and then draw their soul power from the void. This is indeed an unknown secret."

Zhuge Yun stood upright with his head held high, and looked up at the sky.

It was mid-afternoon at this time, and the dazzling light was particularly dazzling. The sun shone on the back of the ark, casting out gully-like shadows, and reflected a piece of gold on the undulating "hills" that stretched for tens of kilometers.

"Then, are there any survivors of the Dragon Clan in this era?" Xiao Wu bit his lip slightly and asked suspiciously.

"This question is very good. Humans don't know about the Dragon Clan at all. They only exist in legends... But, of course there are survivors," Zhuge Yun retracted his eyes and smiled, and said, "Oh, by the way, there are still some people who have survived since ancient times. Just follow the servants of the dragon clan. And now in my ancient iron city, do you want to meet them?"

"Ah!?" Xiao Wu was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. "The dragon clan is in the ancient iron city?"

"Yeah, they have been sleeping for some time. Now Bailong has woken up and brought two of his men to find us." Zhuge Yun turned to look at her and said, "A lot of things happened during this period, you leave It’s been too long, and it’s definitely not clear.”

"I, really don't know..."

Xiao Wu whispered and lowered his head. Her memory is still stuck in the past year, and everything that happened before is very vague, like a nightmare.

With an indifferent expression, Zhuge Yun briefly described what happened after she left.

When she heard about the terrifying changes brought about by the convergence of other worlds, the beast tide eroding the world, and Zhuge Yun gathering all the surviving humans by himself, and millions of humans living together on the two floating cities, she was completely shocked. shocked.

The more Xiao Wu heard it, the more curious he became.

The expressions on the face are colorful, just like the unpredictable and changeable weather: shock, sadness, anger, tension, sadness, depression, all burst out.

She never expected that the world she was familiar with a year ago had already left her. Now the creatures that dominate the earth are monsters, and human beings are facing a doomsday living environment.

It's just too scary!

The brilliant civilizations created by human beings are either buried or just kept in the sky. Human society has almost returned to the primitive era. If the master hadn't turned the tide and saved everyone, the human beings on this planet would have perished long ago.

Xiao Wu clenched his teeth, his expression was gloomy, and his heart was extremely depressed.

She remembered a saying that was circulated in the pre-civilized era: No one knows what kind of weapons will be used in the next world war, but the next world war will definitely use stones and sticks.

Xiao Wu felt that one more sentence should be added: fangs and claws.

Doesn’t the current world justify that sentence?

The history created by human beings in the past has been buried in the yellow sand, and the surface is no longer suitable for human habitation. Raging beasts and strange things that have never appeared on this planet compete for territory. They have to destroy all creatures that are not of the same race before they are willing to give up.

She can't understand this world!

"But Master, why...why did the world become like this? Could it be because of the past..." Xiao Wu hesitated before asking.

"What do you think?"

Zhuge Yun still looked calm and calm, and asked, "If I said that all of this is according to the script, it is a destiny, would you be surprised?"

"I-I don't know."

Xiao Wu was silent. She felt that the master should know, but he seemed unwilling to say it clearly.

"Next, are you going to lead those people to counterattack the ground? Take back the territory that originally belonged to humans?"

"Oh, no. I won't." Zhuge Yun snorted, and said in a calm voice, "Because, that's what I want you to do."

"Huh? Leave it to us?"

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, she didn't understand what "leaving it to you" meant. Why does the master himself not want to do it? Does he have other plans?

"I still have important things to do," Zhuge Yun explained, "After the convergence of other worlds, many guys from other worlds flooded in. I know what they are looking for, and I must get it before them. I'm going to the realm to search, and the things here can only depend on yourselves."

Only then did Xiao Wu realize that the master was leaving again.

She didn't know what the so-called "boundary" was, but she had heard it from Yu Linglong and had a vague impression.

"But I... still want to follow you, after all, I feel more at ease with you here..."

Xiao Wu felt a little bit reluctant, so UU Reading muttered a few words.

But she also knows that the master's order is everything, and this person has always said one thing, once he has made a decision, he will never change it.

At this moment, Zhuge Yun's face suddenly changed, and his spiritual power instantly became stronger.

What's wrong?

Xiao Wu felt a little uneasy when she saw it. She couldn't see as far as Zhuge Yun, so she didn't know what he saw.

"Okay, let's stop the ark here, and we should go down." Zhuge Yun closed his eyes, released his consciousness, and the spiritual power in his hand turned into a halo, and he swung upwards.

In an instant, the wrinkled skin of the ark under the two people's feet lit up with blue light, and then the blue light expanded outward, extending hundreds of meters, as if a transparent shield was added.

"Master, where are we going?"

"To see an old friend of yours, she seems to be in trouble."

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :