Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 1042: strict condition!

"I'm looking for something, none of your business?" The envoy's eyes froze, and he blurted out without thinking, "Wait, did you know?"

At this moment, there was a "buzz" in his head, as if someone had dropped a bomb.

The severe nervous headache came again, as if every time the problem was involved, he had this physiological reaction.

"Oh, that's right!"

Seeing him like this, Zhuge Yun shook his head slightly, then flipped his palms, and took out a gleaming gadget from the gap in the space, "Look, do you recognize such a thing?"


The other party's breathing stagnated, his pupils dilated, and a flash of light flashed in an instant.

"This...could it be!?"

He didn't see where Zhuge Yun took it out, but the energy emitted by that thing was astonishing, indicating that this was exactly what he was looking for—a bone of the God Lord!

"The power of origin!"

The heart, eyes, bones, nails, these things all contain the power of origin, and they are also things that can make the gods descend.

To find them - is his mission.

The spark of thinking quickly stirred up in his head, as if he could **** this thing from Zhuge Yun's hand as long as he stretched out his hand.

This feeling is completely instinctive, without warning.


Just as the holy envoy stretched out his hand unconsciously, a layer of ripples appeared in the space. I saw that phalanx disappear out of thin air into the opponent's palm, and disappeared in an instant.


His gaze moved up immediately, and seeing Zhuge Yun's indifferent smiling face, his outstretched hand retracted like lightning.

"You, how did you have this?" He asked in shock.

"Oh, this question... is also one of the conditions of our cooperation." Zhuge Yun put his finger to his lips lightly, made a gesture, and said with a mean smile, "I did this for your own good. Some truths are too heavy to bear, let’s talk about them when you’re ready, of course I won’t tell you easily now.”

"Ugh, you bastard...!"

The envoy's body trembled, but he calmed down again. The headache disappeared quickly, and his piercing eyes were full of shock and suspicion.

Perhaps, with some contempt.


"Interesting, you actually know what I'm looking for? It seems that you are not such a simple guy!"

"Heh, do you think I'm simple?" Zhuge Yun smiled, put one hand behind his back again and said, "But that's right, I'm always simple and direct! Well, why don't we Let's talk next, aren't you tired of floating in the sky?"

Like meteors, the two fell to the ground almost at the same time, and landed on the two pillars of the temple.

Now, he has only one comment on Zhuge Yun: he is a ruthless person.

"As long as you give me that thing, I will agree to any of your conditions." The envoy said eagerly with greedy eyes.

"Of course I can give it to you, but not now." Zhuge Yun shook his head and said.

The envoy was taken aback and asked, "When was that?"

"You know very well, of course, after fulfilling my conditions. You have to help me clear up the haze in the darkness of this continent, fight against the beast horde, and bring human society back to normal, and you must also satisfy me. At that time Of course I will give you this finger bone."

This statement can be regarded as a typical excuse for playing power. The conditions for completion are very strict, and the quality of service must satisfy Zhuge Yun, which is a bit shameless.

"Okay, I promise you!" Surprisingly, the envoy agreed without hesitation.

"I will lead the Zerg to protect all the races and prevent them from being harmed by the beast tide. Are you satisfied?"

For the ultimate mission, he can forego the Zerg entirely, or anything at all.

It was his purpose to come here to find the source of power. Since the other party has enough "chips" to attract him, why continue to hold back?

To him, commanding the Zerg race is just a matter of convenience to achieve his goal. Even if he cultivates the Zerg race to be strong enough, so what? Anyway, it won't be long before he will leave this planet.

The Zerg is greedy in nature and very powerful. The race has only one goal—that is, self-evolution. They will challenge all powerful species, find ways to hunt prey, and **** their genes. That's why the Zerg masters attacked the Ark at the beginning.

Of course, the holy envoy has considered the future of the Zerg race. He originally wanted to lead the Zerg army to completely dominate the planet, and then use this power to launch a large-scale search mission.

On the one hand, the Zerg was continuously transformed and transfused with blood by him in the lair, and on the other hand, he did not gain any hematopoietic function. Once he left here to complete his mission, these Zergs would completely lose their strength and become weak after consuming the food on the island, and even continued to sleep underground.

If they could go to a wider land, the Zerg could not only find abundant food, but also obtain the genes of countless alien creatures, making the Zerg grow into an extremely terrifying force.

Now, there is no "pure transaction" and "paper value" in the cooperative relationship between him and Zhuge Yun, but more based on the long-term "interests" of both parties.

He was not sure about the idea of ​​defeating all alien creatures on land, but he just relied on his intuition that this was a necessary way to develop the Zerg.

But the moment Zhuge Yun took out that phalanx, the necessary reason was there.

The two parties always provide value to each other to have a basis for cooperation, and the interests of both parties must be converged or integrated before cooperation can be reached.

The strategic geographical relationship between humans and the Zerg is very delicate. Millions of humans now live in the floating city, with many strong men and terrifying powerful weapons, but the power on the ground is almost zero; while the Zerg is only very strong on the ground, not yet Evolve powerful aerial power.

If the two sides can form a strategic alliance at the moment when the terrifying beast hordes are spreading across the entire planet, they will definitely complement each other, and their strength will increase geometrically.

Of course he knew that once the alliance was formed, once the war to eradicate the beast horde for mankind started, as the other party said, it would turn the Zerg into the "pawns" of mankind.

But it is undeniable that this is also a way to enhance the Zerg's own strength. After gaining more powerful power, maybe he can help him win the command of other Zergs, why not do it?

"It's not bad," Zhuge Yun said lightly, "But don't answer me in such a hurry, I can give you another day to think it over."

"Don't think about it, my answer won't change!" The envoy shook his head.

On that beautiful face, there was a sunny smile and endless longing instantly, and he agreed without thinking.

He was shocked in his heart, this guy who can command all human beings is really not easy.

Looking back now on the conditions he premised, although they seem harsh, they are also completely reasonable.

At the same time, the envoy was still full of doubts, who is this person? Why do you have the power of origin? Where did he get it?

Zhuge Yun's black hair fluttered and he was quite satisfied. The answer from the dead **** did not surprise him.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :