Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 1065: It's useless to look at it!

Blood spirits, after all, are monsters created by the empire, possessing supernatural powers that ordinary people do not have.

Their strength is strong enough to deal with any danger single-handedly in front of any force in any world, so their missions are always kept secret.

However, this matter seems suspicious.

Uneasiness welled up in the commander's heart, as well as a little fear.

For example, if it was a mission order directly issued by the top of the empire, why didn't I notify myself at all in advance? Maybe they have a reason not to let the people of the empire know, or to cover up their eyes and ears, so that their political opponents don't want to be aware of it?

Maybe there are both possibilities, but sending Blood Spirit here to command the Mobis to take command is simply too absurd.

The commander felt a pair of invisible hands strangling his neck, and his breathing became short of breath.

Blood Spirit is said to be a secret assassination force under the command of the third prince. They don't even have the number of the imperial army, they don't obey the military, and they don't belong to any faction within the empire.

The true intention of their mission will never be known to outsiders like themselves. And the interest entanglement involved in this is not something that can be guessed casually.

Then why...?

"This planet is on the verge of a chaotic war—" the commander tried to calm his heart that was beating wildly due to tension. While smiling wryly, he muttered to himself, "Monsters, you have to rely on monsters to fight...they are not human at all."

He guessed that this matter is not so much a mission with huge impact, but a disaster related to the common fate of the two worlds.

Fighting for profit? impossible.

In the face of this matter, no one actually has the right to protest.

The interests of everyone on the Mobius, the interests of the empire, and the interests of another unrelated civilization on the blue planet are irrelevant to this matter.

What does it matter to you to destroy you?

"Forget it, is it necessary to think so much? The blood spirit is just here to catch a thief and retrieve the sacred object. This is what the empire does...Professional people should do professional things, why bother so much?"

The commander secretly sighed, and a feeling of pity suddenly rose in his heart.

But so what? With the current situation, I can only listen to it.

But now, he already knew too many secrets. Although Xue Ling voluntarily said the whole thing, he knew it after all. To wear his crown, he must bear his weight, and if he does not provide assistance as requested—

Then, will he himself be the next assassination target?

This is very possible!

Thinking of this, the commander gasped.

Before preparing to act, all he had to do and the only thing he could do was to collect as many specimens of intelligent creatures on that planet as possible to provide support for the Blood Spirit.

A thin external nerve bundle grew from the back of the commander's hand, connected to the Mobius center, and issued instructions with mental fluctuations, ordering the system of the Mobius to wake up the battle bag.

He has a five-member war advisory group, more than 300 psychic combatants, and countless technological equipment. In such an exotic outer space, as a powerful battle fortress, Mobius is strong enough to resist any unknown race approaching this planet.

The moon quickly turned to the other side of the earth, hidden in the sun's dazzling light.

The light around the aircraft flickered again. One hundred and twenty-eight hours had passed, and tens of thousands of energy sensing crystals were working non-stop.

Although a lot of energy has been collected, it is still far from meeting the strategic needs of the Mobis.

The commander lowered his head, and kept tapping his fingers on the armrest of the aperture in front of him, without any confusion in the rhythm.

Patience, what he needs most now is patience.

The data curve on the light screen in front of him has a slight ups and downs. He sighed, waiting patiently for the charge to reach its base value.

It seems that the little energy emitted by the stars is far from enough, and more and more powerful sources of energy must be found.

Synthesizing the artificial energy spar on the Mobius is a good way, which requires minerals on the planet. But if you can't get in touch with ec238, how can you get minerals?

There was one more thing that bothered him: hacking into the ec238 ecosystem wasn't that simple to get more accurate data.

Because in the massive amount of data, the commander has already seen what he least wants to see - the dark meteor barrier.

Dark meteors are very common in the universe, and almost constitute more than 93% of the universe as a whole. The distance between the two star systems may be several light years. In such a large space, most of the blank areas are filled by dark meteorites.

As we all know, spirit and matter are originally the relationship between two different dimensions.

Spiritual energy is invisible and intangible. It is not material, but it cannot exist without material. Just like spiritual thinking must be attached to the brain made of matter, spiritual energy cannot be observed by any instrument, and its existence can only be confirmed from its "interaction" with the surrounding environment.

The dark meteor barrier is brought by spiritual energy, it is not made of atoms—it seems to have existed on the planet ec238 for a long time.

For the commander, this gravity-like energy response was another fact that shocked him extremely.

"Commander!" Following the voice, five well-dressed people appeared at the door of the command room.

"We're ready."

Their faces looked bloodless, white and transparent, and everyone's eyes were a little erratic, as if they had just woken up from sleep.

"Very good, you are finally here. Have you all read the mission briefing?"

Commander Weiwei stepped forward and expressed welcome.

Several people glanced at each other quickly, and one of the adjutants said, "We all read the mission briefing, but there are some places... we still don't quite understand."

"It doesn't matter," the commander sat on the aperture with a dignified expression, crossed his hands on his chin, and looked as if he had just recovered from contemplation. "The briefing is indeed a bit unclear. Just take your place first, and you will all understand in a while."

In the mission briefing, there was not a word of what the blood spirit said, and all sensitive records were carefully erased by the commander.

He didn't want these subordinates to know too much of the truth, because it wasn't necessary, and not everyone could easily and happily accept this kind of thing.

After the commander's brief narration, the five lieutenants all looked stunned, and then became emotional in an instant, starting to talk a lot.

"Blood, blood spirit...?"

"Could it be sent by the Imperial Guard?"

"But we have never received such news before."

"Yeah, UU Reading is really unusual for our fleet to encounter such a thing."

"As soon as we woke up, we started fighting inexplicably. It's unbelievable!"

"Why, didn't he explain it?"

Unexpectedly, when Fu closed the door and fell into a deep sleep, the blood spirit appeared on their ship, and the Mobis also fought a battle with an unknown enemy.

"So, most of our fleet is gone, are there only a few frigates left?"

"Yes, as you can see." The commander nodded.

"But... the reason, why is this? Could it be that we suddenly received an order from the top of the empire?"

"No, it shouldn't be a political factor. But I think we still need to look at the voyage records of the Mobius to find the reason..." an adjutant said.

"That's right, what happened to the space-time storm that split our fleet apart?"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :