Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 1074: nonsense

He thought for a moment, then raised his eyelids and said, "This is a free country called the human settlement of Huaxia. This country already has a good social order, and I can also have a lot of interest."

Dad gave a sloppy look, and what he heard was not what he answered.

"Of course I know this, power, status, money, beauty... But at this moment, Your Excellency, everyone in this city should understand their position and role, and obey your instructions. Do you understand? "Jay's words seemed to mean something.

"Oh, of course. Everyone in this place must have their own position. The foundation of stability and solidity is to govern people. This is the premise for the emergence of social order..."

Dad changed the conversation, "But I'm just the head of the agency. What are you trying to say?"

"Uh, it's nothing. Recently I heard that there are still many technological heritages left by previous civilizations here. They are piled up in underground warehouses, and no one cares. These things used to belong to the arrogant emperor, but many technologies are still used today. I didn't have time to study it in depth, maybe because there are not enough people..."

"Yeah, scholar. The question that has always given me a headache, this place will always be short of such people." The fat on the father's face trembled as he answered.

It's not that he can't see something, it's that he pretends not to.

Jaylen said, "But I do know some people who are scholars of the Turner family, know a lot of knowledge, and have worked for the Turner family for many years. But for some reason, they don't want to show their faces anymore. You know Yes, these people are timid and afraid of many things..."

"Yes, I agree with this statement, and I know such people. No one is more timid than them."

Dad patted his belly, snorted softly, and said, "Flames, tiny noises, unremarkable light, and even a severed grasshopper's thigh often make them insane and shouting. In the laboratory , they are also too cautious, and they dare not take off their gloves wherever they go, for fear that bacteria will stick to their bodies forever. In short, their thoughts are completely different from normal people. "

Dad's seemingly agreeable response seemed to stir up Master Jay's sensitive nerves.

He was a little excited, put his head close, lowered his voice and said, "If our Turner family is fortunate enough to have your help to obtain a small part of these inheritances, I may be able to persuade them to resume their old business."

"Well, get back to your old business."

Jay looked up and saw that his father's expression didn't change, so he said, "This way, it will be of great benefit to everyone..."

He continued to turn the huge ring on his finger. It was golden, and the precious gems on the ring were glowing with red light, reflecting on his father's face intentionally or unintentionally. He also specially emphasized the word "everyone", which seemed to be intentional.

"Hmm, so-"

The corners of Dad's mouth were slightly upturned, and his eyelids rolled. Having said so much, he finally understood what Jaylen meant.

The Turner family survived in the troubled times in Mine City, and the fundamental reason for its development and growth is that it has mastered an important economic lifeline. This comes from the family's original accumulation, reserves and the excavation of many pre-civilization relics, and it is also the foundation that their ancestors laid a hundred years ago for the family's prosperity.

Although now on the floating city, the social system and class system of the mine city in the past have disappeared, and everyone must work hard to adapt to the new system and new social model.

But everyone lives within the system after all. Some people know more than others and get information faster than others. If it does come back to the ground, who can guarantee that the distribution of power and wealth will not be reshuffled?

Jay's intentions are obvious - he wants to follow the example of the ancestors of the family, to gain resource advantages for Turner's lineage, to take the lead, and to inherit the family's status.

That way, no matter how society changes, the Turners will always be different and they will stand out.

Those who have the resources will always be successful and will feel more status and superiority than others. Because no matter what society is, there are always people who not only see the opportunity, but also see further, and have the capital to make plans for their own future.

Laying the foundation is just a means, and obtaining resources is the goal. It is human nature. There's nothing wrong with this kind of thing.

But my father knew very well that it was impossible for any family to intervene in this kind of thing. Even if you can't do it yourself, this is related to the greater future, perhaps the future of the entire human race.

"So, what are you going to entrust me to do, Master Jay?" Dad also lowered his voice and replied gruffly, "I have to listen to you before I can make a decision. If you don't plan to entrust me, There's no need to talk about it, right?"

"Oh, entrust? Yes, that's right. As expected of you, I really want to entrust you to inquire about something of value. It would be better if I could get it."

"Only if I know something."

"That is required."

Jay seemed to be very happy that his father was clear at one point, and deliberately put on an embarrassed expression and said, "I don't know much more than others now, and reliable information is always too little and not enough. I think this city's previous There is still a lot of technology left by the master that deserves careful study, if it is convenient for you...

Let me get clear information on this or something, and then master some skills..." He chuckled a few times, "The benefits you have brought to our Turner family will never be forgotten. "

"Don't say so much useless. But honestly, I actually thought about it, and we agree on this point."

From the corner of his eyes, the old man glanced sideways and said, "I must say, some things were strange to me at first. For example, those practitioners, why are they so powerful? And those guys who howl at the moon at night, they seem to be The brain is not normal, but the strength is terrifying. Everyone knows that these guys live on the top of the floating city and are strictly separated from the area of ​​human dwellings. Don't you think it's strange that these people suddenly unite and join us? ?…”

"Uh...listen to you, yes."

"Tell you, in fact, there are things in their bodies that are different from ours." Dad said mysteriously. "Genes, understand? Genes are everything, making their bodies stronger, just like those mutants."

Jay hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "I understand, so, that emperor was studying the mystery of powerful genes before?"

"I didn't say anything..." Dad deliberately hit haha.

"It seems that he has always wanted to create an invincible legion. The legion is full of mutants. Unfortunately, he was born at the wrong time. He was defeated before he achieved his dominance."

Dad's voice was lowered, and the fat on his bloated face trembled.

In fact, he didn't know much about these things, and most of them were heard from other people's mouths. But it seems to know more and more reliable than others.

"Oh, now I finally understand why he didn't hesitate to launch a war, but also attack the mine city. He is full of mutants, and his confidence must come from this." Jay seems to have realized something, while nodding. He vowed, "If there is research on genetic technology, I would also like to join you. I have some talented people."

"Heh, little brother, do you want them all to join the 'infinite power'?" Dad rolled his narrowed eyes.