Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 1079: age of contempt (3)

"Actually, I asked the people from Ispatin, and they were surprised that the 'Kalachakra' could transfer so many people at once. So don't even think about it, it's impossible." Su Zheyao He shook his head and said, "As far as I know, no one can use teleportation except that young man—the Savior."

"But...if these teleportation devices are so advanced, how were they made in the first place?"

Jaylen said with a confused expression, "And those people from Ispatin look very...very different, they don't look like people who have mastered such advanced technology, they look like ancient people."

"This question," Su Zhe replied, "Let's leave it to others to discuss. As for you, you have no right to judge. You just need to complete your own work."

Su Zhe turned to look at his father again, and smiled, but the smile only touched the corner of his mouth.

"And the aircraft you mentioned, I'm afraid it's just a temporary replacement."

"Uh, a temporary substitute?" Dad was taken aback.

Su Zhe looked at the deep sky outside the window, then shook his head and said, "Our largest aircraft can only carry dozens of people at a time, think about it, how long would it take to transport a million humans?

Moreover, this does not take into account the energy consumption and safety issues of the aircraft. These humans are not soldiers, they are just ordinary people and should not take such risks. Also, we have to think about the time and effort it takes to organize these people. "

Su Zhe's face began to sink again, and this question seemed to have troubled him for a while.

"Uh... time and energy... do you mean the number of deliveries? Millions of people... thousands of times? No, tens of thousands of times...?"

Dad really frowned and calculated seriously. But in terms of his arithmetic level, I am afraid that he will never be able to get the answer.

But he also understood what Su Zhe meant.

Dad knows how much energy it takes to make a million people obedient. This is definitely a huge mobilization work. Especially in this turbulent era, the organization and management of humans in the floating city is really painful.

At the same time, he is also aware of the fact that he can no longer brandish the weapon in his hand and order people in a simple and rude way as in the past, what to do and what not to do.

The fist is truth, the sword is justice, and the violent world is a thing of the past. These people are not slaves, but citizens of flesh and blood.

In a sense, their life in the few months after coming to the floating city is like experiencing thousands of years of human history. These people have escaped the habit of wandering and foraging for food due to the changing seasons, and they have also escaped a life trapped in the ruins and cultivating their own one-third of an acre.

They have crossed time and space, that is, from the so-called barbaric slave era to the economic era and the "modern age" with great material abundance.

They need a sense of security very much now. Get out of the savage ground age and live in cities and fortified cities. Only in this way can women give birth safely, and human beings can continue to reproduce and have a future.

Dad then thought, why isn't he like this?

In any case, the humans on these two floating cities are the only ones left on the planet. Although they have different appearances, skin colors, languages, clothes, and skills, they all have a name—human beings.

After the fusion of other worlds, the world was formatted almost instantly. Horrific beast hordes swept across the land, and monsters ran rampant with abilities unknown to humans. These otherworldly beasts will now hunt humans no matter what they hunted before.

For a time, everyone lost their original homes and became displaced.

The planet was ravaged by animal hordes, washed away by viruses, and humans were forced to migrate. All kinds of tragedies are still vivid, and the extremely terrifying scenes have become the common memory of everyone.

But everyone yearns to go back to the world below. After all, who wants to stay in such a small floating city for the rest of their lives? It's not home, it's just a fortress, a war machine.

Therefore, taking back their homeland is also the dream of most people, not to mention that they still have the savior who saved everyone.

Pop has been listening to stories from pre-civilization times lately, and the messages in them fascinate him. Of course, he doesn't read books himself, because how can he read books if he doesn't know a few big characters?

All the books and knowledge can be found in the Floating Void City, so he asked his subordinates to read them before telling him, so that he can use his own judgment to understand the content and turn it into the knowledge he needs.

He understood some simple truths. Since ancient times, human society has presented a social hierarchy pyramid at any stage, no matter it is on the ground or in the floating city: there are huge grassroots workers who do basic work; The defenders who produce laborers and maintain social operations; and the leaders of social progress who are at the top of the tower.

Together, they will be responsible for the future transformation and destiny of mankind.

Then, the means of ruling these human beings must also be upgraded, testing the governance, control and action capabilities of the people at the top of the tower to make the consciousness of the entire society a more advanced form.

He doesn't know what to call this form, but he has already begun to think about the future development trend.

He believes that in an era that has just undergone tremendous changes, human society should be dominated by a lifeless and extremely centralized regime. Because the disaster that threatens all mankind may strike again at any time, everyone must contribute to the society and the collective, otherwise there is no need to continue to survive.

In troubled times, the influence of morality, belief, and system is far less than that of pure force. This kind of force is not internal, but external.

Everyone has seen many powerful people and high-tech weapons in the floating city. After that, people's confidence is overwhelming and a common understanding has been formed.

They feel that this is a force they can rely on, and the sense of crisis is condensed into a powerful centripetal force, which comes from the hearts of the people. In this way, mankind becomes more united than Dad seems to have a kind of innate intuition, a kind of keen intuition that managers only have, which is probably because of his many years in Westworld, Trained as a mob leader.

In short, he now believes that society should not distinguish between high and low, and no one will be superior and treat everyone equally. The ruler's means must be clear, and the regulations must be transparent, so that people can consciously and self-knowledge to abide by the regulations. Everyone formed a consensus, recorded it in their brains, and subtly formed a collective memory.

This means perhaps the law? Maybe it's policy?

Although the old man realized this, he still couldn't draw a reliable conclusion. In his view, these means are not much different.

No matter what form it is, it will definitely not be a violent threat of blood and fire.

Su Zhe seemed to be absent-minded, but just looked at his father dully and remained silent for a long time.

"Then, the elevator you are talking about needs to be built on the ground before it can work?" Jay suddenly asked.

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