Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 1081: We are the latecomers!

The most difficult thing for him to understand is that this kind of hatred is not the hatred of the invaded for the aggressor, but the exact opposite.

The truth lies in the actions of these outsiders.

Behind their crazily attacking humans and devouring the world, there seems to be an ancient hostile thinking, or hatred, that is, the feeling of wanting to turn humans into slaves.

Only human beings will have mental problems after being infected: delirium, dementia, sanity breakdown and even attacking the same kind. While other animals are only physically mutated after being infected, the brain seems to remain the same, and the behavior pattern is not different from the original.

Why is this happening? Is it because humans are special and the only creatures with self-awareness?

Humans claim to be the spirit of all things, and the brain has evolved the most complex structure, which is obviously different from other creatures and represents the top predator of the evolutionary chain.

Is this the reason why the human spirit is abnormal? Is there something controlling all of this somewhere?

Su Zhe is a person who has had a similar experience. After seeing Ispatin's secret and powerful knowledge system for the first time, in addition to feeling shocked, he also developed an indescribable intuition.

Perhaps all his previous research and cognitive directions have deviated. This is not arrogance and prejudice, but the most intuitive feeling before him, or the intuition of a scholar.

Now, this intuition once again invaded his brain.

After comparing many sets of data, Su Zhe suddenly realized that the deterrence of alien creatures to human beings has always existed, and it did not form overnight. The reverse is also true, humans also have a certain deterrent effect on alien creatures.

It's like during the Cold War, both sides held a huge nuclear deterrent, and everyone had equal strength, but neither side dared to use that power easily.

This situation must be difficult for ordinary people to understand. In the real world, how could weak human beings be on a par with those monsters in power and still have deterrent power?

Regarding this issue, Ispatin's people inspired him: the ultimate potential of human beings has always been there, and that is spiritual power.

Spiritual power can be stimulated from the human body, mastered through acquired learning, and gradually accumulated. And this kind of power Su Zhe has seen hundreds of years ago. But he didn't know that this power was actually evolved to deal with monsters.

What's even more astonishing is that these forces can influence each other and connect in series to become stronger and create infinite possibilities.

After all, Su Zhe is just a famous scholar. His field of expertise is to study the unknown and unravel the laws of nature, and he has good scientific literacy. So his shortcomings are also obvious-he doesn't care about things other than exploring the truth of science, and he will appear very slow in humanities, politics, or philosophy.

This is not his problem alone, almost all scientists are like this.

When dealing with this kind of thing, the brain often cares about a certain problem, focusing on the details of things and ignoring the macro, so there is always no feeling. Compared with people who really have political genes, such as people like Dad, they are really far behind.

As the leader of the "Project Titan" of the pre-civilization, Su Zhe used what he had learned all his life to see the essence through the phenomenon. Many times, the fuzzy future dangled in front of his eyes, often waking him up from nightmares with a cold sweat.

He also kept studying his mutated body. —Many times, he felt like those monsters from other worlds, hated.

Today, human beings, the chosen people who once ruled the earth, the spirits of all things, are completely confined to these two floating cities, lingering on their last legs, and have long since lost their original glory.

If there is a better way, it can help mankind build up strong confidence, return to the original track, and regain the world that belongs to mankind. Then, the terrifying war machine of Floating Void City will be able to run at full capacity from now on, completely reversing the fate of everyone!

He faintly realized that the appearance of the so-called alien creatures had long been foreshadowed.

After analyzing a large amount of data, while Su Zhe was confused, his powerful intuition also played a role, connecting various anomalies and finding a breakthrough.

These things seem to involve the issue of the origin of life, and there are actually traces of various contradictions. The speculation that shocked him the most was: what if it wasn't aliens who came to our world, but we came to their world?

Four billion years ago, the earth gradually stabilized after experiencing the era of chaotic collisions in outer space. Single-celled organisms appeared before humans and took root on this planet.

At that time, there was almost no oxygen in the atmosphere, oxygen existed as a compound, and all organisms were anaerobic bacteria. They can even attach to small meteorites and fly into space to hibernate.

At that time, ancient bacteria used the organic matter near the submarine vents to live invariably. Until 2.5 billion years ago, cyanobacteria were born. Compared with other organisms that can only use the organic molecules around them to maintain life, cyanobacteria can carry out photosynthesis and produce organic substances for their own survival.

When the organisms that beg for food in small spaces flourish, cyanobacteria have also obtained almost inexhaustible resources. The creatures at that time had almost unlimited life-as long as there was enough sunlight and carbon dioxide, they could divide and reproduce until they crowded the entire primitive ocean.

The oxygen in the photosynthesis of cyanobacteria was treated as waste and excreted in the form of oxygen, which was equivalent to the poisonous gas in the environment for the organisms at that time. The first various algae emitted oxygen to the atmosphere. In order to survive and compete, they almost destroyed the ecosystem at that time. Everywhere they went was dead, and led to the extinction of other anaerobic the atmosphere After being filled with oxygen, a huge ozone layer is formed, which blocks the damage of sunlight ultraviolet rays and most cosmic rays to organisms on earth.

The ozone layer is later regarded as the basis for the evolution of large organisms, the umbrella of life, the formation of complex multi-molecular chains and the prerequisite for genetic stability.

Later, human beings appeared, and their appearance was immediately regarded as the "container" and "shell" for the survival of many species. Various bacteria and countless organisms lived in the internal and external environment of the human body and coexisted with the environment.

What's even more frightening is that, from the perspective of life evolution, the war between humans and various bacteria and viruses has just begun. So here's the thing: These bacteria were the first organisms to adapt, and humans were the latecomers.

Su Zhe studied the impact of alien creatures on humans, and found that they seem to use viruses to erode human nerve centers, and then affect the human brain and related systems.

This is almost a part of the natural law, and the reason why human beings can be affected by it proves the most direct relationship with alien creatures.

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