Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 1084: unexpected encounter (2)

Dongfang Lu remained silent, his eyes fixed on the ground.

There was a high-frequency vibration under his feet, followed by a huge sound wave next to his ears.

Dongfang Road was dizzy from the shock, and strange images suddenly appeared in his mind——

Countless human beings formed a circle and bowed down to a terrifying black shadow on the top of the mountain. The black shadow took shape for no reason, constantly wriggling the tentacles on its body. A white light flashed across the towering peaks, and the crowd screamed in horror, and soon petrified into living mummies that could not move.

The tissues and organs of the petrified people were completely solidified, and Dongfang Road seemed to be able to feel their incomparable pain. Although these petrified beings still have the ability to perceive and think, they cannot take any action at all.

Afterwards, the black shadow swallowed the entire sky, grew bigger and bigger, and grew into a colossal giant in the world!

Such creepy scenes are infinitely varied, hitting Dongfang Road's mind again and again.

Horror rushed toward him like a sea of ​​stars—the shadows finally dissipated, and he saw a human silhouette, veiled in shimmering light. After tearing off the veil, he became stunned and shocked, and the complicated scene in front of him was like a vast and distant universe, extremely crazy.

Dongfang Lu's body began to tremble uncontrollably, and the huge amount of information that his brain couldn't carry was still hitting his nerves, almost crushing his spirit.


A howl resounded through the world, and those scenes suddenly disappeared. Dongfang Lu also woke up after roaring, but his mood swings were still extremely violent.

His system flashed a red light, and a series of error codes flashed before his eyes.

Due to the excessive secretion of adrenal cortex hormone in the brain, the melatonin in the cerebrospinal fluid prompted the system to launch an active defense, which made him calm down quickly from the hyperactive state.

This is too weird!

" head is about to explode...just now...what did you see?"

At this time, the picture in front of him was also disturbed by electromagnetic waves, and horizontal lines appeared from time to time. The earth trembled, the edges of the uneven stone walls became blurred under the sky, and the stone walls made dull roars.

The drone also appears to be affected, with the signal lasting briefly before disappearing.

"Yes... the drone was attacked?"

Sure enough, he tried a few times but the drone never responded to him, leaving only a "buzzing" clutter.

After waiting for a few seconds, Dongfang Lu came back to his senses, and immediately checked the last image sent back by the drone, and was shocked.

I saw some invisible substance isolating the valley from its surroundings, and the scenery was somewhat distorted, as if a film was instantly covered. Then there was the violent trembling, the drone was like a drunk, its field of vision twisted and turned upside down, and then it fell headlong, and the image disappeared.

He increased the visual magnification vigilantly, and saw a gully with a width of one kilometer appeared between the black valleys. Accompanied by a deafening collision sound, the road surface collapsed, sending up dust and clouds and black smoke.

The strange thing is that as soon as the smoke reached a height of several hundred meters, it quickly disappeared.

"Hey! What happened just now?"

Dongfang Lu turned on his sensor, searched it with his brain, and found that the high-energy reaction had disappeared, followed by a burst of surprise.

Undoubtedly, this is exactly the high-energy reaction emanating from that thing—but just now it wasn't aiming at the ark, but was emitting biological energy to expand the way in front of itself.

Why would the road be expanded in this way?

Dongfang Road didn't think much about it. He only guessed that the drone must have been too close, and the energy waves emitted by the ghost thing damaged its sensitive components, causing all signals to be cut off, making it impossible to communicate.

But what was that strange noise just now?

It's unbelievable that even I feel dizzy?

Dongfang Road used the intelligence brain to connect those artificial humans to check whether they were damaged, and soon found that their functions were normal and not affected at all.

This is too strange—the drone is invalid because it is too close to be affected by the electromagnetic wave, and the robot army is not far away from itself, but it is not affected at all?

This is a bit unreasonable!

Dongfang Lu was suddenly puzzled, and immediately started self-examination, and found that apart from the brain nerves being disturbed to secrete a large amount of corticosteroids, his own system was not damaged at all.

Further searches made him realize that when this biological energy erupts, it not only releases electromagnetic waves, but also releases something that can affect the biological nervous system—spiritual attack!

I am an organic and mechanical integration, while the artificial human army is completely mechanical, without a biological brain, so it is not affected.

Just when he was a little surprised, a picture reappeared in front of his eyes. The valleys, ravines, and all kinds of destroyed plants seemed to be viewed from the air.

"Beep beep—the system restarts...the power is normal..."

"Climbing to an altitude of 430 meters...The detection function is restored...The energy response of the target..."

A lot of data appeared in front of Dongfang Road in an instant, all of which were the basic parameters of the drone. It turned out that the fallen drone was not scrapped, but restarted and flew into the sky, and connected to the signal with itself.

"Hoo, hoo..." Dongfang Lu finally stabilized his emotions, and immediately tried to analyze the situation he just encountered.

The real-time footage sent back showed that the huge target had disappeared, and only some destroyed surface features remained to remind him that this thing really existed.

After searching carefully over and over again, Dongfang Road confirmed that it was gone, so he felt relieved.

"What the **** is that...? Can it affect my brainwaves?"

"No, it's too dangerous here and we must leave as soon as possible. I don't know where the ghost is hiding. Maybe there are other places like this guy. It's important to complete the **** mission first."

Thinking of this, he cheered up again, and ordered the android troop escorting the "Hotbed of Life" to set off again.

At this time, he no longer cared about the threat of acid rain in the sky, and decided to fly to the ark at the fastest speed.

"Beep beep—alert...biological response is imminent, coordinates...speed 822..."

When his troops were about to take off, the high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance plane on the other side suddenly sent a warning, and a high-energy reaction was detected near the surface of the android troops!

"Oops! That thing is here again!"

Dongfang Lu was shocked by the sudden Before he had time to think, he immediately pulled out the Zhanjian knife on his back and ran to the back.

He jumped more than ten meters, the vector jet behind him exploded with raging flames, and with full power, he swept across the ridge like a shooting star.

The horror shadow reappears!

After a burst of landslides and ground cracks, smoke and dust filled the air, and several thick "thorns" pierced the ground, stretched for hundreds of meters, and swept into the air.

Several of the android troops that had just taken off were hit instantly, and the deflagrating electric fires shot out in all directions, exploding in the air. The rest of the troops were in a mess, trying to take off, but they were quickly pulled down by several twisted and dancing black giant whips.

"Let's go! Protecting supplies is the first priority!"

The highest order was issued, and Dongfang Road also let out a roar, rushing into the smoke and dust, covering the rest of the troops to lift off.

The ion giant blade in his hand cut down continuously, drawing pieces of cobalt blue!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :