Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 1102: Chaotic Times (3)

These "human gods" were initially selected from all walks of life.

They could be a certain prophet in the temple, an imperial general who fought in **** battles, a deacon of the Imperial Executive Yuan, or a speaker from a certain lower class.

Instigated by the superstructure, soul scientists and soul forging masters began to add fuel to the flames, advocating the belief in "human gods", and the big families also spared no effort. As a result, the god-making movement has naturally become the most efficient means of mind control for the rulers of all dynasties.

Power and faith are highly unified, and the nodes of each class are enlarged and connected one by one, restricting each other, each forming the leader of the new class, and maintaining a high degree of consistency with the will of the ruler.

Due to the unremitting shaping of the "man and god", the Kunting Empire was also "temporarily" pushed to another peak.

However, the disadvantages of doing so are quickly revealed...

There are more and more "human gods", and management is becoming more and more difficult. Gradually breaking away from the invisible line of administrative traction, they each occupy one side. Inside the empire, powerful clans often compete with each other due to their interests, causing the empire to fall into chaos and crisis again. At the same time, the long-term chaos has also crushed the living space of ordinary people.

The gradual disintegration of central power and the weakening of control have also planted many hidden dangers within the empire.

In order to eliminate the impact of the "human gods" on the upper class, the ruling class increased the expansion of the territory, trying in vain to ease the internal struggle with external wars.

On the other hand, even if killing and destroying the four universes in the name of religion consumes the strength of the powerful "human god", everyone can see that this is not a long-term solution.

After enjoying peace for a hundred years without war, the empire ushered in another wave of man-made disasters.

Where should these powerful "human gods" go?

The reality is in front of us: fullness and chaos, prosperity and peace will eventually come to an end, and the enemies of the empire will eventually be wiped out one day, but what about the internal strife? Everyone understands the truth that the birds are all hidden. It is impossible for "tool people" to automatically return to their warehouses and stand aloof from the world.

As a result, the Kunting Empire gradually drifted away from the glorious past.

The "human god" was gradually marginalized by unprovoked internal friction, and its power was greatly weakened. At this time, with the backing of the powerful family, the "gods" who were exiled in the remote areas of the empire rose up one after another. They were so arrogant that they called themselves the only gods, and launched a protracted purge with internal hostile forces.

The power of the central government is beyond reach and cannot be maintained.

Fierce confrontation and excessive introversion and consumption continued for a moment, and the entire pyramid structure was crumbling. It didn't take long for it to cause more divisions and contradictions in society.

No matter how big things are, they all develop from small things.

At the end of the god-making movement, another more serious problem appeared-soul crystals are becoming more and more difficult to obtain.

On the southern continent, the perfect dark green soul spar was no longer found hundreds of years ago.

In order to obtain more of this kind of thing, the imperial forces had no choice but to turn to the Northern Continent to find it. Because, some people brought back some dark green spar fragments from the North Continent. According to the analysis of scholars, the source of life contained in the soul spar fragments of the North Continent is purer and more powerful.

But analysis is analysis, no one knows the true relationship between the Northern Continent and the soul spar, everything comes from the dictation of the adventurer. Just relying on this little piece of soul crystal fragments is enough to explore the truth, let alone meet the needs.

Humanity and divinity, rules and resistance, the upper rulers control the source of the soul spar, which has become the focus of intensified conflicts within the empire. Dissatisfaction from all walks of life, endless resentment erupted like a blowout, and more people diverted their own problems, unanimously targeting the ruler.

In such an eventful time, the rulers still did not forget to continue to create a "moderate" piracy line - to unite several of the largest ancient clans, to declare war on the family forces that despise the royal power, and to step up the exploitation of resources of all classes internally.

The ruler wants to use a blunt knife to cut flesh, and gradually wipe out dissidents, and he has a lot of fun when he comes down again and again.

At that time, no one could guess the real intentions of the rulers, couldn't they see the situation clearly?

What's the point of muddying the water anyway?

Some people say that diverting conflicts is the orthodox method used by the ruling class of the empire; It is the far-sighted wisdom of the upper echelons of the empire...

In a word - under the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

In fact, how to transfer class conflicts has become a serious problem for rulers over time.

When the brave are angry, they draw their knives at the stronger; when the cowardly are angry, they draw their knives at the weaker.

The ruler's duplicity was quickly revealed, and many nobles also stayed away, but if they didn't do this, the internal conflicts in the empire would intensify.

At that time, the powerful conquests within the empire, the rulers were powerless to control, and they vented like cowards, while the North Continent lay there quietly, waiting for a new master. If the contradictions are not diverted, and no one will obey the other in the end, the entire empire will collapse after all.

Seeing that the situation was taking a turn for the worse, at this time, the imperial royal family sacrificed the last big killer-the Northern Expedition of Aliens.

There is only one way out in the end: create a more powerful "true god" and march into the northern continent. Search for soul crystals along the way, looking for secret treasures. The gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha, completely bringing the Northern Continent into the territory of the empire.

In the end, the ruler raised his arms and resolved all disputes perfectly.

Just do it, the order of the Northern Expedition is issued, and the war mobilization order spreads in the territory of the empire like flying catkins.

The Quentin Empire will create the greatest "god" ever - a plan everyone knows. But the ideal is full and the reality is skinny. I thought that everyone would respond to it, but at the beginning, there were very few people who responded.

These people thought that just like in the past, the ruling class was passing on the contradictions, provoking disputes, arbitrarily supporting a few new gods, promulgating a few new policies and it was over, and then the disputes among the various forces would intensify...

In fact, this kind of plan has no appeal or binding force for them.

Seeing that the mobilization orders issued by the high-level officials were fruitless, a certain senior family member suddenly slapped his head and came up with a plan: Why not gather all the "human gods" from all over the country to march north, and let them come to the capital for an audience within a limited time?

They also thought of playing the name of "King of Escort and Qin" to crusade and completely destroy the stubborn people who dare not obey the call and do not follow orders.

In fact, this plan was just an inconspicuous cover at the beginning, and the original intention was to separate the core of the various forces - "Man and God", so as to facilitate the plundering of resources from other forces.

But after being opposed by various families, the plan was slammed by everyone.

At this time, a force that resisted the pressure and supported the "Embracing the King" plan - the Jupiter family took the lead to stand up. They took the lead in dedicating the most powerful "God of Man" under their command to the ruler of the and persuaded several ancient families to prepare to "clean up the chaotic party" from the imperial capital.

No one knows what happened during the period, and how the Jupiter family managed to do it with their three-inch tongue.

Soon, the ruler of the royal family summoned the world and promised: If this Northern Expedition is successful, then the forces that "own the king" will get the most benefits first, and can have the most soul spar resources; those who do not follow will be declared Heresy, the most severe punishment, everyone can destroy it.

Under the temptation of this powerful "charisma", more than a dozen families were soon pulled into the chariot of "Embracing the King".

They raised the banner and resolutely killed those who defied the king's order.

For a time, rivers of blood flowed, wailing everywhere, and bones everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of people died in this "just" massacre.

So scary!

The outcome of the losers can be imagined: those who committed minor crimes had their resources confiscated and exiled to a barren land; those who committed serious crimes did not compromise and were directly wiped out.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :