Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 1116: desire

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Two figures hovered at the back of the entire team, as if driving a group of animals. In front of them is a group of walking dead who do not know what fear is, and are not afraid of frost and fire.

Except for Gudos and Quintasha, in fact, the entire Quentin advance team had become ignorant puppets—

No fear of death, no self-awareness, only absolute obedience in his empty eyes.

But their power is undeniable.

The two stepped into the raging flames with the puppet army, and soon crossed the valley, heading for the treasure land in the eyes of Gudos.

On the way, Gudos talked about the idea of ​​building an army of puppets that obeyed him.

After all, the Kun Ting people's expedition to the Dark Continent is known as the "Millions Division", and soon there will be troops coming to support him, and he can transform these lives. But at this time, Quintasha's mind was full of huge doubts. He clearly knew that these puppets had already become death forms, and they were simply a group of soulless bodies.

So, after a fierce collision of thoughts, Quintasha had the idea of ​​leaving Gudos...


In the darkness, Quintasha stopped, apparently not finished with his hellish joke.

"Well, why didn't you say anything?"

Zhuge Yun also stopped, staring at Kuntasha with bright eyes. Rose Hill bowed his head and stood aside without saying a word.

"Ahead, we're almost there." Quintasha's eyes glowed in the dark, looking not far away.

An ancient black wall stretched out from the destroyed gap, reaching a height of more than ten meters. The whole body was crystal clear and the level of craftsmanship was astonishing. The surface of the black giant wall occasionally flashed light green fluorescence, and after twisting a few turns, the black wall disappeared behind another passage, and I didn't know where it led.

"Oh, it's alright. Don't be in a hurry, we have time, you can talk a little more..."

"Especially I'm also very interested in that guy named Gudos."

Zhuge Yun stood still, his indifferent face did not waver, he put his right hand behind his back, and asked, "By the way, he used you as a tool to transform his soul, didn't you question why he did it at that time? ?"

"No, of course I asked."

After a moment of silence, Quintasha shook her head and replied:

"I asked Gudos why he wanted to kill everyone and treat me as his accomplice? In fact, I helped him kill these people, so I was also an accomplice.

However, he quickly turned annoyed, and his answer puzzled me even more, thinking I was betraying him by asking.

He said: We gave you emotions, we gave you great strength, wisdom, and an immortal body. We took care of you, gave you the seed of life, saved your soul several times, allowed you to go anywhere in the empire, and even gave you the whole Garden of Eden...

Now you have the Fruit of Life and let it rot?

And you are stupid enough to question me and question the decision of my benefactor? The war is our Kuntin's, not yours. We created you, so it is only natural to ask you to do this, otherwise why create you and other gods? "

Kuntasha recalled as she spoke, her tone full of disdain.

"This is in line with his idea." Zhuge Yun nodded in agreement.

He noticed something imperceptible in Quintasha's eyes, but he didn't understand what it was.

Quintasha continued, "I answer Gudos: Big things start with little things, and once a crime begins, it can never be stopped. Soon, everyone will know that our army is completely wiped out, that is The killing in my name. Even if we really win this northern expedition, how are you going to explain everything to the ruler of the empire?

At that time, everyone will suspect that I killed them, which is not a light crime.

Gudos replied with a sneer, "That's just my delusion," but sometimes delusions can be powerful, especially when everyone believes lies in some form of fanaticism.

Gudos reassured me that everything was under his control, and he would tell the rulers of the empire that these people were killed in wars with aliens, and that no one but me knew the truth.

And he told me that these people will eventually become his followers. But I wonder how the walking dead can become his followers? "

"It seems that you are very reluctant to be his tool?" Zhuge Yun said bluntly.

"Of course."

Kuntasha shook her head, looking helpless, and said, "I don't know where he is so confident. I just know that I have no choice in this matter, because he has already used this extreme way. 'kidnapped' me.

My body was then weaponized by an unknown force. There are two paths in front of me, either continue to accompany him to fabricate lies, or leave him completely and give up and return to the human world.

I reminded Gudos that if he had to explain it this way, I am afraid that the real crisis is coming soon. The rulers of the Quentin Empire are not stupid, they will always know the truth. "

In the darkness, Zhuge Yun saw the unease flashing in Kuntasha's eyes again, and this memory obviously made him very painful.

But Zhuge Yun also saw that Kuntasha has a strong self-awareness. In front of Kuntasha, some people seem more conscience than the cruelest beast.

Quintasha said, "Gudos knew I was right, but he didn't care. Because at that time no one knew my name was a double-edged sword, and it was the same purpose that they created artificial gods in the first place. The people of Quentin wanted me. and the help of several other powerful gods.

The power of the Kuntin people is to win the war. All were faced with a harsh reality: some were eager to break free from their shackles, and many more wanted to join us. And I, must help him become the only belief of these people.

In the end he told me that victory alone can cover up all the sins we have committed. It doesn't matter what human beings think, because no matter how hard human beings try, they will eventually self-destruct. They have no future. "

"Heh - I Zhuge Yun snorted coldly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised." But it seems that you didn't realize one thing at that time, right? "

"what you mean?"

"Gudos wants to use his own method, through a series of degeneration and changes, to make life what he wants. And human beings are an outdated, ignorant, fragile, and hopeless life form."

"I don't understand..." Kuntasha suddenly raised her head, stared into Zhuge Yun's eyes, and muttered, "But I think what you said makes sense, but he...why does he think this way?"

"Think about it, in fact, you should know the answer, haven't you seen it long ago? Let me give you a little hint: when Gudos extracted the power of everyone's soul, the polyhedrons that appeared in the void gap... "

Zhuge Yun didn't continue to talk, but deliberately sold a pass, and there was a playful smile on his cold face.


Quintasha's expression changed greatly, and she blurted out: "What is that thing? Tell me!"