Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 193: Emperor's Melancholy

The sudden knock on the door alarmed everyone in the room.


The old general Fang Pian made a gesture to his lips.

"Report to the generals, the emperor sent an verbal call to summon urgently!" The voice of the guard came from outside the door.


General Meihua, who was closest to the door, stayed for a while, then stepped up and opened the door.

The rest of the people were all astonished: Was the emperor summoned urgently at this time? Could it be...

A guard who sent orders outside the door stood upright, delivering the emperor's orders. After listening to the brief report, General Meihua immediately turned around and entered the house, closed the door again, and asked restlessly: "What? The emperor really wants to summon us."

Silence is like an infectious disease, spreading in a small space, and everyone is thinking fast.

"I summon you at this time. Could it be that my whereabouts have been revealed? But, the emperor..."

The Iron Claw Tiger was at a loss, sweating all over, and the newly replaced arm was shaking mechanically. It was not known whether it was a problem with the nerve conduction system or he was shaking.

"It's none of your business, don't be nervous! Well, we can't make a long-term plan, let's just keep doing it! This kind of opportunity does not mean that there is a chance!" The general of spades has his teeth and said fiercely.

"It's really too late to think of a plan. Since everyone has no idea, let me throw a brick first. I suggest that we use the method! What do you think?" General Hongtao said.

"Huh?...I'm afraid it won't work, the emperor's body is different from ordinary people, you don't know how many doses can kill him! I suggest using high-power electric shocks to make him unconscious." The general spades said.

Several people turned their heads at this moment and looked at the old general Fang Pian, but the latter was still thinking with his head down, without even raising his eyelids.

"Hurry up, do you think of any solution? We are running short!" General Mei Hua urged.

The old general Fang Pian stopped talking, shook his head, and finally said after a few times: "This matter is not to be careless. In view of the tight time, I only come up with a three-step plan."

"Come on, there is not much time for us to prepare, but the emperor's summoning order cannot be delayed!"

"First of all, to find a way to stop him, I also think that the current electric shock should be feasible; secondly, if we are to be prepared to be alive, we must prepare an absolutely strong yoke that can hold him; the last step is to remove the shackles on his face. Mask, there must be a suitable candidate..."

After finishing speaking, the old general Fang Pian turned his head and stared at the iron-clawed tiger with an eagle-like gaze: "I know you are so powerful, you need to do it yourself! I only ask you, do it or not?"

The Iron Claw Tiger's brain "buzzed!", cold sweat broke out of his palms, and his tongue couldn't straighten out: "Me? I, going to his face... remove the mask? Me, but..."

At this time, the four generals stared at him, their eyes burning.

They are as anxious as ants on a hot pot. The general of spades took a step forward and wanted to give a threat, but was stopped by the old general of the square film-this kind of thing must be understood by the iron claw tiger himself, and it is the most crucial part of the plan.

"You have to think clearly, if this thing fails, can everyone on the scene survive today? Even if you don't do it, we will find someone else to do it, but the probability of failure is higher. By then, let alone you, I'm afraid... …"

The iron claw tiger's mind was quite chaotic, and even the emperor's cold mask appeared in front of him, as well as the powerful pressure, which made him feel cold all over his body, and cold sweat oozes from his back spine.

Finally he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Understood, I will do it!"

"Very well, then we will leave now! Spades, you immediately have the adjutant prepare a strong yoke and high-power electric shock equipment, you must ensure that it is safe! Then we will lure him to the ambush, with the red peaches and the clubs. He was stunned and asked your trustworthy adjutant to immediately put a shackle on him, and then the iron-clawed tiger took off the mask."

"Everyone! All success or failure is in one fell swoop!"

After finishing speaking, the old general Fang Pian glanced at everyone with firm and determined eyes, and the others nodded.

The emperor's residence in the ancient iron city was still in the hall with the throne. The faceless emperor paced back and forth inside, a huge body biting power rushing through his body, even the mask made him feel energy.

For some reason, what happened to him just after coming out of which secret room? I can't remember at all, except for things before yesterday.

Before leaving the secret room, he looked at the mess on the ground in a daze.

But in my head, there is an unspeakable feeling.

"By the way, how are those projects going?" He said to himself: "My plan...what time is it now?"

"Come here!" He walked out of the aisle and immediately ordered people to summon the four major poker generals.

Through the windows of the castle, what you see is the huge remnant of the "land of falling stars" obliquely inserted into the earth. The thin line like the light of fireflies winds at the end of the road, and it is a busy motorcade.

Under his iron-fisted rule, those convoys shuttled around the ruins and the ancient iron city around the clock, taking away all valuable former civilization "junk".

Some time later, a servant walked into the hall.

"Master, the generals are here," said the servant.

"Well, let them in!"

Not long after, four generals came in, but everyone's expression seemed a little dull.

"Master, you call a few of us, I don't know what's the matter?"

"Recently, my body seems to be a little tired, and my spirit is also a little tranced. I often forget important things. I just thought of those projects and the military. How are things going?"

"Uh, the project is progressing very smoothly. Everyone rushed to work overnight and finally caught up with the progress... But there is still a shortage of manpower and a shortage of materials, which needs to be resolved as soon as possible. You did not agree to go to the mine city to negotiate and resolve it. ?"

"Oh? By the way, things over there are a bit tricky! I have to personally inspect the progress of the project, hopefully as you said."

"Then today, you called us up to this point to ask these things?"

"Nonsense! Do I still need to talk about this kind of thing? Mine City has always regarded itself as the overlord of the mainland, and it is nothing more than a piece of loose sand in my opinion. If they still don't agree to my request, Will be punished by my severe anger! Therefore, my troops must be ready at all times. What happened to the army I had you gather before?"

"Ah? Are you planning to use force against them?"

Although this matter had been confirmed a long time ago, it still surprised several generals when it was spoken from the emperor's mouth-such a short period of time was obviously not enough.

Several generals took a look at each other, and they knew each other.

"Master, it is a wise move to attack Mine City this time! Before they notice we will catch them by surprise! It's just..."

"Just what?"

"Our guards just caught the mine city spies lurking next to you! Please send me a message."

"What? There is such a tight defense here, and the spies dare to lurch by my side! Those so-called nobles really look down on others! Where are the spies?"

"Now you're imprisoned in the dungeon under your castle, are you going to interrogate yourself?"

"Yes, take me to see!"

After speaking, the Faceless God of War suddenly stood up and stared at the old general Fang Pian with cold eyes.

"Yes! Okay, please follow us."

"Let's go down first... bring that guy out."

After speaking, General Hongtao gave a color to General Plum, took a big step to lead the way, and walked out of the hall first.

Afterwards, the square piece and the general of spades led the emperor through the deep stairs to the dungeon.

After turning around the hall, an iron door had been opened ahead of time, and the narrow stone steps led directly into the dungeon. In the gloomy passage, a slightly **** breath was blown to the front, and two rows of candles were placed side by side on each side.

In the shadow of the swaying fire, the various horrible instruments of torture in the torture room of the cell made this place even more creepy.

The room for temporary prisoners in the castle dungeon has arrived.

The faceless emperor suddenly saw something in the dark flames and flashed behind those brick pillars.

Suddenly, I don't know who whistled in front.

The old general Fang Pian was pale, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead, turned his head and looked compelling, and looked at a cell where the iron claw tiger and several adjutants of the generals of spades were lying in ambush.

The first release of this book is from 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!