Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 212: Thanks to the master

Father Barton saw it from a distance, and ran over.

I kept looking around the east, and then admired: "God! I thought this kind of thing can only be seen on those bipedal machines, but I didn't expect it to be used on humans!"

Dongfang's mouth curled, his eyes glared at him, and he swallowed what he wanted to say.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Yun said indifferently: "I don't know if he is considered a human. Except for the brain tissue of the head, all parts of the body have been replaced."

Button "Ah!" he said with some confusion: "What did you say? He, he is not human?"

"Yeah. But what you said is pretty good. The human body can indeed use this thing. Just change some of its parameters and make it a wearable device."

"Wearable device? You mean?"

"Well, you can talk to him when you have time, and leave it to you two to do the miniaturization."

"Both of us?"

Dongfang Road and Button said at the same time, and began to look at each other...

Patton stretched out his hand and tiptoed up, trying to touch Dongfang Road's head to see what the device was.

"Hey! Old man, what are you doing?"

"You have to show me what this thing looks like, or how to study it? Are you a robot?"

"You, don't move! Listen up... Don't just touch these parts on me! If you want to see... I just bend over!"

Dongfang Lu hates this kind of person who treats him as a laboratory animal, but he must unconditionally obey the owner's words.

"Uh! Okay, then you lower your head and let me see..."

Just when the two of them were awkward, Zhuge Yun's arm trembled slightly, and the yellow-white light lit up.

A handsome face is half-hidden by long red hair, and the enchanting posture is so graceful that people can see nosebleeds-it is Joyna Fess.

Her face was a little too clear and beautiful, with a look of lethargy. The previous trip to the Guge Mountains, although the original intention of the plan was reached, was considered a satisfactory result. But Xiaowu's disappearance made her unable to explain to herself, this kind of heartache almost broke.

This kind of experience, if put on anyone, will not be a pleasant memory.

Xiao Wu is no longer her guard, but someone who is like her sister.

The frail, sickly, and inexperienced little girl showed maturity and introversion in certain aspects, which made her seem to see herself back then.

Of course, time has passed, and she was like a carefree girl, enjoying the beauty of life until she met that man.

From then on, Joeyna had a lot of things in her eyes, and persistence and determination became her creed. She is very grateful to the person who gave her this creed, and only in this way can she live to face such a tremendous change.

Even in this era, become the "queen" who dominates the party.

At a glance, Dongfang Road saw the face of the former queen Joyna, his heart was ups and downs, and he suddenly stood still, even if Patton punched his body hard, he didn't respond.

"Master, I have arrived at the Mine City, and I have brought these equipment along with the spiritual grass I collected. Oh, yes, there is Longping."

Joyna's red hair blown by the wind is like a burning flame, hunting and fluttering in the air. The beauty that is different from this era is fully reflected in her.

Zhugeyun is very relieved of Joeyna, a loyal servant. This is not because she had been with herself that night, nor because she was the first powerful person to surrender after she came to Earth, but because she was the first to surrender. A deep attachment in the civilized age.

He didn't know why there was such an emotion in his heart.

"I will send someone to meet you, another person from the pre-civilization era."

Now, the entire mine city is under his control. This is a good start, a powerful opportunity to rise.

"I will temper you and give you a new life. After that, you need to do more for me."

"Yes, Master!" Joyna understood what he was referring to.

Although it is not clear what the master's plan is, she believes him and knows that based on her long-term knowledge, he will not aimlessly.

Zhuge Yun suddenly turned around and glanced at Dongfang Road, which was standing blankly, only to see tears on his face?

He didn't understand what Dongfang Road was thinking, but he knew it must be related to Joyna.

Yes, at the moment Dongfang Lu was feeling emotional. He didn't expect that he would still be alive to see Queen Joyna on this day, and everything was given by the master...


The brightly-lit mine city deserves to be the largest human settlement in this era.

Since the fall of the original Patriarch of the Lin Family, Dad has completely taken over all of the Lin Family's affairs and immediately received the full support of the two families of Domino and Turner.

Moreover, the turmoil within the Lin family was quickly calmed down-relaxed and simple, originally planned by him alone, without any suspense.

The old man knew very well that this was also given by the master's supreme power, which shocked the other two families.

Almost all the affiliated forces of the Lin family were completely destroyed.

But the most ruthless thing is that, according to Zhuge Yun's thoughts, the descendants of the Lin family who had been exiled failed to get out of the mine city alive.

"Master, what do you mean?" the old man asked.

"Don't keep one."

The flat voice came from Zhuge Yun's mouth.

"Understood! Master."

The Lin family faction headed by Lin Taiguang, when his father gave an ultimatum to him, he rolled up the blanket and prepared to run away.

The old man actually left them a lot of money, which is called travel expenses, to let them leave here.

Lin Taiguang was naturally thankful, and he was able to escape for life. He was not killed on the spot like his father and his brother, and he was able to get such a rich family property.

But he didn't expect that this was the strategy of the old man.

In the downtown area of ​​Mine City, Lin Taiguang, with the only remaining immediate family members of the Lin family, drove two brand-new cars as they were about to pass by, passing through the tunnel and exiled abroad, but was attacked by a group of masked people.

Of course, these people had been in ambush here long ago—the old man had secretly sent Wang Chen Liu and Lin Wenlai to follow them for a long time.

Lin Taiguang's last sentence is: "I will give you all the money, don't kill me..."

In the chaotic horror and brutal blast, all the fugitives of the Lin family died.

He didn't even leave alive!

Moreover, everyone saw that gang of gangsters took all the money from the car. It's just a robbery in broad daylight, or should this be a vendetta by a certain gang? In addition to being shocked, citizens are also accustomed to such things.

Does this happen rarely in the wilderness?

It's just that such a vicious incident in Mine City has indeed been rare in recent years, but after a while, no one should mention it again.

Cutting the grass must be rooted, this was originally one of the creeds of Chen Liu Wang. It's been a long time since he was so happy. He was not just acting like his father, but had a killing nature in his bones.

He didn't want to let a certain escaped child grow up like an old man to learn the truth and return from the wilderness, killing him.

The Lin family’s mansion has now changed owners, but the owner is still surnamed Lin, Lin Huan.


The huge underground bunker is located in the back mountain of the Lin Family Manor. The ancestors of the Lin Family led the survivors out of here more than 400 years ago, but it has now been transformed into a huge underground factory.

There were several people standing behind Zhuge Yun, who would witness the great power of the master.

The ghost, father, Dongfang Road, Patton and Lord Fetter, Lin Wenlai, and Long Ping. Behind their heads is a transparent room with a lot of equipment.

The energy supply department in these devices has all been replaced with newly made bio-batteries.

Some researchers and technicians are busy in it-they are all talents dug out from "infinite energy" by the ghost.

In front of everyone was an instrument similar to a hibernation device, empty but it was clearly alive.

The surface of the cabin on that device reflected light blue streamer, and it seemed that the metal shell was actually undulating rhythmically, as if breathing.

"Bring that thing." Zhuge Yun said to Long Ping.

Soon, a slender tempered glass bottle was passed into his hand, and a light blue liquid was flowing calmly in it.

Lin Wenlai couldn't help feeling shocked when he saw this thing.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!