Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 518: Holy relic

  Although these alien races are few in number, their civilization history is much longer than that of the later human races.

  No one knows how long these races have existed, and no one knows how far the civilizations of these races have evolved. In short, they also have the right to survive on this continent.

  The hard ice that has not melted for thousands of years, and the frozen plateau as high as the mountains, form a natural barrier, which separates the territories of humans and aliens, and is a land of death that is difficult to cross.

  Jidu people are settled in a corner of the boundary, perhaps they have long forgotten the peeping of foreign races outside the ice wall, and the era of crisis seems to be long gone.

  But the only thing the human race knows is that the history of these alien races can be traced back to the alien civilization left over from the last time or the last few animal tides. On this dark continent called the realm, if you don't annex the opponent, you will be annexed by the opponent.

  This is an ironclad fact, and all civilizations are nothing more than this.

  Because, it seems that all intelligent creatures have a warlike gene, and this kind of warlike gene has been carried in their bones since their birth, without exception.

   Being wiped out by a foreign race or exhausted by internal fighting within the race is a nightmare for the people of Jidu.

  In fact, to some extent, the result of internal fighting is to consume one's own strength, which will also bring destruction.

  This is surprisingly consistent with the devastating result of foreign invasion.

  The hand of fate in the dark seems to be playing the strings of all life evolution.

  War, death; destruction, rebirth; reproduction, prosperity...the evolutionary torrent is rolling, without a moment of stagnation.

  The reason why these planners are looking for holy relics is because those things contain knowledge of the past, which is far from what can be compared to the present, and the things that are analyzed are terrifying and exciting.

  According to the data, there are still some secrets of creation.

  Whether it is a prophecy or an ancient record, when dealing with foreign races, the fragments of these sacred relics can often turn the tide of battle, which is also a verified fact.

  Everyone believes that those super-civilized things left over from prehistoric times should be inherited and kept by the people of Jidu. Finding them is also a traditional task handed down by Jidu people since ancient times.

  If everyone in the realm knows that the "Nine Lights Conjoined" is actually the nine extraterrestrial worlds that have opened a common channel in a certain dimension.

  They will be shocked by this truth.

  Millions of creatures in these nine worlds are necessarily connected-because they all belong to the birthplace of fire sources.

  At the moment of Jiuyao conjoined, the creations hidden in other worlds will invade other spaces without mercy!

   The name "Jiu Yao Siamese" sounds mysterious to most people.

   But in fact, it can be explained in simpler words: collisions between the worlds. This phenomenon is actually very easy to understand, even children can understand it.

  "The life planets in the universe are not isolated islands. Please imagine our world—the earth as a ship sailing on the vast ocean.

  When we stand on the deck, we can see other distant ships, that is, other stars. Each of these ships carried cargo and crew, and they were usually very far away when they passed us, and they were hard to see with a telescope.

However, every few thousand years, there will be big storms on this cosmic ocean. The violent storms will blow the ships towards each other and close to the navigation school. At this time, part of the crew on one ship can move to another ship. The cargo may also spill onto the ship next door. After the terrifying force of nature eases, the ships will separate again, part ways, and sail to their respective goals.

  Storm is equivalent to a bridge in an isolated island and a springboard on a big ship.

  Will different worlds collide again? Probably.

  Can we avoid this kind of disaster, or speed it up?

  Some scholars believe that certain creatures are proficient in this skill, but where do these skills come from?

  Perhaps the violent storm on the sea also brings infinite information, and certain creatures have acquired this knowledge just right.

  There are rare genes in their bodies, which can control the direction of our ship, lead us to safe seas, or to the end—the collection of prophecies of Jidu people, "The Wisdom of Akimara". "

  After the space gap is opened, Zhu Wanyuli will blow up violent directional energy hurricanes. Along with these hurricanes, it will bring countless icy meteorites and burning alien meteors, crashing down all the world.

   But on the scale of the entire universe, this is just a trivial drizzle.

  The beast wave caused by the failed experiment of the Atlanteans was actually only a brief epitome of a real rift.

  But at that moment, all the creatures that were visible and invisible to humans came to Lin Ball through the cracks. At the same time, life on earth also knows the existence of other worlds.

  Later, through the analysis of survivors, they learned that, in fact, there is a veil in the world, and knowledgeable people call it a dimensional rift.

  The passage to and from Ten Thousand Realms.

  This veil has isolated countless worlds that have developed parallel to each other for tens of millions of years. Even the living and the dead are also located at the two ends of this veil, but they exist in different states.

  Some people can penetrate this veil, communicate and shuttle between different worlds.

  At a certain moment, this veil will be blown by the breeze, and all civilizations can discover each other in shock.


  The figure in the dark soon appeared.

  Under the black robe, there is a cold metal lining, with weird pattern carvings, occasionally revealing a mysterious cold light.

  There is a flooded mask on his face, which looks so dazzling against the blue yingying light.

   is the law enforcer.

  In front of Zhuge Yun stood a law enforcer, the supreme powerhouse of the realm!

  The black-robed man on the opposite side looked at Zhuge Yun calmly, blocking the winding passage, and a light flashed in the latter's eyes.

  This incomprehensible sense of power shocked the law enforcement officers.

   "Huh, you are Zhuge Yun?" The law enforcement snorted coldly, watching the thin young man in front of him finally speak.

   "I don't remember that I knew you, get out." Zhuge Yun glanced at him and said lightly.

  He just wants to hurry up and start the Star Disk below, and does not want to waste energy and time with such a guy.

  After all, he is not in the transcendent realm now, and among these powerhouses from the realm, there must be a powerful existence, Zhuge Yun still does not want to have any intersection and conflict with them.

  If the other party must take action to find death, Zhuge Yun can also satisfy him.

  Although it may alarm other people, waste a little time.

  "The tone is very hard! Listen, Amethyst Pavilion's "Jidu Wild Soul Spar" is in your hands?" The law enforcement officer looked at Zhuge Yun.

  It would be hard to believe if he hadn't seen him in person, was this guy who took the spar?

   "What if you are here?"

   "Oh, it's interesting, a human in the world would dare to come here to take advantage of the fire!" The law enforcer's cold metal gloves held on to the wall and looked up and down Zhuge Yun, seemingly still testing each other.

  This sickly appearance seems to fall down with one breath, where is the shadow of a half strong?

  Zhuge Yun also looked at the law-enforcer, and after investigating with his spiritual sense, the corner of his mouth hung slightly: the other party did not respond at all!

  Zhuge Yun couldn't help but smile faintly, and he felt confident.

  The law-enforcer does not possess spiritual consciousness.

   "I have no time to entangle with ants like you. I will either get away or die." Zhuge Yun didn't even blink his eyelids, his tone was cold.

  The opponent's momentum is very strong, and the strength should not be weak, but a guy who doesn't even have a spiritual sense is not a concern at all.

   "Hahahaha... ants...? The law enforcers in the realm were turned into ants by you? Your jokes are really not funny."

  The tall law enforcement officer stood quietly, his words buzzing.

   Angrily turned back, he seemed to have some interest in Zhuge Yun.

  This young man didn't look like a master at all. He didn't feel how powerful the opponent's power was. How could those realm sects stumble in the hands of such a person.

   "Joke? Did you see me smiling? I'm serious." Zhuge Yun's face instantly became stiff, coldly said.

  At this critical time, he doesn't want to spend energy on this guy, he doesn't have much time, and the terrifying robbery is about to come down!

  And he, there are still many unfinished things to do.

  If you want to do something here, it will delay his time!

   "Why, what about the blood clan next to you?"

  The law enforcement officer had seen Ewenna with him, but disappeared in an instant. This is a bit strange.

  "Who do you think you are, why should I tell you?" Zhuge Yun felt amused. Does this law enforcer think that everyone should obey him?

   is simply ridiculous!

   "Interesting, this is not the tone you should have! Your mouth is useless, waiting for you to kneel before me..."

   "Oh, then, whose fist do you mean is the best?"

   "Wh, a white light flashes!"

  The holy gun Longinus appeared out of thin air, and the icy gun body surged with frost, spinning around Zhuge Yun.

  Holy relic?

   "This is... Is this the holy relic of the Nibelungen?"

  The law-enforcer saw the huge silver-white gun head appear Suddenly, his heart dazzled!

  His whole body crackled like beans bursting, and suddenly there were scarlet rays of light, energy surged up and down his whole body, and there was a faint rune mark in the sky.

  The two are less than ten meters apart, but they are both guarding each other.

   "I see... a freak in the secular world, who accidentally gets zero good fortune, thinks he is invincible?" A greedy color flashed in the law enforcement's eyes.

  In the eyes of law enforcement officials, this young man has such abilities, and he must rely on holy relics he did not know where he obtained, so he is so rebellious and extremely arrogant!

  No, the holy relic is the antiquities of the holy city in the boundary, and the gun of Nibelungen in his hand must be recovered.

  It seems that the boss of the law enforcement is right. I don’t know how many holy relics are still hidden on this guy!


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