Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 680: Summon a loneliness?

The mysterious man who suddenly appeared, directly made Reina Sock completely stunned, as if he had seen a ghost.

He had already checked the room, except for Liana and Lana, as well as the men and horses he had brought. There could never be anyone else in this room.

So where did this black-haired man who was hunting and dancing, who appeared like a devil, emerged from?


Reina Sock's expression became colder, and the calm gaze just now became somewhat aggressive.

"Unexpectedly! The dignified high priest and the saint of the sisterhood actually hide a man here! Haha...hehehe..." Renasoke's face changed, exuding an indifferent momentum, directly oppressing Li Yana couldn't help but sneered.

Facing the opponent's cold ridicule, unexpectedly, there was no embarrassment on Liana's face.

Who is he?

She glanced at Zhuge Yun, and saw that the other person's eyes were still as plain as an ancient well, even in that plainness, mixed with contempt.

Yes, just contempt!

It was as if the Supreme Venerable looked down on the humble ant with condescending contempt.

Contempt for Reinathok's words, even more contempt for the ridiculous posture of Reinathok.

Zhuge Yun turned his head, stood up slowly, moved his muscles and bones, and looked at Reina Soke with mockery.

The weird power of time and space reversal dragged him to inexplicable times and inexplicable places.

If you come, you will be safe, after all, he has watched such a good show for so long.

No, now, he has to intervene in this matter.

At this moment, Lana also withdrew from the powerful coercion of the four sword saints, jumped out of the encircling circle, avoided from a distance, and looked at this scene in surprise.

Not only her, everyone focused on this young man who appeared without warning.

Lana thought of what Liana had said before, there was a hidden person here.

Could it... mean him?

That being said, my sister really left behind and laid ambush here? It's no wonder that her previous expression was so confident and incomprehensible that it was so!

Renasoke looked at him coldly, and he could not feel the slightest strength from Zhuge Yun.

This person is defiant, eccentrically dressed, has no weapons in his hands, and has no expression on his face, as if he was facing a dummy.

But the opponent's arrogance obviously made him very uncomfortable!

Reina Sock's face was gloomy, he was actually mocked by an obscure, thin young man, especially those indifferent eyes that were extremely contemptuous, which made him feel resentful!

Suddenly furious.

"No matter who you are, my uncle, I am in a very unhappy mood today. I have to kill a few people to calm down!" Renassos swallowed fiercely, and said in a domineering tone: "Let's talk about it. Come and do it?"

Zhuge Yun smiled.

It seemed that he had expected what the other party would say, his eyes were still calm, he looked at the Juggernaut behind Reina Sock, and said calmly: "Heh, you bunch of rubbish, want to take my life?"

Zhuge Yun smiled faintly, showing his mouth full of white teeth.

After the words fell silent, the entire room became silent, and everyone focused on Zhuge Yun, full of surprise and shock.

Renasok's complexion kept changing, first pale, then iron blue, and finally red like pig liver, shame and annoyed.


Or a bunch of garbage?

What is the origin of this arrogant man, and how can he rely on it?

Zhuge Yun's words were extremely harsh, and everyone was shocked.

Renasok's eyes were gloomy, and he narrowed slightly, and said coldly: "I would like to advise you, no matter who you are, don't be too self-righteous at a young age, and don't talk too much!"

Zhuge Yun slowly shook his head and said indifferently, "I'm just full of words, so what?"

Before Reina Sock could speak, everyone else was furious.

"He—who do you say is rubbish?"

"My lord, this man is extremely arrogant. I don't want to teach him a lesson. I don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has!"

"Kill this person first!"

"Yes! The kid speaks wildly, he can't keep him!"

"Kill! Kill him as a blood sacrifice for the leader!"

Voices filled with hatred sounded.

The sword saints had no intention to deal with Lana at this time, anyway, she was seriously injured and she could not escape.

They all held heavy swords in their hands and moved slowly toward this side, showing a fierce look at Zhuge Yun, and couldn't help but start their hands.

Renasok's pupils slightly condensed, his face gradually cooled, turning to Liana, and smirked, "Hey--you're a weak chicken with a white face, such an idiot, do you really think you are a person? Even if you have What about the ambush, it's a death in front of me! It's really ridiculous, haha...hahaha!"

Everyone laughed.

Liana said in a cold face, in fact she was suspicious in her heart, unable to understand all this.

She couldn't feel any breath from this thin-faced young man, as if the other party was a lifeless zombie.

Obviously, in accordance with Davli's method, he summoned Saint Agatha's power with secret techniques. For some reason, such a man suddenly appeared?

But at least there is one thing that makes Liana very relieved. Although this person is too arrogant, he is obviously on her side.

She is going to see what happens next.

It's just that this young man looks weak, how can he help himself?

This person had a calm and unpretentious look, as if he didn't pay attention to Renasoke and others at all.

Where does this confidence come from?

Zhuge Yun turned his head, glanced at Liana, and said calmly, "They want me to die, what do you think?"

"Huh? Uh..."

Liana's body trembled suddenly, and there was confusion in her mind, she didn't know how to answer.

The current situation is completely beyond her expectation. Not only is this young man lacking in strength, but also has an arrogant tone. Isn't he really an idiot?

It seems that his last killer has failed, and he must be killed here today.

Liana's eyes were dim and her heart was cold, as if she had fallen into a sea of ​​deep ice.

and many more--

its not right!

She suddenly thought of the situation that UU read had briefly foreseen, and that she would be living well in the future.

This is...?

In an instant, the whole room was immediately filled with murderous aura, and everyone's expressions were changeable, except for Zhuge Yun, who stood quietly, the old **** was there, and he was very calm.

"Come on, aren't you trying to kill me?"

Zhuge Yun's expression was indifferent, and his eyes slowly swept across the opponent. "Why don't you do it yet?"

He was thinking about how to send this group of people.

The one called Renasok is the strongest, with strong spiritual power, and there seems to be a special ability hidden in the body.

The remaining four Juggernauts with square-headed giant swords can tell from their skill against Lana, they are obviously not weak.