Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 681: Sword Art?

Just now, Zhuge Yun slightly adjusted his breath, and the star-gathering phantom imprint on his chest became hot, and his spiritual power immediately began to work.


He closed his eyes slightly and condensed his spiritual sense, only to find that the spiritual sense had returned to normal.

"But fortunately, the body has not been affected in any way, is time and space confused? This is really strange..." Zhuge Yun frowned in secret.

it is good!

This is a good sign, his strength is still there, and his abilities are also a lot.

Now, since the spiritual power and divine consciousness are still there, Zhuge Yun can't control so much. The only thing that matters is to help the priestess solve the immediate trouble.

Reina Sock had been paying attention to Zhuge Yun, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed that there was a strong scarlet light on the opponent's chest.

"Hey, was that...spiritual power just now?" He was shocked and hurriedly raised his breath to protect the vitals of his body.

Looking at it again, that power suddenly...disappeared?

I had clearly felt it carefully just now, this guy was cold and there was no aura, why suddenly his strength soared and there was a hot breath?

Even more bizarre is that now it disappears without a trace?

Something is wrong.

There is something weird about this person!


A swordsman approached Reina Sock and asked in a deep voice, seeking his opinion.

Reina Sock knew what these people were waiting for.

No matter how you look at it, your own side is powerful, with many people, and an absolute advantage. What if this inexplicable guy hides his breath?

Let the Juggernauts take the lead first to explore the strength of this person.

He thought of this, so he stared, no longer hesitating, and smiled grinningly: "I thought you had some ability, but now it seems that you are just an arrogant fool. How can you despise me, Reina Sock. Death immediately!"


He took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and he came out murderously, coldly snorted, "Give me, kill!"

Several sword masters led their orders, making eye contact with each other, and instantly connected, like a hungry beast out of a cage, brandishing a huge sword and charging towards Zhuge Yun.


Kill this person.

It's the first time they have seen such stupid guys. It's ridiculous!

The black giant swords unite in the same branch, and the blades of the sword suddenly emit a faint black glow.

Sword Qi soared by several meters!

It instantly turned into a violent black flash, blocking the space, and chopped off Zhuge Yun's thin body from different directions and angles.

Zhuge Yun's body did not retreat but moved forward, and his body immediately became illusory!

Like a ghostly shadow, instantly bullying the sword saints.

The four sword saints were full of confidence, and suddenly the shadows in front of them shook. Everyone suddenly felt their arms tremble, and a strange force came, making people a little unable to hold the giant sword in their hands.

Like a whirlpool of suction, they caught them off guard, one by one, their bodies staggered, their palms loosened, and the giant sword was instantly released.

follow closely--

"Boom... boom boom boom!"

Several dull sounds sounded at the same time, and the sword saints' bodies flew out like paper kites, slammed heavily on the wall, and plunged into the wall.

The four of them vomited blood at the same time, and their heart pulse was split and their whole bodies were broken and broken!


Reina Sock only saw the sword saints fly out, and the black light instantly converged, forming a chaotically unowned thing.

These four people have worked hard for decades on a meteorite giant sword weighing hundreds of kilograms and one person tall. Most people can't even hold this sword, let alone wield it freely.

Now, the four giant swords floated strangely in front of Zhuge Yun, like weeds blown by the wind, twisting and swaying wildly.

"Heh, Sword Saint?"

Zhuge Yun shook his head, and said indifferently: "I can't even grasp the sword, and you want to kill me with your swordsmanship, foolish dreams!"

Renassock saw everything, his face was shocked, and his heart was shaken.

He is very clear about the strength of the four sword saints. These people are the best psychics and the top killers trained by the archbishop himself.

Everyone is worthy of an army, no one can stop the mission alone, and has never missed. In order to seize the secrets of the priests, Archbishop Gudos agreed to bring them out at all costs.

But... just now, what happened?

Four people shot at the same time to kill this person, but they all lost their swords, and they didn't get past the other party?

What's more, what makes Reina Sock even more incredible is that he didn't even see how the opponent shot!

impossible! how could this be?

There was a buzz in his head, like a bang.

I just felt cold sweat, and a chill in my back!

the other side.

Witnessing the shocking reversal, Liana and Lana both lost their jaws!

Even if they only deal with one of the Juggernauts, they will have to work hard, let alone win the battle instantly.

But what did I see just now?

Liana got closer, and saw a shadow of the blade.

The young man flashed four simultaneous attacks, and then, empty-handed, took away their weapons without any effort...

Then, they were inexplicable and flew out collectively!

His movements are as fast as lightning, which is not a realm that humans can reach.

This black-haired young man is simply not human!

Where is he sacred?


A swordsman face down and fell to the ground from a huge hole on the wall.


Three consecutive beeps, the dull sound echoed.

Several other people fell one after another, and three of the Juggernauts had a large amount of blood pouring from the corners of their mouths. After struggling for a few times, they didn't move again.

The last one was obviously injured less severely and his heart pulse was not directly shattered, but it was not much better.

He yelled twice in his mouth, blood constantly spurted from his mouth and nose, and his arms supported his body with difficulty, trying to struggle to crawl.

"Do not--!!"

Reina Sock let out an exclamation!

I saw the black light flickering, and a huge sword blasted out of the air, above the body of the Juggernaut who had just climbed up, suddenly turned strangely at a right angle of ninety degrees.

Then, fall straight down!


Heimong instantly penetrated and cruelly nailed his undead body to the floor.

The poor guy was broken in his five internal organs, twisted and struggled painfully for two seconds, and didn't understand how he died.

Might as well be beaten to death by Zhuge Yun!

The black giant sword passed through the heart, nailed to him, like a perfect tombstone.

Powerful and cruel!

The four sword saints all fell in an instant, Renathos was stunned!

Now, there are still three giant swords spinning beside Zhuge Yun, like the death sickle, which makes people shudder.

"Impossible... Damn it! Self-contained swordsmanship, are these swords magic weapons? Or, he has the skill of the sword..."

"How is it possible, how can an ordinary giant sword become a magic weapon?"

Reina Sock guessed wildly in his heart, and for a while he forgot his situation!