Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 729: Shocking!

Text 729. The world is shocking!

Yes, it is definitely a dragon.

I saw that the dragon was covered with hard scale armor and was huge.

Xiaowu's rough visual observation showed that his body length was nearly 30 to 40 meters, and every piece of black scales on his body was as big as the bricks on the city wall, like a black shield.

"Ah, yes."

Xiao Wu remembered what Zhuge Yun had said, and should pay attention to the details.

Look closely immediately.

In the mist, a bunch of weird creations hung from the lower part of the dragon's body, which looked like a boat.

"Good fellow! What are those things?" Xiao Wu's eyes widened.

She saw that the hull was pointed at both ends, wide in the middle, obviously man-made, and had a strange structure similar to machinery.

In the middle of the hull, she even saw human figures.

"A spaceship controlled by someone?" This discovery shocked her again.

"What era is this, the earth of ancient times?" Xiao Wu was stunned, but at this moment, his consciousness was already flying away with his body.

"Who are those people? Why can you control the dragon in ancient legends?"

Xiao Wu stopped forcibly, keeping his eyes fixed, and flying with the dragon.


Suddenly, the mountain range at the foot trembled violently, and an invisible wave erupted from the mountain, carrying an extremely strong breath of death, and shot towards the dragon.


The dragon was extremely sensitive to that kind of breath, and suddenly a blaze burst out of its mouth, colliding with the wave fiercely, and burning, both of them dissipated into nothingness at the same time.

But that energy fluctuation is obviously greater, and the dragon is not an opponent at all!

The scales on his body shattered and fell off, wailing loudly, and instantly rolled and fell to the ground.

"It's scary! What's underneath?"

Xiao Wu was almost shocked by this scene, and his body was also shaken by the tremendous force, and he couldn't help shaking.

The strong willpower made her wake up instantly, that she is also a body composed of consciousness.

This is just an illusion of nothingness, occurring in a time and space that does not belong to her, and cannot have a substantial impact on her.

But the breath of death was real, making her fear in her heart.


At this moment, a violent roar suddenly rang out from the black mountains.

In the blink of an eye, a larger beast shadow appeared in Xiao Wu's field of vision.

It was as huge as a hill, and the slightly flat body had high bulges. Upon closer inspection, she was stunned again. The thing was really carrying a few hills on its back, and it almost blended with the body.

"This, is this ancient giant beast?"

"To grow so big, I'm afraid it will live tens of thousands of years, right?"

Xiao Wu sighed in his heart, wanting to fly closer to see clearly.

The fog of death that appeared for no reason, instantly surged from the surroundings, blocking the line of sight.

Perhaps this black mist has a great influence on others, but it has no effect on Xiaowu, because she does not rely on visual observation at all.

As Zhuge Yun had experienced before, it was the touch of the soul. As a reincarnated body and psychic Xiao Wu, the touch of the soul was extremely powerful, and he could see everything around him only by feeling.

As she was surprised, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky, and the shadow against the white flashes passed by, and she saw a few faint light flashes under her feet, gradually approaching.

"What's that again?"





In an instant, dozens of huge dragons appeared again!

Nearly a hundred giant dragons lined up in a formation of several kilometers, flying up and down, stirring the clouds, making a sound of breaking through the air, and piercing through the cold black fog.

She saw the abdomen of each dragon, hanging the weird machinery that she had seen before.

"There are so many dragon airships! Are these people here prepared?" Xiao Wu was stunned by the sight in front of him, a little at a loss, and hurriedly turned around to watch the battle.

"Boom boom boom——" The rhythmic drumbeat sounded, shaking Huanyu.

The gust of wind was mixed with howling, and the rumble of war drums accompanied by the roar of the dragon, with great momentum, swooped towards the shadows.

Xiao Wu instantly understood that these enslaved dragons were hunting that behemoth.

The dragon that was just shot down should be a role like a scout at first, followed by a large force. The rumble of war drums came from those giant dragons.

They are driving the mountain-like creation with the sound of drums. Although the dragon was huge, it was too small compared with the size of the creature.

That guy is too huge, Xiao Wu wondered how effective this would be.

The dragon's troops scrambled, but after flying close to a certain distance, they began to divide into four groups.

"God, the creations of this era are so scary!"

Xiaowu searched his memory for an image that matched the behemoth, and after a while, he actually found something.

"Soul Nightmare, a terrifying beast that existed in ancient times, dormant underground and possessed the powerful ability to deprive life of all things. It takes only once for hundreds of years. Every time it eats, it will have a devastating impact on the world on earth, causing countless lives to be charred."


Xiao Wu was taken aback, surprised that he knew what it was, and his heart trembled suddenly. Why did these memories suddenly appear in his mind?

From the war song, the giant wings dance wildly!

Obviously, the giant dragon clusters have been skillfully arranged strategically, and the sound of the wind is accompanied by violent thunderclouds, orderly flying to the established direction, looming in the air, and gradually forming a state of enclosure.


The sound of the horn pierced the clouds, deep and long, I am afraid it could be heard clearly from dozens of kilometers away.

This is the horn of One echelon, offense! "

A white image glided across a formation like lightning, and the faint light reflected silvery bright spots at an astonishing speed.

Xiao Wu saw it. It was a small dragon with purple lightning on its forehead. The white shadow passed by the large group, issued an order, and dived down first.

In an instant, dozens of mighty flames shot out from the clouds!

It was bright, like an eruption of magma, colliding with the invisible wave, and immediately burst into a loud noise.



The black shadow of the giant beast shook a few times, and the mountain behind it suddenly shattered and collapsed. It seemed that it was affected, but it didn't hurt the body, so it should not be defeated.

Under the collapsed mountain peaks, dark purple crystals appeared, bright and dazzling in an instant.

That was the energy amplification device on the back of the nightmare, full of energy at the moment, the black wave turned into a giant searchlight, and it suddenly swept toward the sky.

A group of dragons evacuated from the diagonal thorn immediately after breathing out the flames, and the black wave swept away loneliness.

"Second echelon, third echelon! Attack!"

Following another order, dozens of giant dragons in the other two directions also began to approach the behemoth nightmare, spitting out violent flames.

As if the flame dragon fell into the sea, a small part of the sky was enveloped by the scorching red flames, and the sky suddenly appeared, and the scene was extremely frightening.

Where did Xiao Wu have seen such a big battle, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The heart raised his throat, as if he was between two energies, and the power of either party could easily melt himself.

"Boom -"

The red light is shining, the heat is steaming, and the land is cracked!

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