Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 763: Secluded abyss

Xiaowu was full of doubts and couldn't prove his guess.

At this moment, she saw a small black dot across the top of her head, from the other end of the line of sky, escaped into the valley, disappeared into the darkness in an instant, and disappeared.

"Huh, what the **** is that?"

A strong sense of mission appeared, and Xiao Wu's heart was shocked.

Intuition reminded her subconsciously that she must move in the direction where the black spot disappeared.

She has gradually become accustomed to the feeling of traveling through time and space, and her consciousness is extremely clear, and she also knows that there must be a reason for those signs of vision.

"If you come, you will be safe, follow up and have a look."

Thinking like this, Xiao Wu's heart moved at will, and he flew over immediately.

After traveling at high speed for a while, Xiao Wu felt more and more that the depth and width of this valley were difficult to estimate, which also confirmed his previous judgment.

This is not a mountain range.

The black-brown rock dew seems to be endless, and you can't see the head at a glance.

If you look down from above, this place is like a huge "knife mark" in front of you.

What's more peculiar is that the stone walls here have been cut abruptly, not even a single plant grows.

"Good fellow, there would be no grass growing without a mountain wall, it really is not an ordinary valley!"

"If it's a valley, this mountain range is too huge..." Xiao Wu thought to himself.

So, where is you?

"Boom, boom, boom—"

Some regular voices sounded in the ears, grand and shocking.

Xiao Wu closed his eyes, carefully distinguished for a moment, and followed the sound without hesitation.

If she hadn't deliberately slowed down, she could have arrived in an instant, but the heavy thinking in her heart made her not want to arrive so quickly.


And it was loud thunder.

It's just that because the distance is quite far away, it sounds like a noisy roar to Xiaowu.

At this time, the voice became louder and louder, and Xiao Wu became more cautious.

Soon, the roar reached a peak and suddenly turned into a delicate and mixed sound wave.

What kind of noise is that!

It's like a galloping horse, shocking the senses.

After turning a deep arc-shaped rock wall, moist air rushed in.

She finally saw the source of the sound with her own eyes, and was immediately shocked beyond words.

It was the salty sea breeze violently passing by, and the water mist was like a huge rolling wave, rushing to the dark cliff below, and reunited in the bottomless abyss.

The water mist was terrible, as if it could be fished out, and the sound of thunder made Xiaowu extremely in awe of the wonders of nature.

Xiao Wu looked up, and quickly realized that it was the shock caused by the water falling from an invisible height, and it was estimated to be at least several thousand meters.

The horrifying scene generated at such a height is absolutely unbelievable if it is not seen in person.

The sea water poured in from the first line of sky and poured in like white practice, with no end in sight. Then, being lifted by the heat from nowhere, it spun in mid-air and collapsed into mist.

Sea water and valley?

With a thought to her, she finally understood what this place was.

That's right, this is what the Dragon Race said, the deep abyss on the dark continent.

The crust in this area was dislocated and fractured under the unnatural power released by the Quinting movement of the gods, and the entire area was uplifted.

Subsequently, the mantle material under the crust rises and diverges, creating huge tension.

It is under the action of this tension that the earth's crust fractures, forming a deep abyss.

Due to the continuous uplifting movement, the rupture of the earth's crust is constantly produced, and the underground lava is constantly gushing out, forming a terrifying "earth wound" almost overnight.

The abyss is obviously below sea level.

The water of the entire ocean is divided here, converging into a magnificent wonder!

Then, roaring in the fracture zone, instantly filled the cracks of the earth.

In fact, before seeing the terrifying waterfall, Xiao Wu heard the sound of continuous thunder, which turned out to be a waterfall with a drop of up to a kilometer!

Although the fracture is formed on the surface, the actual plate fracture occurs at a depth of tens of thousands of meters.

Perhaps, this abyss will not be completely filled with sea water until a million years later.

How long is the secluded abyss?

Xiaowu thought about it carefully. According to the Dragon Clan, the deep abyss is not bottomless, and the boundary between the Dark Continent and the Mu Continent can be divided by at least tens of thousands of kilometers.

The width of the secluded abyss, according to what she saw before her eyes, did not seem to see the boundary of the rift valley.

But she speculated that the narrowest place is hundreds of meters, and the widest place is hundreds of kilometers.

Along the way, there are steep cliffs on both sides of the rift valley, hideous and terrifying, and traces of melting can be seen everywhere.

"Well, it's where the Abyssal Nightmare crawled out of the surface!"

"This place... is the final destination of the thirteen gods created by the Quinting clan."

Xiao Wu's heartbeat speeds up, and he is anxious.

The Dark Continent and Mu Continent were originally connected together, and it was a land with a brilliant ancient civilization.

Countless secrets are buried under this land, which have been sealed for a long time.

She felt that this was where the consciousness of the bird **** statue was directed, burying the ultimate secret that the owner wanted to know.

The roaring sea water interrupted Xiaowu's thinking.

She finally saw that the little black dot appeared again, and soon disappeared in a certain direction.

Although the thick mist filled his eyes, it was not a problem for Xiaowu, who did not rely on vision.

"Is there anything in there?"

It's a gathering of energy!

Xiao Wu saw something in the depths of the abyss, like stars falling into it.

She flew over after a little thought.

Through the thick salty water and rumbling, she saw the remains of the ancient ruins before her eyes.

These relic buildings, located on the steep mountain wall, were built of stones different from the nearby rocks.

There was a weird blue-white light, as if it had its own energy, and it was very weird.

The rays of light radiate from above.

"It's amazing, how can there be energy gathering in the stone?"

What shocked Xiao Wu the most was that although there were artificially carved traces on the outside of the ruins, it was dilapidated, but the wide opening of the cave extended a few meters into the rock wall, and new architectural forms could be seen.

It looks like a completely new thing made of black onyx, spotlessly clean.

Calculated by time, the building inside is obviously older.

But the external ruins have been shattered like that, leaving only the remains, which must have been baptized for countless years.

The inside is so new, UU reading is completely illogical.

Xiao Wu guessed that even if it was swiped with the sharpest blade, it would not be possible to leave any marks on its surface.

She was surprised to notice a broken gap.

Pure black, as translucent as crystal ore, the cut surface is extremely smooth, and the texture is not visible. But it shows that the buildings at both ends of the fissure were originally a whole.

There are very serious signs of corrosion and discoloration on the section, as if it had been immersed in pus.

Calling it architecture or "things" made Xiao Wudun puzzled.

"This is not something that humans can build"-this is Xiao Wu's first reaction.

"The existence of this thing is much older than the ruins outside."-This is Xiaowu's second reaction.

"What force is it that breaks such a strong thing?"

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