Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 915: Blood Moon Stone

As for the phalanx that the **** Lord said, Gudos also studied for a long time and spent countless energy, but it was in vain!

Depressed and depressed.

Because he never understood what it was for.

This made Gudos a little annoyed. Originally, he thought: If the Lord said that the dragon can use this thing, then with his power, it should be no problem.

But now, the facts have taught, no!

This really made him very popular.

There is one more thing that also puzzled Gudos. That is, the Lord asked him to transform into a dragon clan, and hinted that the heavier the **** murderous aura on his body, the better, I don't know what it means.

After thinking about it, Gudos thought that maybe it was the right sentence: To make it perish, you must first make it crazy!

That's right, **** murderous!

The request of the **** is very clear, this is for him to sacrifice! In this way, it also saved Gudos a lot of thinking time, he did not hesitate to think of the method of soul sacrifice.

All of Morgan Lefy's whereabouts had already been grasped by Goodos. After waiting for many days, she did as expected and stepped into the trap that had already been set.

In a **** slaughter in the temple, the believers of Dakun’s Esoteric Buddhism followed one after another. Morgan Lefy also got red eyes, harvesting the souls of hundreds of innocent people in a flash.

A large amount of soul power lingers in the sky, some of which are transported into the void by soul spar, and some are crystallized by obsidian and directly absorbed by Gudos.

He got his wish!

At that moment, the void and dark power bestowed on him by the Lord appeared on his body. He became stronger and stronger.

Morgan Lefey also happened to be caught in his trap and took the phalanx away.

He didn't know what the outcome of such an arrangement by the **** master would be. Anyway, for him, there are only benefits and no harm.

After doing all this, Gudos returned to his palace in the Kara Empire, replenishing his energy, taking time, digesting the huge soul power, strengthening his strength, and preparing to listen to the call of the Lord again.

He has tasted the sweetness, the spiritual power domain has risen to fourth level, and the means of controlling the power of the soul is more mature.

Those obsidian shards are definitely powerful, and they are similar to the soul spar. There is no doubt about this. I don’t know if obsidian interacts with other artifacts, will there be new discoveries?

Years later, Goodos has been studying taboo art and many artifacts. He found that the power of the Sisterhood of the Priests was even stronger.

Goodos saw it in his eyes, but didn't make any movements, just quietly watching the changes.

He thought of a plan: to use his powerful power to secretly bring the Sisters of Priests under his control. So under the guise of the royal family of the Kara Empire, they recruited them and arranged for the priests of the sisterhood to become royal advisers.

The purpose of this is to wait until the time comes to obtain the secrets they have.

The Sisters of Priests have been under the surveillance of the Martial Spirit Privy Council, and the dragon forces behind it seem to have not been affected in any way.

This made Gudos a little puzzled, he wanted to communicate with the Lord, but tried many times but still to no avail. So he couldn't sit still, and began to frantically study the artifacts, looking for ways to communicate with the gods.


Now, Goodos finally waited to respond again.

And this time, it was the **** Lord Amon in the void who took the initiative to establish contact with him.

Amon told him that the dragon clan, Morgan Lefy, had opened a critical path for him, and asked him to immediately come to the "Infinite Corridor" to complete one thing.

Goodos was overjoyed and set off immediately.

He had been to this place before, but it was a secret passage hidden in the crater, not the same way as Bailong and Davli.

Gudos didn't know that the so-called "Infinite Corridor" was the "Void Temple" in the Dragon Clan's mouth. It was a place where countless secrets were buried-it was the core of the mothership left by the Birdman tribe after it landed on the earth.

When he reached the outer layer, all the power of restraint had been broken by Morgan Leffey, so he was unimpeded all the way. Not long ago, he saw Bailong and Davli opening the portal of "between creation and fate", and his heart trembled, so he quietly followed them all the way to this place.

In the past, Gudos had only been to the upper level-the periphery of the Void Temple, and had never entered such a deep place. He could feel that there was something underneath, but he didn't know how to enter.

There are countless ancient relics here, like a rich treasure house, Gudoth has been coveting it for a long time. The last time there was the blessing of Amon's divine power, he had taken many artifacts from here.

For some reason, this place was different then and now, with great changes, especially the sense of brokenness in the space became more intense.

As for the skeleton, of course it was Saron's body.

In fact, these artifacts were all transferred using Amon's divine power, and had little to do with Gudos. He doesn't know why the **** master needs these, anyway, let him do what he does.

What he needs is powerful strength and endless treasures, the rest is not important at all!

For a long time, Gudos relied on accidental hits and collisions in this place, and walked through randomly. This time it was different. The God Lord gave him a clear goal, and Gudos became even more arrogant, even the dragons did not pay attention to it.

He was extremely amazed at the miraculous creation in front of him!

I thought, maybe this is the birthplace of many legends, ancient ruins buried deep underground. Ruins like this may not exist in other places, but Gudos just thinks this place is very special, not the same as other ruins.

This time, he was fully prepared and mastered a more powerful psychic power, and he also mastered a key artifact.

This artifact looks like a lifeless stone-but when infused with spiritual power, it will reveal some luminous ancient runes, red and dazzling, just like the red moon falling to the ground, so it was named by Goodus. It is the "Blood Moon Stone".

Speaking of which, this "Blood Moon Stone" was also obtained here before.

At that time, UU reading relied on the power of the **** to transfer some illusory things to the front, besides the skeleton, there was this thing.

Goodos wanted to take it back and study it slowly, so he naturally included it in his bag.

According to the Lord’s instructions, this thing will have extraordinary functions here, so he has been carrying it with him...

Everything in front of him shocked him—

Such a weird thing looks like both a machine and a creature, and it can fly...? As soon as Gudos stepped into the realm of "between creation and fate", he was shocked.

Witnessing Bailong and Davri being attacked by the "Life Probe", Gudos understood that this should be the guard here. However, those terrifying "life detectors" didn't even attack him, so Gudos was puzzled.

what is the reason behind the scene?

Goodos didn't have time to think about it. The giant dome that the Lord said was just ahead, and he had to go in to complete the task.

If that dragon and his men dared to stop them, even if they were to be killed, they would not hesitate to do so! _