Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 916: Blood Moon Stone (2)

At this moment, the "Blood Moon Stone" on Gudos suddenly glowed and trembled as if he were alive.

The red light turned dark red and then dark green, which shocked him.

"what happened?"

At the same time, the voice of the divine lord echoed in his mind: "Infusion of power...the rise of the giant tower...those creations will all obey you..."

"What! Those creations will take orders from me?"

Gudos was shocked and wanted to ask one more question, but the voice was fleeting, and there was no response for a long time.

God Lord disappeared? Isn't it... God Lord has been paying attention to his actions?

He lowered his head and glanced at his chest, the green light gradually growing. , Seems to understand: It turns out that the Lord is telling him to personally charge the "Blood Moon Stone", and the charged "Blood Moon Stone" can control the creation here!

Created here?

Does it mean controlling those horrible guards? His heart moved, and his spirit came.

It must be so, it can't be wrong!

Gudos didn't think much, and immediately sat down, using his spiritual power, the "Blood Moon Stone" on his chest made continuous crackling noises, like popping beans.

A beam of light burst out, shooting into the invisible nothingness. Soon, the "sculpture" above the dome moved, one, two...five.

Ten minutes later, five "Life Probes" were activated one after another, their bodies twisted strangely, and they fluttered high into the sky.

Wonderful! As expected.

Seeing that the "Life Explorer" had come back to life, Goodos was complacent about his ingenuity. But after a while, he couldn't bear it anymore: cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he felt that all his strength had been drained, and the tremors of the "Blood Moon Stone" seemed to accelerate, resonating with his own pulse.


He was hit by a scorching hot air, and the power in his body rushed, and his blood vessels seemed to explode, which was very painful.

It's already the limit!

His eyes were blood-red, his expression was distorted, and his throat made a ho-ho sound like a beast. The body has been extremely collapsed, the heat is full of limbs, and every bone is creaking.

Goodos couldn't help groaning loudly, with two words all over his body-"Uncomfortable".

His body couldn't help trembling, he wanted to hold on through gritted teeth. He thought, if it is the request of the god, it must be fulfilled. The current situation is obviously that he is not strong enough...

But it's already like this, what about those giant towers?

There was dead silence all around, and there was no movement. Why hasn't the huge tower mentioned by the divine master risen?

Just when he felt that he was about to be unable to hold it, he suddenly felt something wrong, and the ground under his feet trembled, and his body could no longer maintain his balance.

He fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Is there an earthquake?

There was a light of surprise in Gudos's eyes, and immediately, the air seemed to be compressed in half, and the icy breath rushed from all directions, suffocating!

It was so dark in front of him, and he vaguely felt that something huge was breaking through the earth from the endless secluded ridge. A raging wave came from, and his brain was rumbling!

Gudos's heart shuddered, and his blood-red eyes looked straight over there.

A hazy outline appeared, and a huge behemoth covered in black, as if covered with a layer of faint fluid, instantly tore the ground, and then kept rising for nearly a hundred meters.

When the vibration slowly decayed, Gudos stared at the front, panting heavily, propped up his upper body, and tried to look into the air.

"Huhuhu...Finally stopped...Is this thing...?" Gudos stared at it, suddenly pale in shock.

Oh my god! Is this, is this a soul crystal pillar?

"The giant tower mentioned by the divine master is actually the soul crystal pillar?"

Even in the darkness, he could feel the huge volume of this thing, that kind of power, as expected, only the soul crystal pillar had.

Although he was very frightened in his heart, in order to complete the mission given by the gods, he still set his heart down and tried his best to get up. He originally thought that the largest soul crystal column was no more than one person tall, but he didn't expect to see such a majestic soul crystal column here.

Gudos didn’t know, all he saw before were fragments of the soul crystal pillars—the soul crystal pillars used by the Quinting people were also obtained from the huge tower. .

The gloomy light flashed, and the "Blood Moon Stone" on Gudoth's chest seemed to run out of strength and fell silent.

"Well-is its energy exhausted?"

Goodos glanced down, not paying too much attention.

This place is grotesque, full of strange things everywhere, and what is in front of you is the truly great creation. Compared with that, what is the little power he expended?

"What kind of miracle is this created by someone? It's terrifying... If it is really a huge soul crystal pillar, then I... can't I use it to absorb more soul power?"

When he thought of this, Gooduston's eyebrows were beaming, and his eyes were unbelievable.

"No...No, the God Lord must have known it a long time ago! His purpose in guiding me here is to gather the power of the soul... He wants me to use this thing to serve his coming."

Goodos began to grin, ignoring his fatigue, showing a greedy smile, and got up.

"I see! It must be so... wonderful, wonderful!"

Just when he was triumphant, his face suddenly sank and he thought of something.

By the way, the dragon clan and his men are still here, and they must be killed first, so as not to hinder their own major events for a while.

"Let's take your surgery first, the soul of the dragon must be unmatched!" Gudos grinned again.

But where did they go?

Gudos looked around, but he didn't find Bai Long and Davli, and he was really upset. He didn't know that Bailong and Davli were actually at his feet at this moment.

He had been thinking about how to complete the task before, but ignored the whereabouts of the two people, and in a blink of an eye, the two disappeared. Now that there is such a big movement here, if they find themselves and then make a sneak attack, it will be too passive!

And now that he has run out of strength, how can he deal with them?

Thinking of this, Gudos's face darkened, and his previous joy was wiped out.

How to do? If the **** master contacts himself we must ask him for power, infinite power!

He began to concentrate on contacting the Lord. However, after trying several times, Amon did not contact him again...

Goodos was in a dilemma at the moment, happy for a while and gloomy, his face changed wildly.

At this moment, he suddenly flashed in his mind and remembered something again.

correct! Didn’t the God Lord say that as long as the huge tower rises, one can control the creations in this place?

I'm such an idiot!

Those guards are so powerful that they really want to become their own combat power, so why are they afraid of those two guys?

In this way, Goodos soon felt at ease.

There is a strong soul power here, a hundred times stronger than that on the ground, Gudos has already felt it. Now I must quickly recuperate and regain my strength so that I can use this artifact again.

He looked down at the "Blood Moon Stone" again, his face returned to his normal color, and he was thinking about how to manipulate those terrifying guards. _