Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 923: What is the meaning of your existence?

Latest website: For a moment, Goodos felt a trace of fear spreading in his heart.

The sudden increase in adrenaline caused blood to rush through Gudos' internal organs, chest cavity and heart. He suddenly felt that he was still alive because the ultimate guardian of unknown strength would not kill him immediately.

Goodos took a deep breath, then another, another... Then hesitated, took a few steps forward, and now escape is undoubtedly the most stupid way.

He realized that the paradox of cowardice lies in: if you want to avoid the most feared consequences, you must act bravely. He can't run away, but has to keep going, otherwise he will fall short.


When Gudos was staring at Xiao Wu, he suddenly felt that his strength was growing rapidly. This strength came so suddenly that he was not ready physically and mentally.

While Gudos was surprised, he suddenly saw a silhouette that was not too tall, a female silhouette-completely different from the creation in front of him, like a phantom but with overlapping parts.

The overlapping outlines were illusory and disappeared in an instant.

What...a woman!

It was not Davri, but a strange soul.

Goodos was surprised-what's wrong! Could it be the power rising in the body that made him see something he shouldn't see...?

Gudos squinted his eyes, his heart tightened.

He looked down and saw the red light on his chest turned green.

This is……

He quickly realized that it was the energy of the "Blood Moon Stone" that began to pulsate. At this time, several shadows clearly appeared in his mind--the guards flying in the air.

Sure enough, it is the Stone of the Blood Moon!

Gudos instantly understood that the "Blood Moon Stone" was full of energy, and unexpectedly awakened several of his men.

This is obviously my own subconscious behavior... the power called out by my inner fear!

Thought fluctuations spread far away, spreading far away through the huge black tower, and several guards turned from statues to living creatures.

Very good! Goodos' heart trembled.

There are countless guardians here. If these things become their own, the powerful strength and combination can tear all the enemies apart.

That being the case, what is he afraid of right now? What is that ultimate guardian?

Gudos suppressed his excitement and immediately gained confidence.

He turned to Duffry and grinned, "Heh, don't get too proud of yourself. With your strength, you can't pose any threat to a transcendent like me.

Even if you get the new power, a new body, and this ultimate guard to help you, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a tool of the dragon. With your strength, it is impossible to defeat me! "

While speaking, Goodos turned to Davri, but the corner of his eye had been watching Xiaowu.

Davri clenched his teeth and said nothing.

Xiao Wu beside her felt a strange wave of fluctuations, which was emanating from Goodos, and seemed to have a connection with the black giant tower. She didn't know what power it was.

Xiao Wu stared at Gudos, moving his eyes, and saw the "Blood Moon Stone" on his chest, which turned from red to green, dark and mysterious. She realized that the fluctuations were caused by that thing. She had discovered the message conveyed by Goodos' body language before, and he must be scared.

Although it was only a moment, Xiao Wu keenly caught it.

Xiao Wu thought that the cause of his fear could not be because of Davri. Then, there is only one reason left-it's yourself.

To be precise, it was caused by his new body.

Xiaowu couldn't help thinking, what is the current situation of Gudos.

In less than a second, she noticed something was wrong. "Those horrible guardians, they...have increased!" The power in the little general spread out, and the target was instantly identified. In his mind, he found that the "Life Probe" was flying towards him and Davri, and there were plenty of them. There are six or seven.

"Asshole! Why is this?"

"Why can Goodos summon those life detectors!" Xiao Wu's heart trembled, feeling bad.

"Boom boom boom——"

The "Life Explorers" fell to the ground one after another, forming a trend of encirclement. The huge body twisted and turned, and immediately turned into a posture of walking upright on the ground.

The sound of their landing is actually not loud, almost negligible, but they slammed into Duff's heart so hard that she was extremely panicked.

"Ha ha ha-did you see it? My ability can order all the guards here to be obedient...I don't even have to take action. Then, what do you do to stop the transcendant me?"

Goodos stretched out an arm and raised it in the air.

With dry fingers like chicken feet, they flexibly scratched a few times, as if they had pinched the opponent's heart. His face showed an extremely confident expression.

"When I sacrifice you and the dragon queen, I will get the power of eternal life..."

"And you, just the insignificant dust in my long life!"


Goodos smiled, this time, with a gesture of victory, from the bottom of his heart.

"Eternal life? You are so ridiculous!"

Davry’s courage, who didn’t know where, took a step, said without fear, “When your body recovers the functions of ordinary people, it is the original face of mankind. The birth, aging, sickness and death of mankind are the destiny given by nature. To disobey?"

"Heh, are you arrogant..."

Hearing this, Goodos glanced at her and said disapprovingly, "When your life is lost, you have to admit your desire for life. Just like me back then... Spiritualism gave me Strength and powerful vitality surpass mortals. Fortunately, you are still a scholar, you really don't understand it!"

"That's a taboo, and you don't know where the evil power comes from!"

"I don't need to know, power is power." Goodos pouted.

"Eternal life... is this the meaning of your existence?" Davri asked.

"Of course, formidable power needs eternal life to carry... This is the promise of the Lord, and you won't understand it if you say it."

Goodos smiled and asked, "Then what is the meaning of your existence?"

Dafry’s answer did not hesitate, "I have decided to protect everything I cherish. Rather than an immortal but meaningless life, I would rather explore the truth and choose to block everything for my chosen meaning!"

"Oh-what an idiot!" Goodos' head shook like a The meaning of life, constantly disappearing. Maybe only your dragon masters understand that their life span is very long...When you regain your desire for life, you will know how stupid you are. "

"Maybe I am stupid...but I don't want to live forever. Everyone has their own destiny. Death is the destiny of everything!"

"Oh, in front of absolute power, fate or something is worthless to me!"

Gudos didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore, in his eyes, Davri was already a sacrifice anyway.

The "life detectors" in front of them looked like broken lives.

Xiao Wu saw that each "Life Probe" was damaged in different degrees: the armor was broken, scarred, and the distorted body surface was wriggling with frightening flesh.

At this time, Xiao Wu's eyes flashed, and suddenly countless messy runes appeared, shining with golden light, one by one lit.