Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 927: I want to ask something else

Latest URL: Xiao Wu was stunned. This guy was so scared that he was not as scared as an ordinary person before. How could he become so powerful in a blink of an eye?


A peculiar pulse wave was emitted, and Xiao Wu only felt a tingling at the back of her neck. This strange feeling made her spine chill, and a bad premonition came.

"Oops! It's a disintegrating ray!"

Xiao Wu immediately woke up and was shocked.

Infinite energy is gathering, and she feels the goal is directed at herself. This feeling couldn't be clearer, she had experienced it once, it was a terrifying ray of disintegration!

That time, because of the supreme protection of the master, none of the four people suffered any harm. But this time the owner is not around, so I can't say that I can only rely on myself!

She saw Gudos flying up and floating in mid-air. I am afraid that he was gone for a while, and the guardians behind her chased him again, and it was a moment!

Xiao Wu turned his mind, immediately turned around, propped up the shield, and ignored Gudos.

"Failed?" She wanted to run away, but she tried once and found that it couldn't work.

After this body has been used for a "spatial jump", it will burden the body system and must be recharged for a short period of time, so it can no longer be used for the time being.

Xiao Wu was a little nervous, and when he looked at it intently, he saw a few "life detectors" moving as fast as lightning. Their postures were very strange, their heads opened instantly, and a burst of energy surged through the body and aimed at him.

I'm afraid, it's too late!

Xiaowu's heart trembled, and his mood instantly fell into the valley.

No matter how she dodges, it is impossible to avoid it completely-the disintegrating ray shoots from all angles, definitely faster than her!

How could her speed be faster than the speed of light? At this moment, she realized that she was so reckless, she wanted to kill Goodos, but ignored these guys.

Despair...very desperate!

At this moment, there was another glare, and Xiao Wu's heart trembled.

"This is……?"

Perhaps a strong sense of crisis was detected, and a pattern composed of countless runes automatically appeared in front of her eyes, and it changed immediately, as if she was calculating something.

The rune combination is quickly completed. This pattern is more sophisticated and complex than the "spatial fold" seen before, but obviously does not require much energy.

"Mind Link"?

At this time, another unfamiliar word appeared in her mind.

What is this ability?

Xiao Wu was stunned.

Another powerful function in the body of the "pollution cleaner" has been opened-this is the original system created by the Avian tribe to fight against the maternal army. This system is developed based on mitero cells, which can alienate and interfere with the central nervous system of Axe cells.

Mitro creatures are the natural enemies of Axe creatures. Genes contain the power of terror. Based on this development, coupled with the unique "Sol" induction of the bird-human race, this system is even completely out of the original Sol Mind Link can be used alone.

At the same time, in the system, they used the secret research left by the highest protector-the so-called "control kernel", optimized for the products evolved by Axe, which can produce strong deterrence, control, and even control The mother body also has a very high deterrent effect.

Just between Xiaowu's thoughts, the powerful "mind link" came into play!

Spiritual fluctuations are transmitted through the space medium-the black giant tower, and the invisible energy is immediately magnified hundreds of times...


At this moment, inside "Between Creation and Life".

Darkness and light coexist.

On Zhuge Yun's face, subtle energy veins appeared, like blood veins protruding on the skin. The light blue light existed for a moment and then disappeared.

It only took him a few minutes to absorb the remaining energy in this place. These energies are derived from the power of the soul that was purified by him, spiritual power.

——This is his big tonic.

Now, Zhuge's thoughts are still unfinished, and he feels that his body has taken on a new look, full of strength and vitality. So slowly opened his eyes, two brilliant lights flashed by, his eyes gleaming.

"There are still some things that haven't found the answer, but they are not far away, right? It's coming soon... it will be revealed soon..."

He murmured, moved his shoulders, and began to use his consciousness to check the dark area that had not yet been detected. It was soon discovered that there was a huge energy response deep underground.

"Is it underground lava?" Zhuge Yun was taken aback, and quickly denied the answer.

He knew what it was.

It seems that the "Creation Furnace" referred to by the Dragon Race should be right below it. According to the information Saron showed him, it used to be where the power core of the Birdman clan mothership was located, and it was also the most severely damaged place.

The mother body destroyed this place at the beginning, causing the bird-man starship to be forced to jump.

If expected, the energy here is the rift that connects the gates of the world.

The huge energy released by the "Creation Furnace" may have affected the transition device at the core of the mothership. Then, a series of chain reactions led to the collapse of the connection between the world and the world. The fragile barrier between different dimensions has been broken...

"The root is here... But what is the cause of this result?"

"Is it the mother?"

Zhuge Yun tilted his head to meditate for a while, thinking of something, so his divine consciousness spread out. After a while, the corners of his mouth turned upwards slightly-he saw Xiaowu and Gudous.

"Oh, have you realized the mystery of that body so quickly? Very good, then I don't have to worry about anything."

Zhuge Yun stood up and walked steadily into the darkness, but after walking only a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

"Huh, that fluctuation has disappeared?"

The fluctuation in Zhuge Yun's mouth was caused by the fifth fragment of the "Star-Gathering Phantom Seal". Although the fluctuation was very weak before, he had been able to vaguely sense it.

But now, that wave has disappeared?

Zhuge Yun condensed his spiritual knowledge again, and investigated around, but there was still no result.

This makes him feel very strange Searching for the fragments of the "Gathering Stars Phantom Seal" is one of his purposes for coming here in person. This is a powerful artifact, and part of it has been connected with his own blood. Together.

He didn't know what this artifact fell to the ground after it was completed, it must be some kind of more terrifying ability.

For Zhugeyun, the distance between time and space is not a problem.

With a heaven-defying artifact like the Bird God, he could use it to manipulate the time and space he was in. It's just because of the limitation of one's own strength, it can't be fully utilized. He can't materialize this body yet, but as long as he has enough spiritual power, he can develop a kind of ability-time and space shuttle.

By the same token, Zhuge Yun is not worried about Xiaowu's situation.

Because he knew that in this time and space, Xiao Wu's existence carrier was the stream of consciousness, which was equivalent to a collection of information, not a real entity, and she would not suffer any harm.

And Gudos's ending will not change. The law of causality shows that he will not die here, because he will also establish the "Obsidian Church"-the future Obsidian Society.