Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 971: start up

Latest URL: Lying in the "coffin", he used the secret key while thinking to activate the last prohibition lock.

The energy of the entire planet will pass through the mantle and rise to the seven central towers. Then, the energy was distributed by 1143 subsidiary towers distributed in various places. The momentary atmospheric effect can change everything, even affecting hundreds of thousands of square meters in a certain area for hundreds of years.

This is the scariest part of the Climate Tower Energy Network!

The central towers are all designed at the highest point of the earth's surface to expand its energy reflectivity. At the same time that Yurkin activated the secret key, in order to absorb more energy, the huge fortress on the mountain started to sink slowly.


The huge shaking began, and the energy conversion device extracted the energy from the mantle and instantly converted it into psychic energy.

This kind of efficient reaction is the crystallization of Niaoren's technology. Although the energy concentration is huge, it is still far from reaching the peak energy level, and the singularity has not been formed.

This is a very large and complex process.

It is necessary to calculate the precise angle and path when the earth rotates so that the energy can be distributed correctly according to the proportion. Energy is emitted from the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere at the same point in outer space at the closest distance.

Yurkin knew very well in his heart that this method was not absolutely reliable to prevent the mother body from gradually emerging from the surface.

If the meteorite is as the mother said, it is a prison that imprisoned ancient existences, how many existences with fear power are imprisoned?

Maybe my own approach will be disturbed by those ancient existences.

Moreover, there seems to be some unknown things implied in the words of the mother: for example, who imprisoned them?

Why don't they do it on their own, but let the maternal body guide it?

According to Yurkin's judgment, those ancient beings may have been in a certain dormant state for a long time, and their bodies have already become like stones, so they can drift in the universe for such a long time and spend a long life.

According to the knowledge of the Birdman civilization, any life that wants to maintain the vitality of the body will inevitably consume energy.

They can extract energy from iron, sulfur, hydrogen and many other natural elements and various chemical substances. Or, like all prokaryotes, draw energy from sunlight or other cells.

So let alone them, as long as it is a living thing, if there is no energy consumption to replenish the body, it will be completely wiped out by the force of nature in millions of years. Although the restoration of biodiversity can be achieved within tens of thousands of years, their self-awareness will inevitably disappear.

On this point, the bird people also have a deep understanding.

Because their home planet has already developed a powerful immortal technology, relying on this knowledge, they are very clear that the laws of nature are the laws, and everything in the universe must be obeyed.

Their home planet was once a planet that has experienced many civilizations, all of which were short-lived. Unless energy can be swallowed forever, all life will wither. To continue life and prevent the withering and corruption of life, it is necessary to inject new vitality into it and eliminate the old in order to let it continue to grow.

But that will bring about new problems. The tangible life becomes infinitely large and bloated, and more corruption will follow.

The secret of immortality technology lies in controlling the extreme consumption of living organisms.

If it is said that the inheritance of civilization and knowledge can be done in a very simple way, then it is extremely difficult to pass on the memory and soul of each individual and requires a certain degree of compromise.

They found that compared to the entire ethnic group and other tangible matter in the vast universe, consciousness based on the persistence of matter is always very short-lived.

So they give up their tangible selves, and transfer their consciousness and memory into the collective that supports virtual survival in some way. At this time, it becomes very important to get rid of civilization's extreme dependence on material resources.

Self-consciousness can be satisfied at will, which has led the bird people to develop a technique-a method that can preserve both the soul and consciousness.

The core of the essence is to melt one's own life into another carrier, thereby obtaining a certain degree of immortality.

In fact, this is like physical grafting: using the simplest and clearest means, place an old brain on a new, more dynamic body.

If the birdman survivors have not had so many years of war with the mother, then they will develop the same civilization as the birdman mother star-they will almost succeed.

Yurkin believes that if what the mother body says is the truth, then the ancient beings on the meteorite may have only one purpose-they want to occupy the body and consciousness of the mother body.

The so-called evolution, sublimation and inheritance are completely nonsense in his view.

It's all nonsense!

Speaking of living organisms deriving energy from the surrounding environment, one has to talk about the forward-looking heritage left by the Supreme Protector-the Climate Tower Energy Network.

On this unfamiliar primitive planet, the generation of energy is not simple and single.

For example, the birds also discovered that some energy is not produced by volcanic activity, but from a kind of green crystalline rock called green fluorite, which can also react chemically with sea water.

There are many similar situations, and such regions are very common in the early history of the planet.

The bird people have been studying this planet for a long time, and when they were struggling to cope with the mother’s siege, they also ushered in the final stage of the "Genesis Project". At this time, no one except Yulkien was able to Continue to work.

But their large-scale research in the laboratory has also yielded many results.

For example, mixing different elements in the "pool of life", observing the reaction, and modifying it, the original Mitro creature has been born.

Birds have discovered many unexplainable phenomena-the genetic characteristics of these organisms are gradually decreasing. After several generations of evolution, some traits have disappeared, and after death, there are still negative energies that drift outside of this world.

Theories cannot explain these phenomena, and these energies cannot be precisely measured, but they can still be used.

These negative energies can be used as a hotbed for life reactions to continue to observe and cultivate Mitro's life forms and their mutant offspring.

In addition, Sartre's alloy, bird-man genes, and Mitro genes react with energy to create the precise creation that Yurkin is now using-the "secret key". They are all together. It is the "illusory eye pupil".

Regarding this matter, the Supreme Protector was already in front of everyone, but she died before she could solve the mystery.

Now Yurkin is still unclear and is still studying.

Another feature of the climate tower energy network is that it can not only absorb inorganic matter and obtain energy from planets, but also obtain more pure spiritual power from the dead cells of biomass.

As long as there is energy to supply it, for the birds who have mastered and high technology, the energy consumption is negligible for the energy of the entire planet.

These scientific and technological foundations are widely used in the creation plan, and jointly formed the embryonic form of the climate tower energy network.

Yurkin was lying in the "coffin", panicking. Seeing that the data of the climate tower energy network has been significantly improved, I kept thinking about it.

What is the future to meet him?