Star of Civilization

v1 Chapter 995: Final permissions!

After seeing those runes arranged in an orderly manner, as well as the exquisite and delicate patterns carved on the floor, Renata's heart suddenly trembled.

This is a forbidden place that even she has never entered, just heard about it.

It is said that many secrets of creation are hidden here, and various results exported from the highest-level research room are preserved. There are also various life forms created by Yuerjin using "immortality technology", and perhaps other early birdmen The result of creation.

"Between creation...?"

Renata turned her head to think for a while, and a word flashed through her mind. "Well, that's right, it should be here."

This place is similar to the energy system in other places outside, and the energy transmission of the underground pipeline has long been forced to stop.

But different from other places, the backup energy system in "Between Genesis" is independent and intact. When the energy is interrupted, it will immediately start to take over the work.

These backup systems will definitely stand the test of time. They are like exquisite creations with practical value, which can exert amazing power in maintaining life vitality, and also protect the civilization that was born on this planet, ensuring that the experimental results will not be disturbed by the outside world.

Above the gate in front of Renata, a circle of runes lit up, and when she felt the same biological fluctuations as her master, it quickly opened.

Renata hesitated for a moment, smiled wryly, and walked in with her head held high.

The dim blue light reflected on her face, showing how cautious and respectful this creature, who had never been here before, was.

After opening two doors in a row, an oval gate appeared on the opposite side.

"over there?"

She knew that this was the last entrance to the "Between Creation". That familiar sound was nearby, and she looked to the corner where the ticking sound came from.

To open the last door, some kind of authentication is definitely required.

Thinking of this, Renata walked over, put her palm on the interface for receiving information, and quickly turned on the light screen.

A blue light from the auxiliary brain terminal flashed across Renata's face, indicating that the most basic scanning function of the auxiliary brain was intact. The scan results showed that the biomagnetic field has been steadily increasing, and everything is normal.

"I want to retrieve your instructions and open this door." Renata ordered after thinking for a long time.


The voice command seemed to be invalid, and the auxiliary brain did not respond uncharacteristically, and she felt something was wrong.

"Well, is it because my authority is not enough?" Renata was a little nervous, staring at the light screen, and gradually frowned.

She could see that the auxiliary brain terminal was responding, because those dim rune civilizations fluctuated.

But Nai He didn't respond.

She is no stranger to operating this kind of small terminal, and a rune response means it has received an order. But the little reaction made her very uncomfortable, and this was the first time she had encountered this situation—maybe she should give it some time to think about the current situation?

The long wait surprised her, and she finally lost her composure, and continued to repeat it with her voice.

"I want to retrieve your instructions and open this door."

"The search is complete...the current highest authority is confirmed...the command can be executed."

The attitude of the auxiliary brain changed quickly, and the soft light shone on her face again, and the gate "bang bang bang bang bang" faded back, and retracted into the wall in an instant.

The floodgate opened without any accident, but Renata didn't focus on it, instead she cared about what the auxiliary brain said just now.

"Currently the highest authority... what does this mean?"

She retracted the foot she had already stepped on, and with a puzzled face, she turned to look at the auxiliary brain and asked.

"The original agreement is invalid..."

"Through genetic comparison results, biological information confirmation..."

"According to the second amendment principle, the person who issued the order is currently the person with the highest authority." A cold and calm voice came out.

Renata's face trembled slightly, and she asked, "Wait a minute, I'm asking you, what do you mean by 'now'?"

The auxiliary brain made no sound.

A few lines of data were displayed on the light screen, intuitively explaining Renata's question.

All the information was only a few short lines, and Renata almost scanned it all at a glance, and her heart was once again turbulent.

What is displayed on the light screen is the scanned information that has undergone regional screening and database comparison.

In Renata's impression, almost every dragon creature created by the bird people has a fixed number. According to a specific logic algorithm, compare life data, growth rate, intelligence level, genetic integrity, and judgment. Wait... work out a hierarchy of permissions.

The corresponding number of each creature can be confirmed from the code of the genetic information, and it is represented by a series of runes.

The translation of my serial number is "D·R-037", which is impressively displayed on it.

If you only have your own number, it represents a result, and you are the only surviving one among all dragon creatures.

Renata stood there as if petrified, motionless. The long-standing nightmare has finally become a reality.

So cruel!

Renata felt that the last trace of anger was drawn away from her body, her eyes were filled with throbbing and panic, and her hands were trembling like sifting chaff.

Feelings of grief, indignation, shock, powerlessness and numbness all rushed out.

"Hehe...hahahaha..." Renata raised her head to the sky and screamed, her eyes filled with tears, her sad voice echoed in the empty, dark space.

"Huhaha... woo—"

The wild laughter finally turned into mourning, full of endless sorrow and helplessness.

There was nothing in her pupils, only the string of numbers. At this moment, the cold voice of the auxiliary brain rang in her ears.

"The first commander, you are allowed to view the contents of the the biological fluctuation feedback within 36 hours..."

"The eye of insight is connected...the core parameter decryption..."

"Retrieving... The source of the data is unknown... Regional signal amplification, fuzzy logic search..."

"Confirmation number D·H-1573...D·H-4491...D·H-73..."

"...the wave responder refused the order...continue to try to contact..."

"The new round of search is complete...the remaining number is as follows...less than 0.1%..."

The assistant brain quickly explained the reason for this number, UU Reading is the "retrieval command" that Renata asked. The entire fortress is very large. In addition to the auxiliary brain of the central control unit, there are also some auxiliary brains that operate independently and are not connected to the Internet, such as the one in front of you.

She knew that the "retrieval command" could allow users to query the function of the auxiliary brain, better understand the progress of work, and avoid external intrusions, which can be regarded as a physical firewall.

But Renata didn't have the heart to listen carefully to what was said in the back of the assistant's head.

It was nothing more than work progress reports, operating conditions, basic information, and some data that only Yulkin could understand.

After hearing a set of numbers, Renata came back to her senses.

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