Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 100

Joyna didn't have time to think deeply about the problem, but she vaguely felt that it was her desire to protect all the weak when she first entered this era, which had the opposite effect.

This seems to explain her motivation for everything she does for people.

However, after experiencing all kinds of times in this era, Joyner felt extremely uneasy in her heart.

She gradually understood one thing: she said that my fate is inexorable, in fact, why should I be determined to be the choice?

This is totally wrong!

There was resentment and coldness in people's words, which deeply stabbed her heart, causing an indescribable emotion in Joyna's heart-she had been thinking about how to change people's deep-rooted thoughts and ideas in this era. What about morality?

Now she figured it out.

Maybe the real thing to change is yourself.

All the thugs gathered, excited and shouting for their leader to hack Joyna to death. Other thugs tried to jab Joyna's body with spears.

Li Renxuan and Wang Ming watched and did not stop. They don't believe that this woman is a mutant, nor that her abilities are so terrifying, they just want to see what level her endurance is.

In the turbulent crowd, the voices rose from wave to wave, but soon the two of them gradually lost their temper.

Joyna didn't resist, the soft armor on her body responded to every attack, as well as people's foul language and repressed anger.

Joyner felt breathless, not even an animal now.

But her body is eager to fight, eager to kill!

Joyna's super-distance senses are still constantly probing around, she can endure the pain that ordinary people can't bear, but she can't ignore that mysterious and strange existence. Whether he is a human being or something else, she knows very well that there is an unimaginably powerful opponent nearby who is secretly spying on her, restricting her and preventing her from fighting back.

She could still sense the presence of that opponent, and she had no intention of running away for a while.

But she was by no means a weak prey to be slaughtered. She can fight back!

"Stop it all!"

Li Renxuan finally spoke up and stopped his subordinates' almost crazy humiliation to Joyna.

Everyone stopped their hands wisely and stopped stabbing her with spears, but a dozen spear tips were still aimed at her body.

"No matter who she is, it's not your turn to be presumptuous!"

Hearing the words of the Xuan Gang boss, the thugs reluctantly quieted down.

"That's right! First tie her up with iron chains for me, and then hang her up and take them away with these people!" Wang Ming also spoke with a sullen face.

He looked at Joyna's icy face, barely seeing any waves, and couldn't help frowning.

Wang Ming couldn't guess what she was thinking, but he felt that this woman was indeed extraordinary.

The perverted torture did not make her succumb, but stimulated her strong forbearance. Wang Ming didn't see any resistance from her, which was very unusual and definitely not something ordinary people could do.

What a weird guy.

Could it be that this red-haired woman is really a mutant above the B-rank as the refugees say? Wang Ming's body trembled, and a terrible suspicion emerged spontaneously.

But he thought about it. For decades, even C-level mutants have not appeared in this area, so how can there be B-level mutants?

Could it be that there are some hidden secrets on her body?

Wang Ming kept guessing in his heart, and every time he guessed, he became more interested in Joyna.

The thugs in front gave up torturing Joyna, but more people gathered around.

A few daring guys rushed up directly, took out the iron ropes and caught Joyna, and clamped her arms with two huge iron clamps. This thing is extremely sturdy and heavy, and it took a lot of hard work for the younger brothers of the Xuan Gang to be handcuffed.

The others did not dare to relax their vigilance, and a dozen bright spears never left half a meter in front of her to prevent her from making any more sinister tricks.

Joyna allowed these people to tie her roughly, but still did not resist.

Because her eyes are always on the outside of these thugs, she wants to find any suspicious guys. She is racking her brains to think about one thing - where did those weird plants come from?

The thugs got busy in every way, and in the midst of miserable cries, all the refugees were driven out again, and they were escorted into cars like animals.

It was finally Joyna's turn, but when she was about to be tied to the car, her face changed, and she suddenly felt a faint breath in the depths of the wilderness.

This breath came from near an abandoned stone tower, not animals, but people.

At the top of the stone tower is a huge skull, which is the skeleton of some mutant animal. Joyna understood that this was the custom here, some sort of sign and warning that the land was not safe.

Her senses were rapidly extending, and she felt that there seemed to be an imperceptible figure next to the huge skull.

Joyna's heart beat faster.

In the darkness, she felt the figure melt into the depths of the ruins.

After a while, the faint breath also disappeared, and it seemed that the mysterious man had gone far.

"That's the guy, that's right!"

Joyner tensed involuntarily.

She doesn't know the mutants of this age, but her perception resonates precisely with those mutants. This was fully verified when she encountered those mutant humans and mutant giant snakes.

Just as she was thinking to herself, her body suddenly stood upright.

She immediately retracted her gaze, looked down, and saw that her feet were in the air, her body had been pulled up like a sculpture by six or seven strong men, and tied to a cross-shaped wooden frame. There were also several iron cables colliding with each other on the top of the head, making a clattering sound.

Joyner is no stranger to such a wooden frame, and she recognized at a glance that it was the one she had seen before driving outside the city, hanging dried corpses.

Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, and she felt breathless.

The great desire to survive surged up, and Joyna suddenly stared at the strong thug in front of her, her sharp eyes with icy murderous intent.

The guy was so frightened that his calf cramped, and he subconsciously took two steps back.

"You, you are dying, what do you want to do?"

Although the strong man was shocked by Joyna's gaze, he soon realized that he should never be so timid in front of everyone-especially the two leaders, so he yelled loudly to strengthen himself.

Another dozen or so thugs gathered around, their spears aimed at Joyna.

After hearing the shouting, the other thugs were also startled, and immediately pulled the chains together with all their strength. The chains wrapped around her body in circles, tightening them. her body.

The huge iron tongs tightened again, and firmly clamped Joyna's arm, making her unable to move.

No, you can't die like this without saying anything!

Joyna made up her mind and took a deep breath, her blood immediately boiled, her whole body burned like flames, and a terrifying power burst forth from her body.

The inner layer of the iron pincers clenched her flesh so hard that she clenched her fists tightly.

Joyna's eyes swept over the heads of the crowd quickly, and patterns of light and heat appeared in her field of vision, like a storm brewing and gathering in the air.

In the firelight, she saw that Li Renxuan was holding her fang dagger, and she seemed to be studying it with great interest.

Suddenly a plan came to her mind.

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