Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 104

The presence of this person was indeed felt deep in Joyna's mind, and that perception resonated precisely with those creatures that radiated different powers.

Intuition tells Joyna that that person is by no means an ordinary person!

Several times, when the twisted pattern of light and heat condensed before her eyes, she ignored it.

The distance between herself and him was once very close, very close, and she could even see the guy's face as clearly as if she was right beside her.

At that time, this guy was digging into the ground in the dark, somewhere in the ruins. She could feel him breaking out of the ground as an invisible thing, manipulating plants to entangle her, and the unprovoked fear was like a storm brewing and gathering in the air.

Joyner didn't know anything about this terrible guy. Not only was he unable to guess his abilities, but he was also extremely confused about his purpose.

For three days, Joyner thought about many things.

Finally, she figured it out.

Dancing with the yellow sand, standing proudly in the wind, cutting thorns with fighting spirit - she wants to live.

Only by living can I live up to my awakening from hundreds of years of slumber; can I not blame her for climbing a few kilometers of iron ladders and scars all over my body; can I witness this world with my own eyes, she has been here... future.

She remembered the first ray of dawn she saw when she climbed out of the deep pit, and the burning courage rekindled in her heart!

She heard light footsteps from far down the corridor.


The huge iron bolts on the outer walls of the prison were opened by the guards.

After the door opened, the people who came in were full of fear, and stood for a while without daring to get too close.

The jailer with his hair combed in mohican quickly glanced at Joyna's back and wrists - the iron rope was intact, and his heart suddenly felt at ease. He saw the untouched food on the ground again, muttered, and quickly threw a cold plate of leftovers at Joyna's feet, then turned and left.

The jailer wasn't worried that Joyna would starve to death because she couldn't get food, because as long as she fell on her knees, lying on the ground like a dog, she could still get to the food on the plate.

"and many more!"

Joyna's voice was so cold that the jailer shivered with fright.

"Ah, what... what?"

The jailer ran across the iron gate as if running for his life, before he dared to turn his head and answer, "Are you calling me?"

"Call your boss, I want to talk to him."

The jailer was stunned for a long time before he could react, and hesitantly asked, "Do you want to see our boss?"


Joyner squeezed a syllable through her teeth.


The night of the Hidden Sand Castle fell as usual.

The cold wind at night made a whining sound, big and small, like a ghost call, which was made when the strong wind blew through the ruins on the sand dunes.

After the jailer left in shock, Joyner closed her eyes heavily. The pain in her body has long been ignored by her, and the wound is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A burst of tiredness struck, and countless chaotic hallucinations appeared in my mind.

She fell asleep.

In the dream, the familiar world is shrouded in clouds, and the sun is blocked from the atmosphere by invisible things. The ground trembled, buildings shook violently, and distant noises came from far to near. In the sky, a group of evil purple swirls radiated shimmering light, spreading and extending, gradually turning purple. As far as the eye can see, the scarlet flashes on the skyline continue.

She concluded that it was more terrifying energy than a billion-ton nuclear flame.

In fact, the entire planet glows an unholy scarlet color! She tried to warn everyone, but found that there was no one in the empty street, and no one responded to her shouting.

Everyone has disappeared out of thin air...

It's scary, it's weird.

Next, an even more terrifying scene happened: the purple cloud roared down, never seen so many electric whips shining in the clouds, and a huge shadow appeared in the sky.

This shadow, spanning thousands of miles, seems to come from the intersection of another time and space.

The reality and the other world have a sense of coincidence, which is depressing and hopeless! Then, in the shadows... countless monsters appeared! ?

Joyna's face was stiff, and the shocking sight hit her brain.

The cold came instantly, and in the endless darkness, something roared and roared, eager to tear the darkness to shreds. In despair, only the towering city in the distance reveals a little light...

The whole day passed, and Joyner woke up in a nightmare of memory.

There was no sound in the dark cell, Joyna screamed and calmed down.

what a real dream...

She was in a cold sweat!

In her memory, Joyna had never experienced such a thing, but she believed that this was the reappearance of the disaster hundreds of years ago, and it was all a scene generated in the subconscious.

As she reminisced about the nightmare, she looked around, everything was the same, and she realized that she had not waited for anyone.

Now she fully understood that Li Renxuan and Wang Ming were not seeing her on purpose. As for the reason, she also guessed a bit - it must be because the two have differences in how to deal with themselves, so neither of them dared to act rashly.

But they ignore their own judgment, only temporarily. She knew that what should come will come.

Joyna's cell is located in the most remote location in the underground prison, occupying the corner of the building, not only away from other prisoners, but also the most heavily guarded. Usually I can't see anyone when I look out of Joyner's cell.

From the other side of the cell, there were bursts of painful moans, which Joyina had heard a lot these days, and didn't pay much attention to it. It must have been made by some tortured people.

The perception that is different from ordinary people makes her realize that there should be a few living guys here. Anyway, she had nothing to do, so she thought about meeting these people and asking about the situation.

Since the leaders of the Xuanming and Ming gangs refused to see her, Joyna also thought of a countermeasure, and then she was going to talk to them in person.

In the past few days, Joyner's heart has changed dramatically.

She accepted this savage and primitive era, and also accepted the current state of people's existence. No longer thinking about how to change it, but thinking about living with dignity first.

She realized that as long as she established her own power, she could do whatever she wanted in this world without having to look at anyone's face. The first thing to do is to defeat the biggest gang force here and bring it under his command.

However, Joyna understood that she was just an outsider to everyone, and even if she defeated the Xuanming Gang by herself, she might not be able to convince the crowd. That would cause more people's disgust, so she naturally wouldn't rashly fight the Xuanming Gang.

In order to reverse this situation, Joyna thought about it, and finally made a major decision-she wanted to join them selectively!

The first step is to use the gang's existing resources to build its own prestige step by step, and the next step is to replace it when the time is right.

She wants to be the most powerful person here and rule this land!