Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 140

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Civilization Star Divine Tribulation!

The military did this because they were brewing the prototype of a huge space program.

There are several core parts of this plan, which need to be started from different aspects at the same time, and which one is more in line with the needs of the Planetary Council will be adopted. Like an internal competition, Morgana was selected by the military to compete on the same starting line with other top scientists to solve problems in different areas of the program.

One direction of the competition is to solve the problem of human weakness in deep space, so that humans can live in a long-term space gravity environment without causing any physiological burden, which just coincides with Morgana's research.

Morgana thought the military's offer was tempting, because if they got involved, they could block all ethical considerations and break those rules. This is exactly the problem that Morgana urgently needs to get rid of, so she is naturally excited.

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As a result, Morgana and Ross Medical executives almost didn't think about it, and replied to them with two words on the same day - agree.

For Morgana, she only cares about whether the results of the research and the process go smoothly. As for where and how the research results are used, she doesn't care. The military met her conditions, and that was enough.

Another point that Morgana is also satisfied with is that the military has the ability to deploy the most advanced equipment in the world. Her research requires the assistance of a powerful energy system, which as far as she knows, is currently only mastered by the Planetary Council military, known as the star chain system.

It only took three days from planning to signing the contract.

Ross Medicine is delighted. After all, the Planetary Council is the largest administrative agency on the planet, and the military represents the Planetary Council. With the military's financial and technical support, the company is equivalent to finding the biggest backer, and no longer has to look at those private investors. Indifferent face...

The other party's request does not seem to be complicated, and it can be satisfied very simply, and it can even be said to be as simple as picking it up for nothing. So the two sides hit it off, and waited for the funds and equipment to be in place to roll up their sleeves and work hard.

Another ray of light is extraordinary news.

Just when Morgana was screening for a carrier that met her requirements, a discovery by a scientific research institution in Antarctica shocked the world.

On the vast ice and snow continent, a scientific expedition team discovered a frozen underground lake. It is determined that the geological structure of this lake has not changed for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years. People have discovered the oldest ecological circle at the bottom of the lake so far, and have also found many living evidences that have plagued the biological world for a long time, including those long extinct creatures.

In the eyes of the world, this news is nothing more than a news that makes headlines today and will be forgotten tomorrow, but Morgana was excited after reading the relevant reports. She knows that the scientific research value contained in it is priceless.

She asked the military to come forward and let herself go on a field inspection. It was just at this time that the military also received news. Many subordinate scientific research institutions hoped that the military would come forward and send people to conduct in-depth investigations and obtain more biological samples.

In this way, a temporary expedition led by the military was established, and Morgana was one of the leaders of the expedition.

The reason why Morgana is so active on this matter is that according to her theory, the problem that has been troubled for many years has not been solved, and the research data is still missing a key link. This has led to many gaps between her research results and theories. It has not formed a closed loop and is not perfect, so it cannot be regarded as a rigorous research.

The unknown road has never dissipated like the fog on the wasteland, and this trip will likely find the key link she has been dreaming of missing - the homologous gene.

Most of the previous "evolutionary matrix" research results were due to plant vectors, and a small part was attributed to Morgana's luck.

She isolated the "evolutionary matrix" from plants and used it to inject it into the human body to resist aging, but the evolutionary matrix has some instability due to mutation, which is far from practical requirements.

Because plants have self-awareness and can also be used as carriers of advanced wisdom, she studied the symbiotic model of plants and insects, and then obtained a gene evolution map similar to Cordyceps sinensis. With Cordyceps fungus, genetic engineering can be used to reverse engineer resistance genes Vaccines, and then using vaccines to weaken virus activity, can be absorbed and fused by humans, slowly modifying aging genes.

But the problem is that the plant is free from the limitation of the original carrier, and the cells begin to proliferate uncontrollably. Due to changes in mechanism and survival pressure, a small number of individuals have evolved, and cells are forced to mutate in the human body to adapt to the new environment.

Plant cells are naturally segregated from animal cells, as humans do not understand the core mechanisms for interfering with autoinducers in plants.

In the magical nature, there will always be miracles that human beings can't imagine.

At this time, a bold idea came to her mind - if there is a homologous gene for comparison, then she will draw the command of God, and use the hand of God to thoroughly reveal the characteristics and commonalities of various creatures, and even break the differences The law of gene exchange between species!

This core mechanism is what she calls the homologous gene rule.

But at this time, she did not expect that this trip would dominate her life and become a tragic prologue.

Now Morgana's research is stuck in a bottleneck and it is difficult to break through, also because she can't find a suitable plant vector to obtain the homologous gene.

Now the opportunity has come, she is convinced that if she can search in the oldest genetic sample on earth, she will be able to find the homologous gene closest to what she wants, find it and complete the gene sequencing, it can reduce many intermediate experiments. , which greatly shortens the research time and makes the research results more impeccable.

When Morgana closed her eyes, the perfect closed loop always appeared in her mind, even dreaming.

After the expedition set off, Morgana was still tirelessly thinking about the ultimate answer. In fact, this is not the first time she has searched for answers in nature.

Before joining the Planetary Council at the age of twenty-eight, Morgana led the top scientific research team of Ross Medicine and established a small community called Biosphere No. 3 in the desert. In order to get the data they want, this small community experiment simulates an ecological environment suitable for human habitation.

But two years later, she herself disproved the basic rationale of the experiment.

The reason is that her thinking has changed: instead of building a biosphere suitable for human beings in an unlivable world, why not think of ways to transform human beings themselves?

Human evolution is an unconscious screening process of nature, which is short-sighted, passive, and unplanned. Cruel natural selection and competition have reduced the genetic diversity of species and wiped out genes that are not suitable for the present, but may adapt to the future.

How humans get out of the earth and into space seems to be a biological problem.

Who said that creatures looking up to the stars have a future? Damn, that's the starry sky!