Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 15: Brave New World (3)

She seemed to feel something—in the eyes of the prisoners, there was less helplessness and panic, and more fear.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Joyna's stern face was slightly moved, and she forced a smile to say, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, those sand bandits who arrested you are all dead, come down."

But none of the crowd dared to respond to her generosity, and were still huddled together in fear.

Even this time, there were even fewer people looking at her. They looked like a nest of mice locked in a dark iron cage. They haven't seen the sun for a long time, and suddenly someone lifted the lid of the mouse's nest. Goodbye to the sun. , there is no meaning to escape at all.

Joyna stood stunned, unable to do anything, and muttered in her heart.

"Why can't they listen?"

Perhaps these people are still afraid after seeing so many people they have killed, and they have been forced to take giant hemp grass for a long time, and now they are not sober. This state is similar to those of the experimental subjects.

Thinking of this, she was also relieved. Just as she stepped into the cage with one foot and was about to "persuader" these people out one by one, she did not expect that the crazy woman before began to shout again, her voice hoarse and shocking!

"Kill - kill, kill!"

"No! Don't kill me!"



"Go away, devil!" An old man with sunken eyes roared. "You are the scourge of murder!"

Howling, screaming, screaming!

All the mad prisoners screamed and panicked like frightened mice.

Joyna was at a loss. She saw a pair of black, terrified eyes staring at herself. It was a little boy who was held in her arms by a scrawny woman, perhaps her child. This kind of behavior Totally subconscious.

After a while, people were so frightened that they began to shiver. They covered their faces with dry hands, like animals in a corral. Some people even hugged their heads, tore their hair, and kept hitting the floor of the carriage.

Joyna was shocked by this scene, and she could not help but take a few steps back in shock, the shadow swayed in the sun, and almost fell out of the car.

A pressure developed in her skull. This scene made her suspect that she was the one who was crazy!

For a time, Joyna didn't understand what they meant at all. Then she understood.

"They think I'm the devil who kills without blinking?"

"I know you!"

The terrified old man suddenly spoke viciously, crawled over to Joyna, and pointed at her tremblingly, "You are a murderous demon, leading the wolf into the room! Wherever you go, the monster will follow."

The old man tore his clothes, quickly grabbed bloodstains out of his chest, hammered his chest with all his might, and roared, "Come on, kill me! I know you are still carrying a lot of monsters!"

Joyna continued to step back. She didn't know why the old man said that. How much stimulation and how long were these people abused to have such thoughts? But at this moment, reason seems to have completely disappeared from her.

These people dared not look at Joyna, but saw her shadow, and the warning shouts continued to spread. The fear of men, women and children has turned into hatred!

Her anger gradually rose, her fists clenched, and she slammed down on the angle iron frame, making a loud noise. The whole truck trembled, and the anger in my heart was completely aroused.

Joyner could already feel the anger throbbing in her veins. Her body is eager to fight, eager to kill!

The hatred of being misunderstood and betrayed began to build up within her, and she should have known that these people were hopeless, not their bodies, but their hearts.

Why do you have to fight to save these ignorant guys? Why fight to preserve your humanity?

Obviously she has lost everything, obviously the memories are so heart-wrenching, obviously this era is so dirty and chaotic!


What is rationality?

Joyna's blood surged, she really didn't understand the logic of this world.

Just take it easy! Forget it, let these people fend for themselves, what does it have to do with her?

She turned away angrily, strode forward, jumped into a modified car, closed the door with a bang, and sat alone. Her eyes stared blankly forward, her heart was up and down, her hand was holding the steering wheel tightly, but her body was as rigid as a wooden clay sculpture.

At this moment, a beam of sunlight shot from the car window and shone on her blood-stained face.

With a flash of light, her indifferent eyes saw her own appearance in the reflector, and she was instantly shocked. Now, her expression is exactly like those of the brutal sand bandits, ruthless, and with a cruelty that is in line with the temperament of this era!

Her heart suddenly became blank, and several emotions emerged in her mind.

What an idiot you are!

She thought that by killing those sand bandits, she could save all the innocents and play the supreme savior? But what right does she have to make those thugs atone for their sins?

In fact, the only person to be saved is himself!

Atonement is not a punishment, but an antidote.

She always thought that she was like the messenger of the Creator in the world, and in every way she would not allow her to degenerate and become a member of these thugs. So in Joyna's mind, correcting the world and restoring the glory of the past world is the price she pays for waking up in this era.

But she suddenly thought, didn't those sand bandits rely on the wilderness to sweep, catch prey, and then sell them to other settlements for a living? This is their way of survival, this is the survival law of this era, and it is not the fault of those people.

But she has only just come to the era of these people, and it is true that she killed people, and her hands are covered with blood. This is a sin for no reason.

The reality made Joyna recognize the ruthless laws of this world for the first time, and a huge sense of powerlessness spread to her heart, and her heart died.

Clouds gather and disperse, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is just that.

Joyna's face turned ashen, her thoughts slowly calmed down, and she realized that she had made many mistakes. It's simply that she doesn't understand the world herself, not that these people don't understand the world.

Joyner started the car, and at the moment the machine roared, she hesitated again. If these people are left in the wilderness, it is impossible for them to leave, and they will definitely die!

Everyone who dies here will be her responsibility. Their blood will be on their hands.

She wanted to stop this, but left them with nowhere to go before death.

She remembered the little boy's black eyes, and an inexplicable throbbing came to her heart.

No, she has to find a way to save these people, and take them out of this wilderness whether they want to or not. Otherwise, everyone will die because of it, they will starve, thirst, and be eaten by wild beasts.

Although she could leave alive without these people, she had to take them with her so that her conscience would not be condemned by pain after she lived, and to save these people completely.