Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 153

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

The military's secret investigators sneaked into Ross Medicine, lurked for several days, and finally found their energy receiving station.

Subsequently, the data of the city "star chain system" of cx155 was retrieved and transmitted back to the military headquarters through covert means.

A few hours later, shocking facts appeared before the eyes. The engineers at the military headquarters confirmed that the amount of energy obtained by Ross Medicine within two years was far lower than the actual data. The driving force behind the energy event!

One wave after another, the Planetary Council was busy dealing with public opinion, and it was overwhelmed, and the subordinate military was put on another side, which made things worse.

In this eventful season, the unfavorable situation came too suddenly, which caught them off guard.

But at this time, the military has not fully grasped the secrets of Ross Medicine. Why do they need so much energy, and where does the excess energy go? Due to the lack of direct evidence, the headquarters instructed the secret search team to continue to thoroughly investigate the truth and look for breakthroughs in situ. It is necessary to find out what Ross Medicine is doing behind the scenes.

Naturally, Morgana was not idle at that time.

The information she had delivered to other research institutions through the "Shadow Dancer Organization" had caused a thousand waves with one stone. The entire biological, medical, and scientific communities are outraged by the brazenness of the military.

Morgana's intelligence revealed that the military even adopted surveillance measures against its allies. This alone has made several large non-governmental research institutes extremely fearful and angry. It is disgusting that the highest authority, which claims to be the guardian of order, can do such a thing!

After all, scientific research institutions can be regarded as the power at the top of society. The conflict between them and the military has been intensified for a long time, and it has affected many upstream and downstream industries.

Now that the fuse has been ignited by public opinion, the incident has fermented and spread, and the entire industry has fallen into panic.

No matter how powerful the Planetary Council is, it cannot stop the mouths of so many people, let alone stop countless media from scrambling to report.

After spreading word of mouth, even many scientific research institutions under the Planetary Council have heard the information.

They were shocked by the shameless means of the Planetary Council and felt indignant. At the same time, they also recognized the faces of these top politicians, and recognized that they were no longer upright and upright.

The emergence of a crisis of confidence is just a symptom, if it continues to develop, it will herald a future where everyone is in danger!

At this time, everyone was angry, and the researchers needed a retreat, a plan and an ally to break through the barriers, and completely solve this problem.

They just wait for someone to draw out their inner anger.

Morgana was unaware of the military's actions. In the past two years, in order to create the most ideal dynamic environment in the laboratory, simulate the complex environmental ecology, and calculate the potential of tn38 under extreme temperature differences, she has devoted herself day and night to her own research—the tn38 fusion cell clone.

Under normal circumstances, after tn38 is fused with human cells, according to theoretical data, a life form similar to the "parthenogenetic reproduction" of leeches will be created.

However, the genetic structure of human beings is many times more complicated than that of leeches. It is theoretically feasible, but in reality there are many instabilities.

The cells cloned by tn38 grow rapidly and require extremely powerful energy suppression. If there is no accident as the mother of the clone, the clone will be born after ten months of pregnancy just like a normal person.

The main problem now is that the fusion process of tn38 and the human host must not be completed in such a short period of time. Even if the laboratory can create an ultra-low temperature environment due to a large amount of energy supply to inhibit the progress of the fusion of the virus, it cannot be completed in a short period of time. Get valid data.

The human experiment scheme is far less simple than the leech experiment. The entire scheme must be redesigned to meet the experimental requirements. This result makes Morgana sleepless.

At this time, she suddenly thought of the method of directly cloning in test tubes using Gero's fusion cells.

After all, Rogge's body did not produce a rejection reaction due to the fusion of tn38. Except that the nutritional requirements greatly exceeded the body, other physiological indicators were no different from ordinary people.

It can be understood that he is the best candidate for the perfect host.

However, Morgana felt faintly at that time that it seemed that the genes of the Rothschild family members seemed to have some kind of strong plasticity, which could be used as an alternative for the tn38 fusion experiment.

Among them, naturally including herself.

Because, she is also a member of the Rothschild family - Morgana Rothschild. If necessary, she would not hesitate to use her own cells as experimental carriers to fuse with the powerful tn38 virus.

It's better to do it than to think about it, just do it.

In addition to Rogge's fusion experiment, Morgana extracted her own somatic cells, and immediately opened another comparison experiment group.

All the researchers involved in this project were sweating.

Regardless of ethics and morals, they were shocked by Morgana's radical and vigorous attitude! They all persuaded her not to take risks until the experimental results were stabilized.

But at this time, Morgana could no longer listen to anyone's different opinions.

She becomes paranoid, stubborn, and even frighteningly insane.

When the ultra-low temperature suspension began to inhibit the fusion of tn38 and human cells, the experiment seemed to be going well, and all the data were normal. The clone fusion cells were immersed in amniotic fluid and rapidly divided in a special test tube made of rubidium alloy. Due to the lack of the host's body and consciousness control, the fused cells have spontaneously entered a "hibernation" state.

But hibernation does not stop fusion, but becomes a controllable virus fusion reaction according to environmental changes.

Morgana immediately realized that her theory was right and her research direction was right.

This is so similar to the original mold she found under the ice lake in Antarctica!

There were still unknown changes in the cloning experiment, this time it was not a matter of fusion itself, but of time.

Morgana was surprised to find that, according to the calculation of the brain, after the cloned cells continue to divide, the process of fusion will reach a terrifying three hundred years or so.

And after three hundred years, these life forms cloned with Morgana's own somatic cells can transform into another brand new and powerful life form.

Three hundred years!

I'm afraid, she has no hope of waiting for that result in this life.

But there is no doubt that it is a brand-new life form born after the combination of plants and humans—the most primitive, most powerful, and most incredible form beyond the gift of the Creator!

Humanity's dream of eternal life will reach its perfect end at that time.

After seeing this result, Morgana was a little distraught, and sat in the laboratory for a whole day without water or rice, as if her mind was wandering into the sky.

The biggest difference between so-called geniuses and ordinary people is that geniuses solve problems all the time, overcome difficulties and never admit defeat!

Morgana made up her mind that she must solve this ultimate problem in her lifetime.

For this reason, after thinking about it, Morgana finally decided to put all her eggs in one basket and inject the carefully calculated dose of tn38 virus directly into her blood!