Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 154

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

It wasn't Morgana's whim to make herself an experimental subject.

She had already predicted the danger of the experiment, the success rate and failure rate of the fusion of the tn38 virus with her were 50-50.

Through the data of Rogge's fusion experiment and simulation experiment, she came to a conclusion that is currently confirmed—the bloodline of the Rothschild family has excellent sensitivity and plasticity. This kind of bloodline is extremely rare, and the probability of occurrence in humans is about four millionth.

After the virus is injected, the host's body's restriction mechanism allows her to survive with tn38.

Moreover, the injection dose was controlled to the minimum level of cell absorption, and Morgana's own immune function was fully able to handle it. Taking a step back, she can also use ultra-low temperature refrigeration to control the body's mutation speed.

In theory, as long as the virus does not die, she can live until the day when the experiment is finally successful.

And the virus is impossible to die.

The mold in the ice lake in Antarctica has existed for hundreds of millions of years, which is the best evidence.

In addition to the above reasons, there is another important reason for Morgana to do this. She has no extra volunteers available now, and the only way is to rely on herself.

It is impossible for anyone to understand the whole plan like her, and Morgana believes in herself more than others, because she is the plan itself.

This is the best solution she currently thinks—rather than die in regret and loneliness, Morgana resolutely chooses to give it a go and witness the birth of that miracle with her own eyes.

Even if this miracle was bought with her life!


A rush of alarm bells woke Morgana from her sleep. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and turned her head to look out the glass window. A Rose Medical guard was sprinting past in the corridor outside.


Morgana immediately had a premonition that something big was going to happen, she hurriedly put on her coat and rushed out of her office.

"What's going on?" she called to a company guard who was hurrying by.

"There is an alarm signal over the annex building. It seems that someone has invaded. I don't know the specific situation."

Seeing that it was Morgana, the guard immediately saluted nervously, and then took out the data terminal he carried with him.

"This is...?" Morgana stared at the light screen on the terminal, unable to see where it was for a while.

A three-dimensional map appeared on the light screen, and a spreading red dot appeared on the model map, repeating the sound of beeping. It's like a strong alarm signal, and it's like urging people who see it to flee here as soon as possible.

"It seems to be the storage warehouse for the experimental products."

"Ah, how did this happen!?"

Morgana's heart skipped a beat, and immediately her heart was raised in her throat, and she ran without saying a word.

The experimental product storage warehouse is too important to her!

In particular, storage warehouse No. 6, where the security measures are the strictest, not only stores a lot of experimental materials, but also unfinished project materials. But what worried her the most were the temporarily sealed specimens of tn38 biological clones, as well as a few precious No. 0 serums.

Serum No. 0 is isolated from leeches. As the most primitive medium substitute for human experiments, it has great practical value. Without them, it is impossible to synthesize the human immune serum of the experimental subject, and the tn38 virus will not be controlled in the experimental subject's body.

Morgana put the initial batch of No. 0 serum there and kept it separately from the laboratory to prevent accidents.

Once this thing has an accident, the consequences...

Morgana didn't dare to think about it anymore, her mind went blank, and she felt like she couldn't breathe.

However, the reality once again ruthlessly shattered Morgana's extravagant hopes.


A muffled sound penetrated the space.


Morgana was thrown to the ground by the terrifying air wave, her back hit the handrail of the stairs heavily, she screamed, dizzy, and almost fell downstairs.

Immediately afterwards, there were several loud bangs within a few seconds!

Just when she was about to arrive at storage warehouse No. 6, a series of explosions happened more than ten meters away!

In an instant, a figure flew out, several guards in the storage room were killed on the spot, and the scene was a mess.

Broken stones, glass, metal, and countless construction debris fell from a height of forty meters, and a strong shock wave hit, blasting a gap in the southeast corner of the entire building.

Afterwards, a scorching fire wave rushed towards the face, and strong flames spewed out from the gap, and quickly burned to the vicinity.

Morgana lost consciousness for a while. If the guards behind her did not desperately drag her to a nearby safe place, the high temperature of nearly 1,000 degrees would have been enough to burn her into charcoal.

Morgana woke up from a brief coma, feeling like she was falling apart. If she moved a little, there would be pain in several parts of her body. It seemed that she must have been injured.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and reinforcements arrived to help everyone retreat to other locations under the dense smoke and high temperature.

"Doctor, are you, you... injured?"

After leaving the scene, a guard inadvertently glanced at Morgana, his eyes widened in shock.

Until then, Morgana realized that her lower ribs, thighs and shoulders were seriously injured. Especially the shoulder, which was pierced through the shoulder blade by a metal object of more than 30 millimeters, which looked like a fragment of the door frame.

But strangely, there was no blood around the wound.

"It's okay... don't worry about me, I didn't hurt the vitals."

Morgana gritted her teeth, reached out and pulled out the metal bar, then threw it to the ground under the surprised gaze of the guard.

She didn't care about checking the injuries, and immediately followed the guards to the data center to find out the truth of the incident.

At this time, Morgana felt extremely hot all over, accompanied by a strong sense of hunger.

Of course she knew the reason for this—as early as in the leech experiment, she discovered that after the tn38 virus was fused with biological cells, another side effect would occur in extreme cases.

The cells in the host body will split into strong repairing power of the mycelium is like that of plants, which makes the tendon tissue heal quickly, and at the same time consumes an astonishing amount of energy.

At this point, the tn38 virus in her body was repairing the damaged cells, which turned into another life form.

According to other people, the confidential storage warehouse on the second floor of the annex building was damaged by an unknown attack. Not only the No. 6 storage warehouse was blown to pieces, but several other storage warehouses also disappeared at the same time.

Looking at the mess around her, Morgana's heart seemed to be crushed.

From the surveillance elsewhere, she saw that three hours ago, several people in optical camouflage sneaked into the storage warehouse.

These men were obviously well-trained, each performed their duties, and they all acted in unison. The electronic shielding device they used was so advanced that they did not trigger the alarm system of the storage warehouse, and stole a large amount of experimental materials in just a few minutes. Later, they installed a powerful directional destruction device on the central energy control system of Ross Medicine, in order to destroy all evidence.

A few hours later, a private security expert hired by Ross Medicine arrived.