Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 173

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

The Planetary Council and the military obstructed her research and designated her as a wanted criminal. Why?

In fact, Morgana had already figured it out.

Their "Project Titan" is indeed huge, based on many frontier scientific and technological fields of human beings, far more extensive and in-depth than her research. But it is undeniable that these people are both players and referees. They want to form a dominant situation in this field, which is tantamount to completely cutting off the development path of all latecomers.

But they forgot that Morgana is the originator of this field, and this approach cannot stop her.

The military worked briefly with Ross Medicine and did invest, but the military trusted her as much as she trusted the military—zero.

Morgana was convinced the relationship wasn't healthy to begin with. The purpose of the military is not pure, perhaps it is out of the idea of ​​making the best use of people and resources, first using her as a stepping stone to implement the "Titan Project", and then kicking her away when the conditions are ripe.

It is okay to take away her research results, but it is absolutely impossible to restrict her from continuing to explore!

This collision of wisdom between the two sides has caused the current chaotic situation. There is no end to this matter, it is an unsolvable situation.

This is a war, and only those who are willing to sacrifice everything can win the war!

However, war can't solve any problems, it will only create more troubles, and even the winning side will have to find other ways to solve them.

Morgana knows what she wants and the consequences of doing so, but she can't control that much at this stage. Her intuition told her that the purpose of the military's sudden attack on Ross Medicine was obvious, that is, the other party had already noticed her revenge plan!

Whether it was her way of stealing energy that was uncovered, or the secret she found in the stolen "zero serum", the military has obviously been furious since then.

If you don't want to sit still, you must act in advance!

All the anti-aging drugs produced and sold by Ross Medicine contain artificially cultured tn38 strain spores, and some virus raw materials were secretly added to food by the "Shadow Dancer Organization" and flowed into the market. When the original virus strain is dehydrated and freeze-dried, it is in the budding stage and can be latent in capsules or tablets. Once it enters the human body, it will quickly combine with the blood of the host to create another special ecology. This stage is called the activation period.

The scary thing is that these drugs are tailor-made viruses to fight back against the military.

Its mutation characteristics will spread at an extremely fast speed. After the strain matures, the host body becomes the source of infection. It can spread the power of the strain and affect other contacts.

Morgana had done a lot of experiments before. When tn38 was a sporozoite, these cuties would feign death and lie dormant. The hyphae would not divide or proliferate, and would hardly have any effect on the host. Medicines were as innocuous as cold medicine.

But after becoming a strain, it will lead the host into a new ecological field—

That's her domain!

Morgana can control the activation progress of the virus. At that time, with just one thought, the spores will change the host's body and force them to enter the stage of fusion and evolution with the host. After a few weeks, they will modify the host from the genetic level, and finally occupy the host's will.

Under that brand-new mechanism, if the ecology constructed by the host is unsuccessful, some people will undoubtedly die; on the contrary, if the ecology is successfully constructed, some people will turn into terrifying existences.

Morgana was lying on the cold operating table, extremely conscious.

She knew that only the high-level members of the Planetary Council could authorize the raid, because unless they had their acquiescence and assistance, it would be difficult for the military to launch such a large-scale attack.

Morgana also knew that the military had named her a wanted criminal in order to retaliate against her and make their actions more legal. But she didn't know that the Planetary Council had already prepared for the worst, not only trying to capture her alive, but also trying to wipe the entire cx155 off the map!

She was ready to force through that long-gestating plan, in order to increase her leverage and convince the military that she had the power to change everything. No one can stop this from happening except her.


Back to the military.

Although a week ago, they snatched the "zero serum" from the Ross Pharmaceutical warehouse, after research, they were surprised to find that Morgana seemed to be preparing to spread the tn38 virus. They want to stop all this, but the time is too short, and there is still no way to eliminate all this.

The military thought that this move was just Morgana's desperate jumping over the wall, but it never expected that the charge was sounded.

Once this matter was disclosed, the entire Planetary Council and its senior management were moved. Only then did they urgently declare Ross Medicine to the outside world as an illegal enterprise.

They didn't have time to understand the working mechanism of the tn38 virus. They didn't know that Morgana secretly added the research results to the medicine in the form of gene supplements, in order to deceive people, weaken the impact, and gradually replace the existing products. I also don't know that there is an invisible control protocol in the tn38 virus. This protocol can make the mutant who becomes the host controlled in a short period of time, so that it will not explode all at once.

Not to mention that the critical switch is only in the hands of Morgana.

The only thing the military can do is to arrest Morgana and torture her to find out what kind of medicine she sells in her gourd, and then try to control the situation as much as possible to avoid the worst situation.

At this time, the operation to round up Morgana and control the entire cx155 satellite city has begun. The military optimistically believes that the tn38 virus has not yet spread and is still within the controllable range, but they don't know that those viruses have already become "anti-aging medicines" and flowed into all parts of the world.

The original obstacle has become an alternative After the sound of the charge, the development of the situation greatly exceeded the control ability of the military.

Now, both sides are racing against time to see who can reach the end of the discoloration first.

Before the military operation started, a person was temporarily ordered to try to understand the meaning of the existence of "Serum Zero" and predict Morgana's next plan. This person was a young researcher, Su Zhe.

Because of his outstanding contribution in the "Project Titan" of the Planetary Council, he was transferred to the military headquarters to work as a researcher on a new subject. Su Zhe has heard about Morgana for a long time, and he has the same respect as everyone else. After all, Morgana's name is well-known in the biotechnology industry. She almost changed the history of mankind by herself. She is an academic figure spanning several research fields.

For Su Zhe, he only occasionally heard rumors about Ross Medicine, Morgana, and the military, but he devoted himself to research and did not understand any grievances and grievances between the two.

After several days of sleepless research, Su Zhe felt that he had discovered something interesting. Through further reverse genetic engineering research, he speculated that "serum zero" is a vaccine specially developed for tn38 mutants.