Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 176

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

On the walls and ceiling of the passage, there is a strange cobalt blue tone, which has a different kind of beauty.

This place is covered by icy liquid nitrogen pipelines, which are always kept at about forty degrees below zero, in order to keep the tn38 virus at its maximum vitality and precisely control the fusion process without causing fatal effects of genetic mutations on the experimental subjects.

Under Morgana's operation, the cobalt blue gradually faded, and behind the glass curtain wall at the end of the experimental area, a specially made super petri dish was revealed. Numerous pipelines connected to the base of the petri dish to maintain energy supply.

A large amount of energy stolen from the cx155 "stellar chain system" is firmly locked by the small fusion energy device here, like a storage battery. At present, the energy of the device has been fully charged, and even if it is running at full capacity, it can last for nearly a hundred years.

After the power source was cut off, the amniotic fluid in the Petri dish began to drop. Morgana's face was reflected on the mirror-like glass, staring intently at the figure inside the petri dish.

Through the thick walls of the petri dish, a woman can be seen soaking in it with her limbs stretched out. The woman's long hair fluttered, and her facial features looked like they were carved out of the same mold as Morgana, but she was obviously younger, and in fact it was.

This is Morgana's clone—the most successful result of biological experiments, the most perfect tn38+ human fusion, which she calls Nova.

Two hours ago, Nova received the blood drawn from Morgana's body, and quickly absorbed it in the petri dish. This special bloodline contains modified genetic codes, erasing all the defects of the subject, and inheriting Morgana's original genetic information from the body.

This is a product created by Morgana herself as an experimental subject. Nova can self-repair when the clone is genetically disordered, theoretically it can keep the body in the best state forever, it is her ultimate human experiment product.

But the most powerful ability of the clone Nova is definitely more than that.

Through continuous genetic modification technology, Morgana not only realized the ultimate dream of plant gene and biological fusion, but also improved the stability of clones to an unprecedented level.

The more important point is that Morgana eliminated the root cause of the occasional abnormality of the fusion body's consciousness, and converted the factors that inhibit the nerves into bioelectrical signals at the genetic source, so that the consciousness between herself and the clone body can be adjusted to a synchronized state.

This is a cross-generational work of bioengineering. If the researchers of the Planetary Council see it, it will definitely attract their shocked and envious eyes. Such a black technology sounds incredible, but in fact, it is the result of Morgana's thousands of failed experiments.

Morgana's consciousness is integrated into Nova's body, and what Morgana thinks can be felt by Nova, and vice versa.

Just like two closely entangled protons, the two can even share emotional fluctuations.

In a practical sense, two equally self-aware beings have merged into one to some extent.

Nova is Morgana herself, continuing her life, and Nova has become the real "shadow dancer" beside Morgana - a human-shaped sharp blade capable of self-evolution!

"Can you come out?"

Morgana closed her eyes, her heart throbbing.

When she opened her eyes again, Morgana felt Nova's powerful life responding to her. The amniotic fluid in the petri dish spun rapidly and flowed away from the groove at the bottom. Nova's blue eyes slowly opened, leaned against the wall of the tube, and stood up cautiously.

In her dream, Morgana looked no stranger, and the two had already had a tacit understanding.

"I haven't put on any clothes yet..." Nova stepped out of the petri dish, the frost on the skin was crystal clear, and the body was still covered with a very light but rising mist.

Even though Morgana had shut off the liquid nitrogen supply, the area remained as cold as an ice cellar.

Like a baby who just came out of the nursery, she looked at her body and said, "I... want to feel this power in my body... I hope you...don't mind too much..."

Nova's body temperature raised the surrounding temperature by nearly 40 degrees, and a little scarlet slowly emerged from the palm of her hand. It was a newly grown hyphae, which turned into a large piece in a few seconds, and quickly crawled up her arm. and shoulders, and then extend down the smooth skin.

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The two faced each other and met honestly for the first time, which still made Nova a little ashamed.

"You can wear this first." Morgana took off her coat and handed it to Nova, and said lightly, "This suit fits you well, but you won't be able to wear it for long. Anyway, there is no one else here. Let's go, I've already given it to you." More suitable clothes are ready, over there, you can call it a 'battle suit'."

"Battle suit?"

"Yes, it is a high-strength fabric that protects you. It is made according to my size. It can not only greatly extend your sensory capabilities, but also keep you alive."

There was no time to procrastinate, Morgana handed the clothes to the other party.

Nova must be allowed to leave this place as soon as possible, because next, she will deal with Li Yinlong, the lingering guy, alone.

Nova is what Morgana called the "Stairway to Eternal Life". What she has to do now is to send this seed of infinite power to the future.

The debt that history owes her will be paid off once and for all.

She wants everyone to see this result, and this research path is a success. Now, no matter who wants to put her to death, it is all in vain!


The two people accidentally touched each other with their fingers, a wonderful feeling like an electric shock, which shocked both Morgana and Nova physically and mentally!

"This feeling...what is it?" After a few seconds, Nova stared at Morgana with her blue eyes. The frown was furrowed, and the painful expression on his face hadn't completely faded away.

"It's a weird head is about to explode!"

"It's memory, I've shown you all my memories, let's go." Morgana turned and left without wanting to explain so much.

"It turned out to be a memory."

"Wait...wait a minute, are they targeting you?"

"That's right, these guys have a good time when they conspire. I have to complete that plan."

"You want to face them alone?"


"But I help you and kill them together..."

"No!" Morgana's voice suddenly became But when she turned her head, her face had returned to calm. "Not now, one day, you will understand, but now, I need you to live well."

"I understand that you want the virus to spread. But do you think... there is no other better way, can that really be used as a means of retaliation?" Nova's hand suddenly grabbed Morgana's shoulder, together Strong emotions came from between her fingers, impacting her consciousness.

That was Morgana's mood at the moment!

"Listen, I've been thinking about it for a long time, I started thinking about it two years ago! This is the only way for them to really know me," Morgana smiled wryly and shook her head, "Oh, I'm telling you this What's the use? It's completely unnecessary, we share the same mind, so there's no need to explain."

"Please, Morgana... I feel that you have no emotion in your heart right now, and there is no other emotion in your body, only anger."

There was a hint of confusion in Nova's eyes.