Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 191

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

She deciphered some deeply hidden content from the message, but she couldn't see the thoughts of those people at that time.

In the three years after the outbreak of the virus, the Planetary Council did not announce what Morgana did to the public, did not disclose the slightest truth, but "helped" Morgana to conceal the truth.

This practice is clearly for the greater good, but who benefits? Joyner racked her brains to recall, but could not think of any relevant records.

Is that all there is to that history? Georgina didn't figure it out until the end.

A few words in the message seem to describe an unexpected ending: the Planetary Council used its own voice to lead the whole incident in another strange direction. The virus incident was once called "an attack from an unknown source" —It is from outer space that humans have not yet understood.

In the darkness, bright green shimmers flickered regularly.

Cold and warm dance together, shadow and light.

The information was completely gone here, Joyner closed her eyes, shook her head, trying to expel those memories that would never come to fruition.

What a chaotic history of human beings. With just this chaotic information, she was completely unable to speculate on what happened later, so she was a little bit reconciled.

"Such an important event ended inexplicably like this? Is it collective amnesia... or is it artificially hidden?"

Joyner chanted silently, wandering in the dark depths of the corridor, constantly connecting the contents of these messages, trying to restore the whole incident.

The energy system emits a faint light, and the corner of the hall is illuminated extremely gloomy, like the twinkling of stars at night.

Joyner walked aimlessly in that direction, fragments of information kept popping up in her mind.

It was so tormenting, alas!

Suddenly, her fingers touched something cold, and when she looked down, it turned out to be a damaged shell of a device that had been sealed in dust for a long time.

Joyner stood there in a daze, then touched the rest of the shell.

There was also this kind of thing on the way here. Joyner knew that it was an external device of the energy system, which was used to control the power supply of various experimental instruments and quantum intelligence equipment. According to the information, Morgana once built several small energy stations underground in the laboratory.

The artificial intelligence brain that showed her the information before was powered by it. The outer skin of several thick cables had been peeled off and exposed, but they were still connected to the electronic parts of these devices, flickering and glowing in the dark.

"This thing is pretty well preserved... like the machines in the base that I woke up after hibernating..."

Joyner looked around and murmured softly.

She suddenly realized something, and her body froze instantly.

"That's not right... The quantum smart devices were activated after I arrived. However, after such a long time, these devices can still be activated..." Joyner stared at the surrounding devices for a while, and slowly closed her eyes so that Can think calmly and rationally.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes again.

Those intersecting light and dark lights flickered and appeared in her pupils, fresh, real, and mysterious, as if to remind Joyner why they resumed operation at this time.

"No, it doesn't make sense...why me?"

Joyna, who was full of doubts, kept walking, thinking of the believers who were desperately trying to open the sealed door of this place for her. They seemed to have known for a long time that they would be the only hope to save them.

Then, she thought of the last experiment Morgana did before she died, and she suddenly figured out something.

Before Morgana died, she told Nova that every important work of hers had been recorded, and all known experimental results and experimental data were hidden in the equipment in the laboratory here.

So to say…

Joyner's body trembled, and she quickly left the hall, turned back to the laboratory again, and reopened the last experimental information in the brain record.

"It's really hard to understand..."

Although her eyes were straight, her mind was swollen, and her mind was in a daze, this time, she no longer skimmed through it, but carefully read all the contents and data of the experiment.

A few hours later, tired, she finally felt that she had found the answer she thought.

Nearly 90% of the information recorded in the experiment involves extremely profound professional knowledge, including biology, genetics, genetic engineering, ecology, medicine, and even physics and chemistry.

Although Joyna could recognize every word in the message, when these words were formed into a vocabulary, they became a bible, and Joyna couldn't understand them at all based on her level of knowledge.

With strong perseverance and determination, she pondered the final description of each experiment, gnawed through all the information, and tried to draw a conclusion based on her own understanding: the terrifying ecosystem created by Morgana had actually just woken up.

It's an astonishing inference, but Joyner thinks it's the most plausible explanation so far.

In the final experiment, Morgana used her own genes without hesitation. There were two reasons for doing so. One was to accelerate the growth of the clone Nova and become a mature body as soon as possible; The huge ecological network dominated by her consciousness.

To put it simply, the initial establishment of this ecological network was based on Morgana's genes, which were continuously extended and expanded. Just like a huge nervous system, each part of the fungus that makes up the system is relatively independent, but tn38 can use plants everywhere to infect, and keep Morgana's consciousness as a copy forever.

A key issue was documented in the message: Experiments may take a long time to complete before results are available.

Because, Morgana used her genes to limit the scale of the ecological network she built to a specific This range was measured by the computing level of the quantum brain at that time.

Each point of genetic code originally calculated is composed of sixteen nucleotide molecules, and there are millions of points containing genetic code, and they must be paired in pairs to form a complete form, but all Disordered by some incomprehensible rule.

You know, the human genome is composed of 23 pairs of chromosomes, including 22 pairs of autosomes, one y chromosome, and one x chromosome, with a total of 3.16 billion dna base pairs.

After the human body is infected by tn38, more unknown variables appear in dna, and the scale suddenly rises to hundreds of millions, which makes the calculation amount increase exponentially!

This is like piecing together hundreds of millions of shredded passwords. It is extremely difficult to arrange and combine them correctly and compare them with simple known sequences. Therefore, the result of the calculation cannot be deciphered at all with the technical level at that time.

However, Morgana still bravely tried to get this far. Push that button decisively, at the cost of your life.

In other words, her experimental calculation time may last for decades, or even hundreds of years...