Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 192

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

In order to ensure that the calculation can continue, Morgana must maintain the energy supply of the quantum brain to finally complete the experiment, and this is why she built an independent nuclear energy heavy water reaction device underground in the laboratory.

So far, this system is still running silently underground. After hundreds of years, the ecosystem of Morgana's dream may have just been established.

Joyner was thoughtful and silent for a long time, she was a little dazed by the result of her deduction.

Looking around, the ubiquitous ruins seem to confirm the evidence of time.

She put her hands on the floor, took a few deep breaths, then raised her head, and found that everything was shaking and blurring, as if covered in layers of mist, and even her own body was shaking along with it. followed by blur.

Although Joyna didn't understand this part of the information very thoroughly, but judging from her superficial knowledge and experience, this should be the case.

Joyner then shook her head, thinking of the followers of Morgana she had seen before.

So, a huge confusion lingered in my mind: Why are there still many tn38 infected people after such a long time?

For those believers, this is their temple, but do they know what happened here?

A calm and charming fragrance drilled into Joyner's nose.

She noticed the fluorescent lights flickering from time to time in the ruins. The green and cobalt blue plants had bloomed flower buds, and the stems and leaves grew tiny buds, shimmering with a strange luster, and even doubled.

The fluorescence here is different from other places. The brightness is not high, but the number is extremely large. It seems to pierce the ground and extend to a certain area deep underground.

Joyner's emotions were no longer tense, and her mind quickly calmed down, as if she was staring at the purest darkness in the dead of night.

"There must be a deeper reason... There are so many devout believers, and they feel something different from others. Is there something underneath?"

Joyner murmured, stood up, and walked slowly following the guidance of the fluorescent light.

As far as she knows, although mold viruses are called viruses, they are by no means comparable to ordinary viruses. They themselves are the oldest species born on earth, and can be said to be the ancestors of all species. Different from the survival mode of absorbing nutrients from the host after the virus kills the host, the mold can completely occupy the host's body and brain, live symbiotically with the host, and evolve into another life form after a period of time.

Once the mold virus infects the host, there is no solution, and the process is irreversible.

The so-called host has become a dual ecosystem and a new individual organism. It is impossible to only kill the mold and keep the original human body. It is even more impossible to restore the original ecology of the host, that would only hurt both sides, this is a matter of common sense.

Therefore, there is only one way to cut off the connection between individuals and get rid of the mold ecosystem, and that is complete destruction!

It's a really bad feeling...

Joyner seemed to understand Morgana's mood at that time, and thought bitterly.

Unknowingly, Joyner came to the room she had seen the first time. The giant petri dish here was unusually tall, and it was still standing in place despite signs of damage. The surrounding plants also had the most and brightest fluorescence.

Georgina stopped and took a quick glance.

When passing by here before, she was attracted by other facilities here, and completely ignored the plants that can be seen everywhere.

In my impression, the plants don't seem to emit light, right?

But now, the unusualness here makes Joyner feel that the countless plants are like a road paved with fluorescent lights, which seem to be guiding her, suggesting her to go and find out.

"Everything that exists must leave traces... Memories can be forgotten, but the remaining traces must have their origin."

When Joyner started exerting her strength, trying to pull the wall of the petri dish, those fluorescent lights suddenly shook, like a ghost, crawled towards her arm, some even climbed to her shoulder.

"This is!"

Joyner was taken aback, retracted her arm like lightning, and stopped moving.

In the abandoned train cemetery under the night, Joyner was attacked by an inexplicable plant. Although she didn't know it was Morgana at the time, but now she knows it, so her subconscious vigilance still exists.

But this time, she seemed to feel differently.

Because those plants also stopped stretching and wriggling immediately, and the flower buds and shoots swayed slightly, nodding and nodding, as if conveying some kind of powerful consciousness, looking forward to her further actions.

Joyner looked around, her fingers trembling uncontrollably, feeling incredible in her heart.

"Strange...they didn't want to attack me..."

She made a quick judgment.

The plants that are full of eyes are swaying, like the undulations of the strange sea. In this space, it makes people feel unreal.

She closed her eyes slowly, not wanting to be disturbed by the vision, and concentrated on thinking.

All the fluorescent colors disappeared in an instant, and the surroundings became quiet.

In Joyner's mind, the vague and confused feeling gradually became stable, and she felt a kind of power. In the ear, it seems to hear some kind of sound—the sound of plants!

Fluorescent strands stretched infinitely, as if a big net was intertwined in her mind, and she was instantly shocked by this spectacle!

According to the message, Morgana built a mold ecological network so that she can control the overall situation. The size of this ecological network is probably determined by the density of plant settlements. Because most of the units of measurement appearing in information data are expressed in units of length, area or chemical energy, which can be called ecological scale.

After the construction is completed, the area covered by the plants will be the same as the real world. It is an extended area of ​​the host's consciousness, and interacts through some unknown connection.

Based on these points, Joyner speculated that Morgana's ability to control plants through the ecological network at that time should also have a range, otherwise wouldn't it be boundless? If left unchecked, eventually, the entire planet will be covered in mold.

This is obviously impossible and has never happened.

Although she doesn't know whether her judgment is correct, Joyner can only speculate like this at the moment.

When she opened her eyes Joyner started to flip the petri dish without hesitation, she wanted to see what kind of mystery was hidden underneath!

As expected, the plants responded to her again when she started to move.

Countless vines converged on Joyner's body, and scattered tentacles covered her whole body, becoming her arms, tools, assistance, and even her powerful source of strength.


Metal snapped and old petri dishes groaned.

Joyner, who already had amazing strength, and with the help of the terrifying power of plants, easily pushed away the base of the petri dish.

In an instant, a gust of icy cold air rushed towards the face, and a bottomless pit appeared in front of him, as well as a broken and decayed lifting device.

Familiar structure, familiar material, familiar feeling.

Joyner just glanced at it, and understood what a huge area was connected under the deep pit!