Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 213

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

The night in the wilderness is lonely and cold.

At this moment, the thick clouds in the sky dispersed, and the color suddenly changed. In the dim yellow, the light penetrated the clouds and shone on the earth.

For some reason, there was a strong wind outside, flying sand and rocks, lightning and thunder. For a moment, a large amount of acidic rain fell from the sky, and the sun reappeared. In the haze of the storm, it looked like a burning sun disk in the last days, and the earth was shrouded in blood red.

Nova had never seen such a strange sight before, and was shocked for a long time. Maybe it was an instinctive reaction, maybe it was the rain that made her skin react, and she thought she should find a place to hide from the rain.

Nova ran up a small hill, leaned against a stone wall, and looked around. There was a slightly sour smell in the air, and the mist pressed down on the ground further away, and the visible range plummeted.

Afterwards, Nova saw something bright not far away, the shadow of the bonfire was shaking, and there should be a village not far away. She immediately cheered up and walked over quickly.

After getting closer, she realized that there was a collapsed bridge hole behind the hill. The bridge looked like a relic of a giant overpass from a bygone era, and she could even make out the asphalt and the mottled streaks on it.

There are a few families living in the village, and the outside is blocked by a large area of ​​bushes, so they can't see clearly, but Nova is sure that this place is like a paradise that never leaves the city, and it looks so incongruous in the wilderness.

Nova's eyesight can see things hundreds of meters away in the dark. She saw people planting a few vegetable fields and man-made fences. She also vaguely heard dogs barking.

Leading to the hole a few meters deep under the bridge, she noticed that someone was holding a weapon on guard. The weapon was crude and crude, and most of it was transformed from a farm tool.

For her arrival, the watchman was very panicked, shouted a few times, and immediately rang the iron bell. After hearing the sound coming from a distance, several families were naturally afraid, stopped their work and ran away. When they fled into the house in panic, they closed the door heavily, with such force that the plaster on the ceiling fell off.

Nova watched silently, a little at a loss.

One day's experience convinced her that the pressure of survival of people in this era is far beyond imagination. These people are protecting themselves and avoiding danger. It seems that this place is often harassed by villains and violence, so it is not safe.

This situation is embarrassing, but it can't stop Nova's footsteps. She had to find a place to rest and spend the long night, preferably chatting with the locals, to gain a clearer understanding of the world.

Nova appeared in other people's yards like a ghost. When she stood in front of people, the villagers fell into a strange state, which aroused the deepest physiological reactions in their bodies and minds. Some shook their heads and trembled, and some cried bitterly, like Saw something horrific.

Nova understood that they had seen too many cruel things, they couldn't maintain reason, and only fear remained in their hearts. In this era of collapse of order, even the basic form of family is difficult to organize, and the biggest obstacle to human survival has become human beings themselves.

In addition to survival, human beings have no other choice, and in order to survive, all kinds of development must be restricted or even stopped indefinitely. It is undoubtedly a luxury to want to live the life of the pre-civilized era, and it must be very difficult to restore the glory of the old era.

After Nova's constant explanation and reassurance, the villagers were not so afraid, and they were willing to believe that the woman in front of them was just a wanderer in the wilderness, who just wanted to find a place to rest, and was not a bad person.

In fact, they are also very clear that the thugs are all in groups, and it is impossible for them to wander around alone in such a lonely way. So after a brief exchange, a family received her, but they were not very willing.

There were more than a dozen people in the yard. Nova saw that these people seemed to have some kind of disease. They were covered with erythema and swelled like peas. It was called mustard disease.

After a rough understanding, I learned that they were driven out of the settlement by other people and wandered here. Only by keeping warm in groups can they not fend for themselves.

Even if he didn't observe carefully, Nova was surprised to find that the mustard disease was caused by mutated mold. This is the primary infection stage, and it has a lot to do with Morgana or myself. If left unchecked, these people will be eroded by mutation for a few months at most, and will turn into walking corpses and die miserably.

Without further ado, Nova immediately decided to use her ability to eliminate mustard for the villagers.

She gently picked up the palm of a villager, and held it with both hands... When the green light climbed along the surface of the skin, the villagers were terrified, and wanted to withdraw their hands with their round eyes, but Nova was so powerful that he held onto the opponent tightly. Nullify his efforts.

For Nova, it was just a loss of metabolism in his body. With her powerful ability, absorbing these mutated molds is easy.

After that, under the miraculous power of this foreigner, everyone witnessed the disappearance of mustard disease and was completely cured.

The villagers were all dumbfounded, with fear, excitement and shock in their eyes.

In addition to being shocked, he was overwhelmed with admiration. Next, it took Nova less than ten minutes for everyone to regard her as their savior and saint.

Speaking of which, Nova was just a young girl at that time, and she didn't know much about the world.

She is very happy at this moment, because the first thing she has to do is to examine herself, gain the trust of others, and then change something. Most of these people looked at her with awe and longing, which just proved this point.

For the first time, Nova experienced the power of reverence. She feels like she has picked off the forbidden fruit from the tree, and she is imparting knowledge to people, preaching and accepting karma to solve doubts, being the Prometheus of this era.

Facing this group of rabble, she even wanted to give everyone a popular science about the glory of the past era.

But besides that Nova also realized one thing: even bugs in the gutter have the right to look up at the starry sky.

After nightfall, she cured the scabies of these people one after another, and the villagers were overjoyed. Each family took out food and put together a sumptuous "banquet" that was barely worth it. After eating, Nova sat around the bonfire with the others and chatted. She asked questions, and everyone answered in a hurry, and finally figured out what they were afraid of.

It is reported that within a few hundred miles of this place, there are probably dozens of human settlements. They are scattered in plains, mountainous areas, etc., ranging from six or seven households to as many as twenty or thirty households. The scale is not large, but they are separated by a considerable distance.

The ruler here is named Mo Tie, nicknamed "Black Tower". It is a giant nearly three meters tall, with astonishing strength and brutality.

Heita's subordinates gathered about 40 to 50 thugs, and the locals called them the Heita Gang. This group of people wandered around the various settlements all day long, burning, killing, looting, and looting houses. Except for personnel affairs, they basically did everything.

Fearing the Black Tower Gang, the villagers often took turns patrolling the perimeter of the settlement. If there was any movement, they immediately abandoned their family property and fled to the nearby hills and bushes to hide. They did not dare to go home until a few days after the mobs left.