Star of Civilization

v2 Chapter 214

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Civilization Star God Tribulation!

Nova immediately understood that he must be regarded as a member of the gang.

Since the Black Tower Gang hadn't been here for a while, it happened that she came here alone at this time, and she hadn't met the village patrol team, so the villagers thought she was from the Black Tower Gang when they saw the stranger breaking in at first glance. Fear arises in my heart.

She thought of the guys who had been following her all the time, they didn't look like ordinary villains, they were probably the whistle of the Black Tower Gang. They followed him almost all the way, and they didn't see any movement. Could it be that they have other plans?

Just as he was thinking, someone ran in panic and reported that a stranger had been found in a certain place. It looked like the Black Tower Gang, and they were not far away.

These patrolling villagers patrol the hilly area and surrounding water points, settlements, and roads every day. They are worried that the Black Tower Gang will suddenly send people to attack this place. They should be right.

At this time, the sky was dark, and it was the time when the thugs would often commit violence. The villagers were so frightened that their faces turned ashen, and their souls were scattered. Several people ran out.

"Don't be afraid, leave it to me!"

Nova immediately stopped these people, and without thinking about it, she uttered bold words, the Black Tower Gang and the like are nothing to be afraid of, she can deal with it alone, they just need to feel at ease.

I said this not only to repay the villagers, but more importantly, Nova felt that she might be the one who attracted these people, so she had to make an explanation.

Despite her persuasion, the villagers were still terrified and expressed their inner astonishment countless times. Obviously, the villagers were skeptical of Nova's words. If they hadn't seen her miraculous methods with their own eyes, they might have disappeared long ago.

Fear, there is no reason to speak of, Nova knew in his heart, unless it was an idiot, or had a mental problem.

Fear is a good thing, this is one of the principles Nova learned from birth in the laboratory. Knowing fear means that there is something worth fearing in front of you, and you can increase your vigilance. There's no need to overcome fear, just don't get overwhelmed by it.

But on the other hand, it also shows that these villagers have suffered from the gangs, and they will save them no matter what they say.

Ten thousand rhetoric is worse than seeing it once with your own eyes.

Nova assured people that if they didn't believe her, they could send someone to hide in the dark and watch, leaving her outside alone to see how she dealt with the villains.

The villagers looked at each other, trembling with fear, but there was some hesitation in their eyes.

It seemed like a good proposition, they would just have to watch from a distance, without having to show up at all. If these villains can be made to suffer a bit, their future life will be much easier.

After seeing the expressions of the villagers, Nova was also enlightened almost instantly.

I thought to myself, this chaotic world is like this, human life is like a straw, and there is no order at all. If people want to restore the glory of the past, they must first solve the predicament of survival and build trust with each other.

Only when the fear of these people came into reality, Nova realized that this was the mission she wanted to accomplish. People's state no longer exists, people's hearts are old, it's like building a skyscraper with your own hands, the foundation is always from scratch, and sometimes the situation is worse.

Accept the way these people live, or lead them to create a different world?

She had to restore people's self-confidence, their convictions, their past fears. To achieve this goal in such an era, there is no other way except for powerful military force, spiritual power, appeal and condensed totalitarian means.

So, why not start now?

Dark, silent, formless, eternal. There was the occasional cry of various birds, a cold wind, and then sudden flashes of fire and vibrations, and the sound of horses' hoofs beating the hard ground.

Six or seven figures soon appeared on the rocky path.

On the opposite side was a man riding a horse, with a whip in his hand, approaching slowly.

Behind the horse were several thugs with black cloth wrapped around their heads. The black cloth hangs down very long, twisted a few times and tied around the neck, only half of the face is exposed, which is exactly the outfit of the Black Tower Gang. They held knives, axes and torches, with rampant faces and cruel smiles on their mouths, looking fierce and vicious.

Surrounding the small village is a no-man's land called "Wind Hills". It is a mountainous area covered by ancient forests. The villagers are hiding in the bushes, not daring to make a sound.

Nova watched the people approaching from the opposite side, standing motionless in the middle of the road.

This is the first time she has shown extraordinary abilities in the wild, but without a trace of timidity. The plants and trees around her move at will, and they are all her powerful killing weapons.

The sharp-eyed villagers trembled, because they recognized that the little leader on the horse was the third child of the Black Tower Gang.

Nicknamed "Old Bopi", this person has a cruel temperament and the most cruel and ruthless means. He often wanders around various settlements, causing **** cases, including even children whose arms are broken, disabled and then killed. The murderer slit their throats, slit their chests, and ripped off the cloak from their backs.

He also slaughtered countless unarmed foreign refugees, their heads were smashed, just because the other party couldn't afford money to pay for their lives.

The third child of the Heita gang sat lazily on the horse, shaking the whip made of iron chains with one hand, and seeing someone blocking the way on the road, he tilted his head to look at it, spit on the ground, then his eyes shone brightly, and he smiled.

In the barren village, a young girl with a strange appearance but a lovely appearance appeared in front of him alone, which obviously made him feel a little unbelievable.

Several subordinates looked at Nova covetously. One of them leaned in front of the third child, stretched his neck, and muttered something in a low voice. The third child's expression changed and he jumped off the horse.

Although it was several meters away, Nova heard clearly, what the subordinate said to him was, "This is the girl, our brothers followed her all the way, absolutely right."

Just in case, for fear of killing the wrong person, Nova first asked the other person's identity.

After getting an affirmative answer and ruthless ridicule from the other party, she shot mercilessly!

The forest suddenly fell into golden pheasant shut its mouth, the croaking of crows disappeared instantly, and the chirping of magpies also stopped abruptly, and the forest froze due to fear.

Before one of his subordinates had time to react, his ankle was strangled by a vine that came out of nowhere, he screamed and cursed loudly.

The others were stunned for a few seconds before they realized it. They screamed strangely and rushed forward brandishing their weapons.

However, before this group of people got close to Nova, countless vines were wrapped around their calves, waist, and ankles, and they became tighter and tighter.

With clang clang clang clang, everyone was forced to drop their weapons and fell to the ground, instantly losing resistance and walking ability. The Achilles tendon of both feet seemed to be severed by an invisible sharp weapon, struggling endlessly in pain.

"Old Pepper" was also extremely shocked, petrified on the spot.

A gust of mountain wind blew, and a red liquid with a fishy smell gushed out from the thugs, and was quickly thrown into the air, like an erupting crater.

It's a pity that this smell couldn't cover up the death breath in the glade.